On one hand, Doug Emhoff is the one one out of the President, VP, and 1st Lady to have actually called Jewish students who have been targeted. On the other, it almost seems a slap in the face that they send a guy who really has zero position
Emhoff to Meet Jewish Students on Antisemitism — Including from West Point
Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff is set to meet Monday with six Jewish college students to discuss the ongoing wave of antisemitism on campuses around the country — including one student, bizarrely, from the U.S. Military Academy.
Politico reported Monday:
Second gentleman Doug Emhoff on Monday will host a half-dozen Jewish students from colleges around the country amid a wave of pro-Palestinian campus protests criticized for featuring antisemitic behavior. (snip)
Emhoff is the only of the four principals at the White House who is known to have called students who felt targeted or threatened by the demonstrations. In all, he has made two rounds of calls in recent weeks with Jewish students and Jewish community leaders, including Columbia University.
I’m pretty sure there have been no protests at West Point.
“On Yom HaShoah, we honor the lives of the 6 million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust,” Emhoff told the publication. “At a time when antisemitism is surging, including threats of violence against Jews, we are reminded that we must never allow history to repeat itself.”
“We must continue to fight antisemitism and hate and educate others on the horrors of the past,” he added.
As of writing this post, there was no information on the actual meeting. Perhaps there will be an update sometime Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Columbia has cancelled commencement
(AP) Pro-Palestinian protesters that had been blocked by police from accessing an encampment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Monday broke through fencing, linked arms and encircled tents that remained there, as Columbia University canceled its university-wide commencement ceremony following weeks of pro-Palestinian protests.
Well, that’s a shame for all those who were not involved, especially since so many of them certainly missed graduating from high school in 2020 thanks to China’s coronavirus. Columbia should have just booted all the pro-Hamas folks, said they weren’t invited, and allowed the rest to have their day.

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So, the Administration sends the one Jewish guy, who was so weak-willed that he married a woman who refused to take his last name, even though she was perfectly willing to take his money, to talk to Jewish students.
The students will easily see through that.
Kind of of like Trump sending his son in law to solve Middle East problems. Jared was able to pocket over $2 BILLION from the Saudis, the UAE and Qatar!! At least Jared stabilized the Middle East!! LOL
You just find it impossible to talk about any subject without talking about trump don’t you? Your obsession has become psychotic. By the way where did you get the $2 billion to Jared? Can you show us some documentation? We need evidence unequivocal evidence just like you do every time we say something. Have you anyone who saw this transaction? Do you have pictures of it, copies of the receipts, or bank balances to prove it?
Didn’t think so!
He always mixes timelines and forgets many important details. His sole purpose is to get you upset and explain your position without explaining his. Jared did do business in the Mideast and did get a bunch of money, about a decade or more before his father entered public life. The Biden’s and Clinton’s had a bad habit of accepting money for political favor, no debate. As to Jared negotiating with the Arabs, what is the problem? He knew the people and culture, but he did not take money for favor. Jeff is a very deplorable person, there is no reason to exchange comments with him.
Just ask Rimjob about the $50M of investor money he squandered in less than 4 years at Galera Therapeutics.

You probably pulled “$2 billion” straight out of your ass — that’s where your head is, after all — but yes, peace was starting to break out all over the Middle East.
The Abraham Accords were a real thing.
Now they, like everything else, is gone, because Orange Man Bad.
You people are fucking psychotic.
Hosting 6 actual Jewish people? I’m pretty sure the VP mansion can easily accommodate 10 times that many. Why the tiny cap? Not wanting to look to “pro-jewish” in an election year? And why talk to the Jewish students about curbing their anti-semitism. Sort of like preaching to the choir. Mr. Harris should go speak truth to power by telling his wife and her boss to use the DoJ civil rights division to prosecute the anti-Semites on public universities. The Biden administration has plenty of actual power to act on this, why send someone who has no power at all to talk to a miniscule non-representative sample of people who are not the problem? Among all the other things the Biden Administration does, this doesn’t even rise to the level of empty suit diplomacy that we normally get from them.
How does Mr Dana know that VP Harris refused to change her name? As Mr Dana refuses to appreciate, many married, professional women, especially when married late, keep the surname associated with their career. Times change. At one time real men didn’t send their wives off to work whole they stayed home. It’s now common.
So now I’m responsible for your ignorance? Just Google ‘Jared Saudi Sovereign Fund’.
Mr Teach,
Are the protesters in Israel, protesting the Netanyahu government’s actions in Gaza, anti-Semitic Hamas supporters?
Well that’s nice but I don’t consider Google unequivocal evidence just like you don’t consider videotapes or affidavits unequivocal evidence. It was interesting reading the report filed by left wingers though. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing, they’ve used the term “appearance” several times but didn’t state that he did anything wrong. Has he been prosecuted for doing anything wrong? And unlike hunter do we have actual evidence in his own words on his own computer of the things that he’s done there wasn’t anything like that with Kushner period now we realize that being a leftist and a Democrat you hate Jews like Kushner. Especially rich Jews like Kushner. Especially rich non Democrat Jews like Kushner. But all that said and accepted you still have no evidence or proof that he did anything wrong and he hasn’t been prosecuted for doing anything wrong. So exactly what is your complaint with Jared doing business with the Saudis?
An American official, the son in law of the president, is working on Saudi-US policies and received $2 BILLION from the Saudis. To you that is not suspicious but private citizen Hunter Biden being paid by Burisma is a crime?? LOL
Why do you believe Biden’s DOJ prosecuted Hunter but wouldn’t even investigate Jared?
Sorry Karen (aka Rimjob),

Kushner was investigated. Do you work hard at being this stupid?
You can Google it.