They keep telling us this is about science, but, they also keep telling us that marginalized people will suffer the worst from a tiny increase in global temperatures. And, you know who they always think are the marginalized and poor folks?
After adopting its own Green New Deal, a college town sets a new target
Five years after setting some of the most ambitious climate targets in the nation, Ithaca, N.Y., is hoping to set a new standard. The city council unanimously voted this week to require that half the funding spent on its energy transition and on major infrastructure investments go toward those residents most at risk from climate change. (snip)
“It’s impossible to separate economic and social injustice from the impacts of climate change,” said Ithaca mayor Robert Cantelmo in an interview just after the council voted unanimously to adopt the new framework, called Justice50. The legislation, he said, is an attempt to right the city’s history of putting poorer communities in the path of more pollution and environmental disinvestment. (snip)
The Justice50 framework will require that half the city’s spending on major infrastructure upgrades and its Green New Deal reach communities most vulnerable to climate change. That includes the city’s historically Black Southside neighborhood, much of which the federal government recently designated a flood-risk zone. New investments could include greater flood protection in at-risk neighborhoods, and helping lower-income residents reduce energy costs, the mayor said.
It’s interesting how climate cultists, who are mostly Democrats, always think that black folks are poor, vulnerable, and can only survive with the helping hand of government, eh? Totally not a racist attitude, right?
Op-Ed: Climate Change Poses Severe Risks to Vulnerable Jersey City Residents
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is affected more of them all? As an international public health student, I’ve observed that climate change affects different populations unequally, regardless of their geographic location or country. People with fewer economic resources and certain racial/ethnic minorities are disproportionately affected due to climate change. In the state of New Jersey, heat events are predicted to increase both in intensity and duration. This summer in Jersey City, we must acknowledge that climate change isn’t just an environmental issue but also a significant public health concern. (snip)
Increased heat can pose a threat to human health, causing heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat stroke, with symptoms such as fatigue, high body temperature, profuse sweating, nausea, or vomiting. However, does everyone experience the effects of rising temperatures equally? Well, the answer is no. The impact is not equal; people with fewer economic resources and certain racial/ethnic groups like non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic populations are disproportionately affected by heat waves due to substandard housing without proper insulation and limited access to cooling. As heat waves become more intense and persistent, air conditioning is now considered a basic necessity. Unfortunately, residents with fewer resources often lack access to air conditioning, leading to increased heat-associated deaths, which are predicted to rise in the coming years.
What the hell is a “non-Hispanic Black”? Anyhow, Democrats love thinking that blacks and Hispanics are always poor, downtrodden, and cannot survive without lots of government help. They apparently cannot afford A/C, and are too stupid in Liberal World to keep from dying from the heat. Racism.

Sen. Kennedy just won’t let up on so-called “climate activists”.
Are you gonna call me a sick fuck?

Senator Foghorn Leghorn is a sick fuck. He inherited the Louisiana Sick Fuck Senate seat from sick fuck David Vitter.
Read Senator Kennedy in the Senate: “I got a new strap-on harness today. I can’t wait to put it on you. It will fit my favorite dildo perfectly. You’re going to look so hot. I can’t wait to have your cock in my mouth. I’m going to give you the blowjob of your life. Then I want you inside of me.”
Sick fuck.
And once again Karen (aka Rimjob) tries to use another quote out of context to try and smear the brilliant and honorable Senator John Kennedy(R-La).
Here’s the context:
Your obvious stupidity is overwhelming but I am always delighted to point out your sickness and your inherent dishonesty.

Google has removed this Trump ad claiming it violates their “guidelines.” – Video
[…] Ithaca, NY, Looks To Extend Their Green New Deal, Patronize Marginalized People […]
Here’s a thought-maybe the libs, instead of censoring opponents, need to come up with better arguments..nah..that would never work….
Another item to file under “The soft prejudice of lowered expectations.”
William Teach: What the hell is a “non-Hispanic Black”?
Hispanic is an ethnicity. Black is a racial classification. Hispanics can be white, black, Amerindian, Asian, or a mix of different races; reflecting the complex immigration patterns of Latin America. Consequently, blacks can be Hispanic or non-Hispanic.
Ops, the children are back, another semester in lower school has started.
And he is wrong.
david7134: And he is wrong.
You are wrong (illustrating the vacuity of your reply). You might want to explain how we are wrong.
NO. I don’t trade comments with children who are not very intelligent and lacking in knowledge. And I don’t care to do your home work for your debate group.
Someone banned them over at Maggie’s Farm so they have no other place to troll.

They are also not appreciated at Legal Insurrection.
david7134: NO.
Consequently, our original comment stands.
Commenter: Hispanic is an ethnicity. Black is a racial classification. Hispanics can be white, black, Amerindian, Asian, or a mix of different races; reflecting the complex immigration patterns of Latin America. Consequently, blacks can be Hispanic or non-Hispanic.
Denying Commenters: Is not. You’re a poophead!
Solid arguments there, Denying Commenters, solid arguments all…
Our esteemed host quoted:
Since blacks and Hispanics are actually from the global South, wouldn’t they be far better adapted to more intense and persistent heat waves than we non-Hispanic Nordic and Aryan peoples? We need the air conditioning, while they do not.
In their reports, the Census Bureau separates out “white alone”, “black or African American alone,” and “white alone, not Hispanic or Latino,” in their demographics reports — documentation: see Philly demographics — but, oddly enough, there’s no “black alone, not Hispanic or Latino,” even though there clearly are black Hispanic populations. The government are still very uncomfortable in trying to define race and ethnicity.
If it’s any consolation to Mr Dana, as the Earth warms evolution will select for darker skin!!
If he were to have any descendants they are likely to be darker-skinned in a few generations!
Maybe this will get the far-right on board with, rather than denying, global warming. “Global warming makes more Black people!” LOL.
Dana: there’s no “black alone, not Hispanic or Latino,” even though there clearly are black Hispanic populations.
Your link is to “Quick Facts”. Instead, see U.S. Census Bureau Guidance on the Presentation and Comparison of Race and Hispanic Origin Data
Elwood P. Dowd: If it’s any consolation to Mr Dana, as the Earth warms evolution will select for darker skin!!
Darker skin is due to melanin, which protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, not heat.