With allies like this who needs enemies?
In case you weren't paying attention, this means that the Biden administration has been privy to key intelligence that could have helped Israel win the war without endangering large swaths of people in Gaza BUT THEY CHOSE NOT TO SHARE IT.
Keeping Israel's hostages kidnapped… https://t.co/8gFvDazoj5
— Malkah Fleisher ???? (@MalkahFleisher) May 12, 2024
That top tweet continues:
Keeping Israel’s hostages kidnapped
Keeping Israel under threat of rocket attacks
Keeping Gazans endangered
Perpetuating the war ON PURPOSE.
Further, it kept U.S. hostages kidnapped. Rep. Corey Mills needs to add this to the articles of impeachment
U.S. cites intelligence, offers Israel supplies to limit Rafah operation
The Biden administration, working urgently to stave off a full-scale Israeli invasion of Rafah, is offering Israel valuable assistance in an effort to persuade it to hold back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels, according to four people familiar with the U.S. offers.
American officials have also offered to help provide thousands of shelters so Israel can build tent cities — and to help with the construction of delivery systems for food, water and medicine — so that Palestinians evacuated from Rafah can have a habitable place to live, said the officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity to disclose secret diplomatic talks.
President Biden and his senior aides have been making such offers over the past several weeks in hopes they will persuade Israel to conduct a more limited and targeted operation in the southern Gaza city, where some 1.3 million Palestinians are sheltering after fleeing there from other parts of Gaza under Israeli orders. Israel has vowed to go into Rafah with “extreme force,” and this week Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a number of steps that raised fears at the White House that the long-promised invasion could be materializing.
So, the Biden admin has been sitting on this information and is essentially using it to protect terrorists. Israel could have used it weeks or months ago to minimize casualties and take out Hamas, which, in case no one told Biden, is a U.S. State Department designated terrorist organization. Perhaps Biden should be playing to his non-terrorist loving voters, eh? And
(NY Post) But Biden’s “f–k up” doesn’t end there. It also simultaneously undercuts America’s relationship with other allies who have new reason to worry they could be next on his hit list.
Can Saudi Arabia really trust an administration that mercilessly undercut America’s closest ally?
Should European allies be worried that they, too, will somehow run afoul of a White House that treats its enemies better than its friends?
Then there’s Ukraine, which has another reason to worry, while Russia and China must be delighted to see American weakness in action.
How do our allies take it? Can they actually trust the U.S.?

It is highly likely that the Biden administration is lying about having such information.
1. The Biden administration lies about everything.
2. The Biden administrations number one priority is continuation of power and right now they are threading the needle between “Doing something”, Helping Israel, and Helping Hamas to triangulate the most possible votes in November.
3. The Biden administration are liars. Even if they had such valuable information, they would likely renege and not share it after Israel halted their operation.
The Biden administration well aware that they’re going into an election and it’s pivotal and they’re close to losing even allowing for the steal are of course lying about everything to Israel. The bidens ain’t stupid, they realized that the dumb Jews in America will vote Democrat no matter what. So all they have to do is make it look good to all the terrorist moslims that they’ve brought in living in all major cities and they win. Which is why as professor hill says even if the bind administration had such information they would lie because they don’t have to tell the truth. They have every branch of government covering for them, all the news organizations including NPR which is supposedly owned by the people but it’s really an operative of the Democratic Party and every major institution in America many of which are operated by Jews. So they can lie to the Jews all day long and Zuckerberg and Bezos and all the rest of them are still giving money to the Democrats close they’re communist first, American second and Jews last
Assuming the Post story is accurate, it indicates what? Yes, Israel is our ally, but the US is not obligated to share every last scrap of information it has with Israel, nor is the reverse true. Israel has not shared every bit of intelligence it has developed with the US, either.
Remember the Israeli attack upon the Iraqi nuclear facility at Osirak in 1981? Israel deliberately kept that secret from the US, because Prime Minister Menachem Begin was concerned that, if they had notified the US in advance, the US would try to either torpedo the attack as a matter of policy, or some weak-ass liberal in the State Department would leak the information and give Iraq time to defend the installation.
If the US has the information on where Yahya Sinwar is hiding — and The New York Times reported that he’s using several Israeli hostages as ‘human shields’ — sharing that information earlier could have forestalled the assault on Rafah, but the dummkopf from Delaware and his lackies are concerned that Israel would attack the place anyway, because too many are worried that Israel simply intends to destroy Gaza so thoroughly that it would force the survivors out of Gaza and into Egypt, to seize Gaza for Israeli settlement. If that is actually Prime Minister Netanyahu’s plan, I wholeheartedly support it, but few other Americans do.
