Remember the old debate around Arizona’s SB1070, the “show me your papers” law? In that, illegal alien supporters stated that state government’s could not be tougher than federal law. So, what’s the complaint with Iowa’s law, which essentially does what the federal government law does?
Iowa law lets police arrest migrants. The federal government and civil rights groups are suing
The U.S. Justice Department sued Iowa on Thursday over its new law that would give the state the authority to arrest and deport some migrants, making it the second lawsuit filed in a single day that seeks to block legislation passed earlier this year by state lawmakers.
Both the Justice Department’s lawsuit and another suit filed by civil rights and immigrant rights groups argued the state law was preempted by federal law and should be declared invalid.
“Iowa cannot disregard the U.S. Constitution and settled Supreme Court precedent,” Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division, said in a statement. “We have brought this action to ensure that Iowa adheres to the framework adopted by Congress and the Constitution for regulation of immigration.”
The Justice Department lawsuit was filed on the same day the ACLU of Iowa, national ACLU and the American Immigration Council filed suit to to block the law on behalf of the Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice and two individual Iowans.
Iowa should send any illegal caught to the DOJ building in D.C. Drop some off outside Boynton’s house. And outside the buildings of the national ACLU and AIC. Let them all enjoy the fruits of their beliefs.
“This ugly law is deeply harmful to Iowa families and communities,” said Rita Bettis Austen, legal director of The American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa. “Iowa lawmakers knowingly targeted people who are protected by federal immigration laws and who are legally allowed to be here.”
Only about 10% will actually qualify for asylum. Many of them illegally crossed the border before declaring asylum. And how many are simply young, fighting age males, not women and children? What if Iowans do not want illegal aliens bringing their 3rd world values, their violence, drugs, crime, and prostitution? Let Biden ship them to states and cities that are declared illegal alien sanctuaries.
The federal lawsuit states that because the Constitution assigns the task of regulating immigration and managing international borders to federal government, the state law should not be enforced.
The law also states that Congress must protect the U.S. from invasion. They’re not doing the job. Democrats, and some squish Republicans, have created a situation where illegals are streaming into the U.S., and they usually aren’t the best people. Iowa should just deport the illegals to D.C., along with other sanctuary areas. Nothing illegal about deporting to another state, right? Why should Iowa have to deal with them? Why should their citizens have to deal with them? Why should the tax dollars of Iowa have to pay for them?

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William Teach gets one right, headlining, Brandon’s DOJ Sues Iowa Over Illegal Alien Law
Yes, Iowa’s new alien “law” is ILLEGAL.
Off topic… why, according to Associated Builders and Contractors, are the US construction industries having a hard time finding workers? Reports are that nationally they’re down 500,000 carpenters, electricians, plumbers, roofers, insulators etc. The industries attribute the shortage to fewer trade schools, dysfunctional immigration policies, the increase in non-residential projects and the lack of recovery of hiring from the deep, deep Great Recession of 2008. It’s difficult to move from most jobs into construction at a moment’ notice! It take training and experience. Most get-rich-quick schemes do not involve swinging a hammer.
perhaps because for the last 50 years everybody’s been telling people coming out of high school to go to college instead of trade school. Ya think?
you really live in a bubble all your own don’t you? The great great super deep Great Recession of 2008 was nothing compared to the Democrats shut down all the business in the country for a year over the flu. Talk about no business that’s no business.
And all these years when Biden could have been screening illegal immigrants coming in and picking out people that can do things like swing a hammer as you put it he just let in terrorists and criminals and drug dealers and human traffickers. So whose fault is that?
You consistently refuse to let facts sway you! We admire that in you! It was Emerson who poetically wrote, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines”.
But you come from a belief system where feelings/beliefs/myths trump facts.
Anyway, my friend, if you look at the actual facts around construction jobs you’ll note the massive drop in following 2008 and the teeny, tiny decrease during President Trump’s Covid time. You may have been just a child then, but the Great Recession was the greatest hit on the economy since the Great Depression. Trump’s Covid economy was over and done with quickly, thanks largely to President Trump’s (and Congress’) massive government spending programs (which Congress refused to do for President Obama in 2009). Oh well. That’s water over the dam.
On the other hand you are absolutely correct that as a society we’ve pushed college education over trade schools. Our eldest grandson chose the trade school route and is now making a good living in a union job!! We shouldn’t forget that we cannot construct houses, apartments and buildings in China and ship them here like we do telephones, TVs, computers, blouses, jeans, dishes and shoes!! We can’t send our toilets to India or Mexico to have them repaired! It takes American women and men with special skills to do it here. But the “invisible hand” may be invisible but it is not foolish – if the construction trades need skilled workers to keep making profits, the trades will find the workers. The nation has a shortage of affordable housing. Build more! Is there a reason to restrict construction except to keep the costs high??
Another problem is that the trades are difficult, physically demanding and sometimes dangerous.
Wonder from where Karen (aka Rimjob) copy&pasted that unattributed screed.

More liberal nonsense.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
The simple, slow and irrelevant Lil Pissant (aka MyLilStalker) doesn’t understand the “paragraph concept”! Hardly surprising reading their simple one liners. In addition, they also don’t appear to understand sentences or punctuation.
Has the dinky Pissant (aka MyLilDoxxer) ever typed a paragraph here? We believe not. They often copy&paste paragraphs from Breitbart, Gateway Pudendum, Pajamas Media or other even less reliable “sources”. Even the cripple on government disability types their own paragraphs (no published work would have the spelling and syntax errors).
Only ckc2000 contributes less than the inconsequential LilPissant.
We refuse to give up and accept that far-right extremists are refractory to the truth, facts and debate, even though “contributors” such as ckc and LilPissant test that.
We get it. It is deeply disturbing when your semi-sacred beliefs are skewered. But remember the quote “When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?” attributed to several different economists.
It really seems to bother Karen (aka Rimjob) whenever questioned about her missing attributions.

Wonder why that is?
As has been pointed out before Karen (aka Rimjob) assumes she’s smarter than all the other commentors here.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The LilPissant grossly overrates its influence just as it overrate its intellect.
We don’t have to be smarter than everyone – being smarter than a pissant satisfying enough.
Lolgf <img
It’s so easy to upset Karen (aka Rimjob).

Enjoyable too.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Gawd you’re a moron
The left have been perfectly happy with sanctuary states, acting to subvert federal immigration laws, but when a state wants to enforce immigration laws, oh noes, they can’t do that.
If President Trump is elected again this year, watch the left tack right back to states’ rights.