There are some actual legitimate reasons why coffee is in shortage: including ‘climate change’ is just cult business
Why You May Soon Be Drinking Synthetic Coffee
Your typical morning cup of coffee is a social and environmental disaster—but you’ll soon have the option to start sipping something less harmful: synthetic coffee.
Worldwide, people consume two billion cups of coffee a day. Given that the average Arabica tree produces only one to two pounds of coffee a year, that means every two-cup-a-day coffee drinker requires continuous production from around 20 coffee trees.
The intense demand for coffee has driven mass deforestation, poverty wages for farmers who see little of the rising prices for their commodity, and substantial carbon emissions due to both production and long supply chains. Research suggests that around half of the land best suited to growing coffee will become unsuitable for that purpose by 2050, thanks to climate change. In Brazil, that figure reaches 88%.
Is deforestation occurring in coffee producing areas? Certainty, environmental degradation is a concern. And the ever increasing usage by more and more humans, who have to always seem to have some type of coffee drink around all day these days. As for climate doom, well, they’re talking about 2050. Put away the crystal ball, guys.
For all of these reasons, at least a half-dozen companies are using biotechnology and food science to replace the coffee in your cup with something that lacks all that baggage, and isn’t nearly as vulnerable to climate change. This pseudo-coffee can be made from a variety of ingredients, including chickpeas and “upcycled” agricultural waste like date pits. Other approaches use lab-grown cells from actual coffee plants. Companies like Voyage Foods, Minus Coffee, Atomo, Prefer, Stem and Northern Wonder have all either begun selling, or are working on, so-called beanless coffee alternatives.
Well, if climate cultists want it, have at it. I typically have one cup of decaf a day (I don’t need caffeine, and I use one of those electronic heating mugs, so, I’m good on keeping that one cup hot), so, I’m not concerned. This is all just more fearmongering to get people to comply with the dictates of the cult.

Synthetic coffee? Lab-grown meat? The path to Soylent Green begins with the smaller steps.
Me? I tend to drink either zero or two cups a day.
Uber-conservative Charlton Heston: “Soylent Green is people!”
He should have shouted “Atoms are fungible!” Almost every atom in your body is some 13 BILLION years old and not a single atom is alive! No wonder I’m tired all the time.
It’s estimated that all your body’s atoms are replaced every 5-7 years! No doubt some of your atoms once were in dead people! You likely have had an atom from Hitler, Gandhi, Stalin, Mother Teresa, Caligula, Shaka Zulu, Jesus, a T-Rex, E. coli,, an earthworm, a turnip, etc. And every breath you take contains some 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms, and who knows where those atoms have been?
Karen (aka Rimjob) is about as coherent as this guy.

Bwaha! Lolgf
William Teach: This is all just more fearmongering to get people to comply with the dictates of the cult.
But what did you expect from the uber-liberal Wall Street Journal??
Mr Teach drinks a single cup of decaf each day so why should he care?
Anyway, although the uber-liberal scientists’ (aren’t they all!)* models predict total devastation by 2050, I’m unlikely to be alive then, so why would I care??
* Why do almost all these research studies bend toward liberal views? Obviously, Big Science, like Big Media, Big Business, Big Education, Big Gubmint, Big Justice and Big Religion is controlled by the global Communist New World Order (CNWO). Only Donald J. Trump stands between you and the Coffee Grabbers.
Sounds like genocide Joe Biden is paving the way to tax and regulate coffee in America. Every day comes up with something new to regulate and something new to tax and this morning’s item happens to be coffee. Tomorrow could be milk duds.
I figure if Elwood can squeeze in nonsense about Trump in an article that has nothing to do with him then I could squeeze in some nonsense about biden in an article that has nothing to do with him either.
It’s all Karen (aka Rimjob) has.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Our Lil Pissant with more insight. Solid argument, there.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Thanks Karen (aka Rimjob) for another of your smelly queefs.

Our Lil Pissant doubles down!
Unless the Divine Mr T stands athwart America, the Coffee Grabbers will win!!
BTW, we’re grateful the government will support you for the rest of your life!
so you’re happy that I’m permanently disabled? Thanks a lot. I figure you for a lot of nonsense but I never figured you for something that nasty. And don’t worry about it I’m not gonna be supported by anybody but myself for the rest of my life. Remember I’m a trust fund kid thanks to my grandfather. I’m 43 years old and I own my house free and clear. I have an $88,000 Corvette paid for. I have a 17 foot ski boat and the 34 foot Chris craft cabin cruiser both paid for.
So as you can see the government can give me my full salary until I’m 100 years old but I don’t need the money to live off of so they will not be “supporting” me one iota. My father who is a centimillionaire has plans for me and my three siblings to share equally in his estate. Show my future unless daddy goes broke looks quite sunny. And he’s putting up several new lodges in the Florida Keys as we speak. You don’t realize it but he lives two blocks away from Mar-a-Largo on Kings Rd.
So don’t worry about my financial state I’ll do just fine I’m sure. But I was a little taken back but your seeming Glee at my misfortune of being injured. Believe it or not I happen to love my job. In my life there is not a more magnificent thing then emerging from a conflagration with a child in my arms and seeing the face of his parents light up. And as soon as I’m able to get around even a little bit I’m gonna be exercising and doing therapy as much as possible so that I make liars out of these people and get back to work.
I have a job to do. I’m an American so I will do that job. And that job does not include being taken care of by the government.
Well put, L.G.
Think Karen (aka Rimjob) is envious since he and his cronies lost $50M of investors money on a drug that didnt work.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Glee? No. But I am happy that US governments takes care of the disabled. Will you be able to drive your sportscar and pilot your boat?? I guess not if you’re disabled. Not everyone has a daddy Trump to back them! I was lucky to inherit my good looks from my dad and brains from my mom, and a work ethic. Best of luck to you. Btw, YOU seem gleeful and boastful!!
So Karen (aka Rimjob) where did you learn how to “embezzle” $50M from investors with a phony cancer drug supposedly “developed” at Galera?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Well right now I can’t drive my car cause it’s my right ankle that’s all wrapped up casted and booted. So it’s the size of a elephant foot and if you know anything about Corvette you know it’s a tiny pedal so my foot won’t fit. The boat easy.
My daddy isn’t Trump although I know you have to get his name in every comment you’re that obsessed. But he is a friend of Trump’s. He goes to the club and he dines at the club I’ve dined there 100 times. We are after all neighbors. And you might not believe it but he’s a very friendly, funny and nice guy.
I wasn’t trying to be boastful I was just pointing out that I don’t need handouts from the government. I find it amusing that like myself you claim to be or have a good work ethic. Then why are you happy that the government takes care of the disabled? What about their work ethic? I can see the government being there to help especially after we pay all kinds of taxes for just that very thing. Taxes should be paid to help people who can’t help themselves not for the sons and daughters of millionaires to have there Columbia University tuition paid. That’s not why truck drivers and firemen like me pay taxes to cover millionaires children’s education.
I don’t know what you meant by I sound gleeful. If you could feel the throbbing of my ankle right now you would know that there’s no Glee involved. But not being a liberal I tend to be happy just about all of the time. You gotta get away from this fellow leftist. They’re always miserable and unhappy with something or somebody. They’re always protesting they’re bitching about something.
Thank you for the good wishes although I am doubtful you actually mean it. Leftists have a habit of wishing evil on their opponents. At least when they can get away with it.
Pissant (aka Fluffer) could explain what it means. Once it wipes its chin.

Sorry softcock you’ll have to do better than that.
Bwaha! Lolgf
“Research suggests”. So very scientific…