America is not obligated to supply the materiel for Israel to cleanse Gaza of Palestinians.
As Mr Dana ably points out, Israel doesn’t need our help to rout the Palestinians. Netanyahu should give President Biden and America his middle finger and do what he believes is in the best interest of Israel. He doesn’t need our approval. Once he sterilizes Gaza, ethnically, he can restart reclaiming the West Bank!
Saudi Arabia, Turkey (NATO), Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt and Cyprus are now considered American and by extension, Israeli, allies. On the other hand every other Arab/Muslim dominated country in the Middle East and supra-Saharan Africa are enemies of Israel or at best, “neutral”.
We get it. For domestic politics, the Republicuns (the “Cunnies”) need to promote that sympathies for the children, women and men of Gaza is anti-Semitic, is Holocaust level Jew-hating, is support for Islamic terrorism. But then Cunnies have never been known for the honesty (or nuanced “thinking”, LOL).
Cunnies have a long history of loving Israel while hating Jews. Just another Cunnie paradox!!!
Mr Dowd is a man after my own heart!
From your keyboard to God’s monitor screen!
That’s what Israel should have done in 1967-68, but didn’t. Now, such a job will be tremendously more difficult, and I have my doubts it could be done, but it is still the right thing to do. Kick them out, push them into Jordan, and arrange some sort of support payments to Jordan to take care of the expelled.
Some silliness from St Louis:
Given conservatives long support for Israel, it would be a paradox if we hated Jews, but that’s where Mr Dowd’s statements fail. While there certainly have been some conservatives who are anti-Semitic, they’re pretty much a small minority among Republicans. It seems to me that Mr Dowd has conflated a few lousy examples into a huge, seething majority, which simply isn’t true.
Doesn’t Mr Dana wish that America Jews voted Republicun? 79% vote for Democrats, 17% for Republicuns.
Why do you believe that is? Are they stupid or naive? Or both. What do American Jews find so attractive about Democrats?
Do cunnies still believe that the Media, TV and Hollywood are still controlled by liberal Jews who vote 79% for Dems?
How do the subsets in the conservative movement, the neoNazis, ThreePercenters, Evangelicals, Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boi etc, feel about Jews? During the Reunite the Right demonstrations in Charlottesville, groups were chanting “Jew Won’t Replace Us!!”.
Granted, the Unite the Right demonstration was… how long ago?…6 years? Has the American right evolved in 6 years?
I stand by my conclusion that American conservations hate Jews but support Israel. One explanation is that conservatives dislike Muslims more than they dislike Jews.
Karen (aka Rimjob) queefs:
I stand by my conclusion that American conservations hate Jews but support Israel.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Yes, American Jews should vote Republican, but, for the most part, they have been the second most loyal voting demographic for Democrats. This is largely for two reasons:
1 – Republicans are more explicitly Christian than Democrats, and some Jews find that threatening; and
2 – American Jews are largely urban dwellers, and urbanites are more likely to vote Democratic.
It has been said that, once the Democrats reach the threshold of supporting Israel’s right to exist, that’s enough for American Jews, but the only time in recent memory that the Republican presidential candidate carried the Jewish vote was 1980, following President Carter’s achievement of the Camp David Accords and the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, but also following the pusillanimous peanut farmer’s disastrous performance in the Iranian hostage crisis.
That “Unite the Right” demonstration was a small event, with a few participants, and it attracted little support, but you continue to conflate it as representative of all Republicans; that’s more of a heat than light judgement, but it certainly fits in with your socialist thinking. You are standing by a ‘conclusion’ which makes no sense.
Give’em hell, Brandon.

Bwaha ! Lolgf
Israel doesn’t treat the US a an ally, but rather as a Daddy Warbucks. Israel has a long and documented history of spying on the United States. Jonathan Pollard was a spy for Israel during the Reagan years. He was arrested in 1985 and sentenced to life in prison but waw released to Israel in 2915. He was feted as a national hero in Israel. More recently, Israel had planted cell phone monitoring tools in DC during the Trump reign. Israel denied it, Trump didn’t believe it. Uh-huh.
The increasingly anti-American MAGAt, William Teach, is now apoplectic that the US maybe/possibly hasn’t shared all its international intelligence with Mr Netanyahu.
