No matter the issue, the climate cult will blame it on hotcoldwetdry
Antarctica has long been loved by astronomers for hosting rocks from outer space — more than 48,000 meteorites cataloged were found here, and about 1,000 new ones are recovered each year, thanks to their dark profiles that are easy to spot on the icy white plains of the frozen continent. However, as human-driven climate change raises temperatures in the isolated South Pole at twice the rate as elsewhere on Earth, approximately 5,000 meteorites are heating up and sinking into the ice every year and becoming inaccessible, a new study finds.
“This is shocking — you are losing five times as many meteorites as you are finding,” says Harry Zekollari, a glaciologist at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium and the co-author of the new study. “I wasn’t expecting we’d lose so many.”
How dare you cause this!
About 300,000 to 850,000 meteorites are yet to be collected from Antarctica’s ice sheets, and in recent years researchers have already found them to be perched partly in the ice sheet, rather than fully exposed. Even when temperatures are well below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius), the sunlight warms the meteorites, whose dark profiles soak up solar radiation more easily than other types of rocks, says Tollenaar. The warmed meteorites then melt underlying ice into pools of water which over time deepens into a hole, sinking the rocks. After the water refreezes into ice during local winters, the meteorites become inaccessible.
So, it’s the sun that’s doing this? Not you driving a fossil fueled vehicle?
The findings are based on a machine-learning model developed by Tollenaar and her colleagues, which estimates the number of meteorites visible across various regions in Antarctica under different warming conditions. Using the algorithm, the researchers had previously created a treasure map depicting 600 unexplored meteorite-rich zones, to aid the search for meteorites. In the latest study, the researchers forecast how many meteorites would be lost under varying climate change conditions, based on their previous climate-modeling work. The findings indicate that over the next few decades, somewhere between 4,000 to 6,000 rocks in such zones will sink into the ice every year, while over 75 percent would disappear by the end of this century, according to the study, which was published this month in the journal Nature Climate Change.
Under current policies, which may cause global warming of about 4.7 F (2.6 C), nearly 30 percent of the space rocks will become unrecoverable by 2050, the study finds.
So, computer models while using a silly scaremongering doomy prognostication of temperature, even though it’s only gone up around 1.5F since 1850. Regardless, the sun is going to do what the sun does, and hits hard at the poles during peak summertime in the Antarctic.

IOW. Global Whining has nothing to do with it.
From the excised portion:
This is in a SCIENCE journal? They’re getting as bad as Pseudo-Scientific American. If these stones are sitting on an ice sheet, how much insolation they pick up relative to other stones – presumably those NOT lying on the ice sheet – are immaterial.
“Save the Meteorites!” All you need to do is pay more in taxes, and get rid of your already-paid-off gasoline-powered car and take out a mortgage to buy a new Chevy Dolt.
Whiny McTeach whines that the Earth has only warmed “1.5F since 1850.”
It’s true that computer models have NOT accurately predicted the warming of Antarctica which is warming faster than predicted. West Antarctica has warmed 5.4F, the interior 3F.
Why are the meteorites sinking into the ice now when they weren’t before? Is the sunlight stronger than before? Is the ice weaker than before?
The Earth is warming as a result of CO2 we’ve dumped into the atmosphere. The North and South poles are warming faster than the rest of the Earth. Antarctica is losing a trivial 150 billion metric tons of ice (about 40 TRILLION gallons) each year. That sounds like a lot but that much ice melt doesn’t raise sea level much in a year, as the oceans are huuuuge!! In fact, in 100 years that’s only about 4 quadrillion gallons, hardly enough to cause sea level to rise 5 feet on US coasts. None of us here will still be alive by then and our grandkids and great-grandkids can deal with it. Incels have nothing to worry about!!
We humans have no choice but to adjust to the sequelae of global warming. Relax, we’ll do it!
Now show proof it’s additional CO2 warming the atmosphere.
What evidence would prove to YOUR satisfaction that CO2 is causing the current bout of global warming?
Is the Earth warming?
Is carbon dioxide increasing?
Is this increased carbon dioxide a result of humans burning fossil fuels?
Does carbon dioxide absorb and release infrared radiation?
Are there any examples of carbon dioxide causing warming?
Why doesn’t the “dark side” of the Earth lose its warmth each night?
Why is Mars 70F during the day but -100F at night?
BTW, jl, now show proof that President Biden won by cheating.
Well if you were an honest person, Karen (aka Rimjob), you would start with the five states that stopped tabulating votes at the same time with President Trump holding a comfortable lead only to presume counting (without opposition oversight) with Brandon curiously “winning” all five.
Yep, the dems cheated.

But you already knew that.
BWAHA! Lolgfy
Well, Pissant (aka The Jagoff), as excited as we are that we’ve induced you to make arguments we note you can’t verify your claims in the least.
It’s not proof, it’s not even credible evidence. Here’s the deal. Iffn you guys REALLY believed the election was stolen, the Jan 6 covfefe would be continuing.
How did the courts miss these obvious shenanigans? Were the judges in on the scam too? Even those appointed by The Donald.
Funny thing is, Karen (aka Rimjob) you offer no rebuttal of the aforementioned facts only the dumbfuck talking points you’ve queefed repeatedly.

As stated before you’re totally dishonest and totally stupid.
Funny thing is, Pissant (aka JagOff) you offer that your queefs are facts, but they’re only the dumbfuck talking points given to you by Fat Donnie and the morally bankrupt Gateway Pudendum.
As stated before you’re totally dishonest and totally stupid.
BTW, I’ve never said he won by cheating, but thanks for the irrelevance. BTW, if the US spent billions on election integrity like they do on climate change, I’m sure the results would be surprising.
The earth warming, CO2 increasing and fossil fuel burning are all correlations, not necessarily proof of causation.
CO2 absorbs and releases infrared radiation but so does water vapor at a much greater rate. “Any examples of CO2 warming?” There’s examples of CO2 and warming being correlated, but there are also examples of CO2 increasing and the temperature decreasing, a reverse correlation. “Why is Mars 70F during the day and -100F at night?” Because the 95% CO2 comprising Mars atmosphere does nothing to “trap” any of that heat at night. Why are deserts, where it’s hotter during the day, also much cooler at night? Because there’s so little water vapor to “trap” the heat.
Hillary Clinton group wired $500,000 to climate activists behind disruptive protests
Àlong with pignorant rants from Karen >(aka Rimjob) that should help stop the poles from melting, right?
Bwaha! Lolgf
The Pissant offers another C&P job, this time attacking… Hillary Clinton, LOL.
With citation provided, Karen (aka Rimjob). You’re welcome.

Something Queen LaQueefa (aka Karen)(aka Rimjob) probably should learn how to do.
Sorry to insult your Soros cocksucking cunt of a girlfriend.
Hope it didn’t hurt your pignorant feelings.
Bwaha! Lolgf
That’s interesting-“West Antarctica mean surface temperature cooled by more than 1.8C from 1999 to 2018. East Antarctica cooled by more than 1C 2000 to 2018”.
Zhang et al 2023
If you pull up the movie, Climate, The Movie, you will find that CO2 has nothing to do with the climate. In fact, we need more CO2.
Total bullshit.
“Police storm Columbia University after report protester questioned integrity of 2020 election”….. BB