It’s almost like the leaders in Sanctuary City Chicago do not want all the illegals in view for some reason
Mayor’s proposal to relocate migrants from downtown shelter to Chicago’s South Side faces opposition
A number of residents on Chicago’s South Side voiced objections to a proposal put forth by Mayor Brandon Johnson seeking to open a temporary migrant shelter in the neighborhood.
“He don’t know where to put them,” said resident Christopher Osinger. “Why would you put them in our neighborhood? Why won’t we go by your house?”
Others said the community has existing needs that haven’t been met.
“All of that money that he’s giving them, we’ve been begging for years,” added another resident, Khalid Muhammad.
“We’ve lived here our whole life, we have a lot of bad things that happen here already,” said resident Michelle Gusich. “We do not need this—we just don’t.”
Located just blocks away from Guaranteed Rate Field, the proposed shelter would be located in a building near Canal Street and Pershing Road in the city’s 11th Ward.
Demographics of the 11th are heavily white, Asian, and Latino, and it has a pretty high crime rate. What’s the city doing about that? Well, they aren’t rich enough for the hoi-paloi to help out. So, sure, add in a bunch of illegals who bring all their issues with them.
But, what’s behind this plan?
Ald. Nicole Lee, who represents the ward, issued a letter to constituents on Friday, saying she was notified earlier this week and met with the mayor. In the letter, Lee explained the city wants to move migrants staying at the Standard Club near the Dirksen Federal Building to her ward before the city hosts the Democratic National Convention in August.
“This is just insane, it doesn’t make any sense,” said Gusich. “Keep them downtown. I don’t know—this is not our problem.”
Ah. They do not want the optics of the DNC and illegals in the streets.
Hosting a migrant family in your home is now as simple as a phone call
An organization in Denver is working to get migrants off the streets and into homes of host families across Colorado, and a new partnership is making that task easier than ever before.
Hope Has No Borders began pairing migrant workers and their families with hosts in Colorado in late 2023. Now, with help from the United Way, getting paired up is a simple phone call away by dialing 211.
Get to it, Denverites. Take the illegals in. Of course, most aren’t families or women, they are young, fighting age men, so, enjoy the fruits of your beliefs.

The Showtime classic, Shameless, was based in the Southside, so . . . .
There’s no sense looking for logic in the responses of the ‘sanctuary’ cities, because they do not now, and never did, have a plan. The ‘sanctuary’ status was just Democratic virtue signaling, never meant to be a real program, and now, thanks to Governor Greg Abbott, they’re having to scramble and create policies to match their virtue signaling. It’s 100% reactive, and 0% pro-active.
The Southside? A poorer, working class area, much better than letting wealthier Chicagoans see the results of their policies.