Again, the United States is not obligated to assist Israel in all their actions. We fully understand that American Cunnies want to see all Muslims and Arabs killed, but that is not US policy.
Israel crawled into bed with the American “devil” by accepting BILLIONS in aid every year.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Atta boy dowd now you’re getting the momentum. You can push your BS talk into total insanity by the end of the day.
When is an embryo a person?
How’s the ankle? Will you get an electric scooter for getting around?
Why hasn’t Israel shared all their intelligence with the US?
that’s what I’ve been asking you for two years you’re ready to answer it?
well the ankle doesn’t hurt anymore so that’s an improvement. But I’m wearing this boot all the time so I can at least walk a little bit but they don’t want me to walk too much yet. No I won’t need an electric scooter although it would be cool. With the boot I’ll be able to walk until the cast and the boot both come off. The doc told me this morning it’ll take about six weeks.
I don’t know whether they have or whether they have not I’m not in a position to know. If you have some sort of a top secret clearance that we don’t know about please clue us in.
If this sham of a trial ends up being a mistrial will the Democrat party attempt to assassinate Trump? If you think keeping Trump out of the White House is so important to “save the democracy” what are you willing to do to stop him?
When they are born!! The common names in utero are zygote, embryo, fetus. What is your opinion?
Trump the tramp will most likely be acquitted although America’s man-whore is clearly guilty. It only takes one jury member to say no. He paid Stephanie Clifford to keep quiet about their tryst so it wouldn’t effect the election. He paid the National Enquirer to catch and kill the story of his long-term affair with the Playboy model. He’s a horrible, horrible person. But even if convicted, there is no Constitutional justification for removing him from the ballot. You must have known that.
I will vote against him!! If he’s elected we’ll have to see how bad he is. He’s a horrible, horrible person.
What will YOU do if he’s defeated again?
I’m so amused that you think trump is a horrible, horrible man. You don’t even know the guy. I do. I know how generous and friendly he is I know how loving and compassionate he is for the people of America and I know how much he loves this country if that to you was it to horrible, horrible guy then you’ve got a problem. It’s funny that you support all kinds of people who have killed people beat up people burn down buildings and caused all kinds of problems for our country and our people but you hate trump he’s a horrible horrible man. A man who lost millions and millions of dollars being president while you vote for people who go into the office broke and come out millionaires. You are back asswards. The only reason you have to think that trump is a horrible horrible person is that he took that D off after his name and replaced it with an R.
So a baby only becomes a human when it’s born? and it’s worthy of no rights or protections until then? Then why if a woman is murdered while she’s pregnant the baby dies the assailant is accused of two murders?
But beyond even that you’re telling me that birth makes you human one hour before you’re born you’re not human? Even you’re not that stupid Elwood. If you’re not gonna answer the question truthfully and you’re gonna lie thinking that makes you correct then you’re Dumber than Biden and that’s really dumb.
I’m so amused you don’t believe Trump is a horrible person. Trump was always a horrible, horrible man, but before he became President of the United States of America he was an inconsequential horrible, horrible man. He lied, cheated and stole but it mattered little before he stole the rigged 2016 election.
But those truths DO NOT mean that a horrible man is necessarily a horrible President! He was, but many flawed men have been adequate Presidents.
L.G. typed: So a baby only becomes a human when it’s born? and it’s worthy of no rights or protections until then?
Yes, a fetus becomes a person when born and becomes a baby!! Of course, as a society we have legitimate reasons to protect a fetus! Especially a late state fetus. Few argue otherwise. For example, under the Supreme Court ruling in Roe v Wade, states were prohibited from banning abortions in the first trimester. But by the third trimester states could essentially ban abortion except to preserve the health of the potential mother. The brouhaha engendered by ex-president Trump has permitted several cunservative states to effectively ban abortions. Like Pilate, Trump has washed his hands of his actions.
Your defense of banning all abortions is that in some jurisdictions a person charged with murdering a potential mother is also charged with murder of the late state fetus? And your answer is to charge women and clinicians with murder for any and all abortions? Not all local and state laws are consistent with all other laws.
I’ve answered your repeated question. Just because you disagree with my answer does not mean I didn’t answer! Even you’re not that stupid, L.G. Are you still taking potent painkilling medicaments???
Cunservatives are a simple species. They see the world through a dichotomous lens, that is, never shades of gray, only black and white. To you a two-celled zygote traversing a fallopian tube is a person like a two year old toddler.