I’m actually surprised it’s taken this long for the pro-Hamas folks to start adding in all sorts of their typical pet peeves, because there’s nothing like a bunch pampered, entitled, and often rich (at least their parents are) college kids yammering and giving speeches and holding signs and such while not actually doing anything (non-paywalled at Yahoo)
It’s Not Just the Gaza Strip: Student Protesters See Links to a Global Struggle
Talk to student protesters across the country, and their outrage is clear: They have been galvanized by the scale of death and destruction in the Gaza Strip, and will risk arrest to fight for the Palestinian cause.
For most of them, the war is taking place in a land they’ve never set foot in, where those killed — 34,000 so far, according to local health authorities — are known to them only through what they have read or seen online.
But for many, the issues are closer to home, and at the same time, much bigger and broader. In their eyes, the Gaza conflict is a struggle for justice, linked to issues that seem far afield. They say they are motivated by policing, mistreatment of Indigenous people, discrimination toward Black Americans and the impact of global warming.
Well, now it’s in the open. It’s like somewhat like Occupy Wall Street: while initially they had an idea that most could agree with, how Wall Street was being given tons of money at the expense of Main Street, they quickly went down the route of pushing all their other hardcore leftist beliefs. And had filthy encampments. Of course, most do not agree with how the current lunatics are essentially taking the side of Hamas while calling for the destruction of Israel, killing Jews, and a global Intifada.
In interviews with dozens of students across the country over the past week, they described, to a striking degree, the broad prism through which they see the Gaza conflict, which helps explain their urgency — and recalcitrance.
Ife Jones, a first-year student at Emory University in Atlanta, linked her current activism to the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, which her family had participated in.
“The only thing missing was the dogs and the water,” Jones said of the current pushback to demonstrators.
I’m quite confident that there’s a huge difference when you’re advocating for eradicating Jews from the face of the Earth. As she protests from a school which costs almost $60K a year in tuition alone, so, it’s not like she’s some poor, oppressed minority. Just cosplaying at it, like most.
In interviews, the language of many protesters was also distinctive. Students freely salted their explanations with academic terms like intersectionality, colonialism and imperialism, all to make their case that the plight of Palestinians is a result of global power structures that thrive on bias and oppression.
“As an environmentalist, we pride ourselves on viewing the world through intersectional lenses,” said Katie Rueff, a first-year student at Cornell University. “Climate justice is an everyone issue. It affects every dimension of identity, because it’s rooted in the same struggles of imperialism, capitalism — things like that. I think that’s very true of this conflict, of the genocide in Palestine.”
Wackadoodle. But, not surprising. Climate cultists always try and put everything in context of their cult.
Jawuanna McAllister, a 27-year-old doctoral candidate in cell and molecular biology at Cornell, pointed to the name of the student group she is affiliated with: the Coalition for Mutual Liberation.
“It’s in our name: mutual liberation,” McAllister said. “That means we’re anti-racist, anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist organization. We believe that none of us can be free and have the respect and dignity we deserve unless all of us are free.”
Cornell: $57K a year in tuition alone. Cosplay. And, of course the little wackos are yammering about hating the police….you know, the ones who protect their rich families.
The student movement in support of Palestinians has been built over decades by linking to other issues. Students for Justice in Palestine, a loosely connected confederation that began to emerge in the early 1990s at the University of California, Berkeley, consciously invited other activists — environmentalists, opponents of American intervention in Latin America, critics of the Gulf War — broadening the group’s base.
Today, the group’s national steering committee claims more than 200 autonomous chapters, most of them in the United States. And they often work with other student groups.
And that’s the root of the Jew hatred: they started listening to the Muslim Brotherhood backed students and advisors, getting them to care about the plight of the so-called Palestinians, and then moving the groups to the destruction of Israel and killing Jews while backing Islamic extremism and full on Muslim terrorist groups. This was part of the plan by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Antisemitism, almost all the student protesters said, is a real concern.
But they said they just do not see it around them — not in their encampments, not among the other protesters, not in their chants, such as “from the river to the sea.” (In their view, “from the river to the sea” is not a call to wipe out the state of Israel, but a call for peace and equality.)
Except, Hamas, Hezbollah, the average Palestinian, all see that call as the replacement of Israel with a Palestinian nation. I guess they don’t see Jew hatred in chants of globalizing the Intifada, on backing Hamas, on killing Jews. On wearing Intifada keffiyehs. Etc and so on. They’ve been taught to not see it.
Anyhow, it’s cute they have their language down and are rolling all their pet peeves into one big ball of virtue signaling. Where is their outrage at the gender apartheid in Iran? Innocent women in Iran continue to be tortured and executed but these students ignore them blatantly. Why? Well, have fun with trying to get a decent job after graduation when companies see their links to Jew hatred and support of terrorists.

Nothing quite like fighting for a better “First World” than supporting those wholly opposed to Western civilization.
Saw a photo purportedly of “American students convert(ing) to Islam, weeks after becoming full time pro-Palestine activists.” At least four of those in Western dress appear to be female. Has anyone told these women, living in Western civilization, what being Islamic means for women?
Israeli dad of three, believed to be hostage in Gaza, confirmed dead

I have heard there are only 40 hostages left and that is doubtful.
I heard similar. The rest were killed or sold to other groups months ago. Moslems never really gave up slavery.
Even Hamas might not fully know who they are holding who is still alive, because they scattered the seized hostages out.
But they can never say that they are all dead, because at that point the Israelis will unleash the same Hell that God did to Sodom and Gomorrah on what’s left of Gaza.