The pro-Hamas dhimmis, who are part of the leftist crew that is usually happy to name and shame those who oppose Leftist causes, aren’t particularly happy about it either
Name and shame: Pro-Israel website ramps up attacks on pro-Palestinian student protesters
Weeks after attending a pro-Palestinian demonstration, Egyptian-American student Layla Sayed received a text message from a friend drawing her attention to a website dedicated to exposing people it says promote hatred of Jews and Israel.
“I think they found you from the protest,” the friend wrote.
When Sayed visited the site, called Canary Mission, she found a photo from the Oct. 16 rally at the University of Pennsylvania with red arrows pointing to her among the demonstrators. The post included her name, the two cities she lives in, details about her studies and links to her social media accounts.
Canary Mission later posted a photo of her on its X and Instagram accounts labeled “Hamas War Crimes Apologist,” a reference to the Palestinian militant group’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel in which around 1,200 people were killed and 253 taken hostage, according to Israeli tallies.
Although Sayed has long supported Palestinian causes, she said it was the first time she had participated in a pro-Palestinian demonstration at Penn, and Canary Mission did not flag any other activities.
“My initial reaction was just absolute shock,” Sayed, a 20-year-old sophomore, told Reuters. “I wasn’t there to say I supported Hamas. I wasn’t there to say I hated Israel. I was there to say what’s happening in Palestine is wrong.”
She said she did not realize at the time that a chant Canary Mission took issue with, “When people are occupied, resistance is justified,” is considered by some as an expression of support for Hamas’ killings. She joined in the chants, she said, to show support for demonstrations.
First, why is she upset that she was exposed? She was in public, she took a public stand, and had no shame being there. Second, if you’re going to take up a chant it might be wise to understand what you are chanting. The context. The meaning. That’s on you, chump.
Canary Mission is one of the oldest and most prominent of several digital advocacy groups that have intensified campaigns to expose Israel’s critics since the war broke out, often leading to harassment such as Sayed experienced. The people behind the site have kept their identities, location and funding sources hidden.
Reuters reviewed online attacks and abusive messages directed at scores of people targeted by Canary Mission since Oct. 7.
The site has accused over 250 U.S. students and academics of supporting terrorism or spreading antisemitism and hatred of Israel since the start of the latest Gaza conflict, according to the Reuters review of its posts. Some are leading members of Palestinian rights groups or were arrested for offenses such as blocking traffic and punching a Jewish student. Others, like Sayed, said they had just stepped into campus activism and were not charged with any crimes.
Reuters is very upset that a group would do this. Doesn’t Canary Mission understand this right is reserved for the Credentialed Media and should only be used against those who go against Credentialed Media beliefs?
This is a very long piece, worth the read, and, it really just comes down to “if you’re chanting anti-Jew slogans, if you’re propagating material calling for the destruction of Israel and replacing it with a Palestinian caliphate state run by a terrorist organization, if you’re truly taking the side of Israel, and just being a Jew hater, calling for a global intifada, wearing an Intifada keffiyeh, well, that makes you a terrorist nation supporter and a believer in genocide of the Jews and should be exposed. You put yourself in the public arena, even if you tried to wear a mask to hide your extremist beliefs.”
Seriously, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech from interference by the government. It doesn’t guarantee that you can exercise this right without consequences. If you’ll notice, none of the people who wrote and signed the Bill Of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution hid their faces.
If the college students, who are adults, and the teachers do not know what they are wearing, chanting, and what their signs mean, well, that’s on them. You can bet if it was a bunch of Republican college kids agitating for a terrorist group Reuters would be working hard to expose them, just like with the J6 crowd.

Let us not forget that these same people were strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up JEWS and GENTILES alike inside of Israel for years. Saddam Hussein paid the families of ANY suicide Bomber 25,000 dollars per year for their efforts.
These same HAMAS militants fire rockets into Israel every day and have been for two-plus decades.
Just imagine the world outrage if Israelis strapped bombs to themselves. Or chuck a couple dozen rockets at the West Bank or GAZA for two decades! Oh the humanity.
But no. The world hates Jews, just as the Bible predicted. It is fashionable to hate Jews while taking their money….cough, cough, Politicians.
It has now become the chicken and egg conundrum for these two people. No one likes HAMAS, but they hate Jews even more. Hamas fled into Lebanon and, within ten years, had the country in a civil war. They were exiled and now NO Muslim nation will let them into their country. That is why all the borders for them to flee are BLOCKED OFF…………..
Not because of the Jewish nation but because Muslims Universality want HAMAS pummeled into the sand. No one says it but everyone knows it is true of the Middle East. Biden is the only one not getting the Message as he gets himself IMPEACHED FOR A PERFECT WITHHOLDING OF AID.
Anyone Remember Trump getting RAZED for withholding aid to Ukraine for a few weeks?
The website Stop Anti-Semitism and its associated Twitter feed have publicized numerous anti-Semites and gotten them fired. It usually goes something like this: Umgwana Kik-Booti is a physician at some specified Doc-in-a-Box, and he hates Jews; would you want to be treated by him? The site includes Dr Kik-Booti’s statements as evidence.
Recently, a group of federal judges stated that they would not consider applicants for law clerkships from Columbia Law School grads, noting that the school is rife with anti-Semitism. And several deep-pockets collegiate donors have said that they would close their checkbooks until their favored schools clean up the anti-Semitism that has been rife there. I guess that people are remembering the Golden Rule!
In his classic, The Winds of War, Herman Wouk noted that even before he achieved power, the German universities went over to Adolf Hitler, “in a body.” Colleges are full of people who are both reasonably intelligent and filled with the immaturity of youth; it’s not surprising that radical ideas can florish there.
Doxx them, track them down, expose them.