…is horrible carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Jew hating students walking out of the Duke graduation.
It’s short shorts week.

…is horrible carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Jew hating students walking out of the Duke graduation.
It’s short shorts week.
Some 40 graduates walked out (hundreds stayed) as Mr Seinfeld was introduced. Seinfeld has been very vocal on his ardent support of Israel vs Hamas. It’s his right to support Israel, it’s the protesters’ right to protest. This is America.
1. Many around the world criticize Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank
over the decades.
2. Many around the world support the formation of a Palestinian state, i.e., a Two-State
3. The Hamas terrorist gang needs to be hunted down and neutralized – imprisoned, killed in
battle, executed. Their vile, murderous attack on Israeli children, women and men justifies
annihilating Hamas.
4. Objecting to the indiscriminate killing of 10s of thousands of Palestinian children, women and
men does not make one an anti-Semite, pro-Hamas or pro-terrorism.
5. The United States is not obligated to supply weapons systems for Israel to use against the
Palestinians trapped in Rafah.
6. There are a dozen examples of ongoing genocides (Sudan-Darfuri, China-Uyghurs, Myanmar-Rohingya,
ISIL-Christian, Saudis/UAE-Yemenis, Ethiopia-various, Russia-Ukrainians, Israel-
Palestinians…). The West is concerned only with the Israeli and Russian genocides.
You’ve never met an enemy of America you didn’t like did you? And you’ve never met a Jew hater you couldn’t support.
I don’t like Russia (only American MAGAts do). Or North Korea. Or China. I don’t like Hamas or ISIL or the Taliban etc. I don’t like the Proud Boys, the III%ers, etc
I don’t support the Jew-hater Trump. Or the Jew-hating Hamas. Or the Jew-hating Nazis or Fascists. I don’t support the Jew-hating Proud Boys, the III%ers, KKK, neo-Nazis, the Oathkeepers, the Nation of Islam, the New Black Panther Party…
You’re a turd, but not as smart.
How’s the ankle? Did you qualify for disability?
Reminds me of the old hillbilly joke:
One afternoon, the great faith healer Rex Humbard was spreading the good word in a corner bar in Fredericktown MO. He was getting handshakes and pats on the back and hugs from the faithful. He reached the young fireman on the corner barstool, who cried out – “Don’t touch me Reverend Humbard, I’m on disability!”
#1 Trending Video – Protect The Yacht, Keep It! – Mr. Beast Video
Man, that was cool. I thought for sure that last big bomb would take that yacht out. Good for him he got 50 grand to fix the yacht he can sail away and be happy.
An evangelical faith-healer! That’s what the Most Reverend D J Trump reminds us of!
A stream of magical false promises of a great future if you just worship him and send him money!!!
There’s a great conspiracy led by the anti-Christ and only the Most Reverend Trump is strong enough to defeat them!!
If you fail to worship me and make me your Christ, all will be lost! This is your only chance to avoid the banning of religion, the Bible, church, elections and the end of your America.
I love it when you go ape shit on Monday mornings, Elwood. It sets the stage for your rabid insanity for the entire week. That’s especially precious when you start talking about people who support trump being a cult when you buy everything that you’re idiot “experts” feed you from global warming to men being women. You are so cute.
Tell me again when does a baby become a human? And then tell me how after they become a human it’s not murder. I love your twisted logic.
Brandon knows he’s losing bigly.
Instead of just wishing a Happy Mothers Day he does this:
Some really weak shit right there.

Bwaha! Lolgf