These would be the same coral reefs which have survived higher temperatures and higher sea levels since the end of the last ice age, but, see, not it’s totally different
Coral reefs could vanish if temperatures continue to rise
A recent study published by Oxford University Press highlights a disturbing trend in the health of coral reefs globally, underscoring the severe implications of climate change on ocean temperatures and circulation patterns.
Over the past year, these vital ecosystems have experienced unprecedented levels of bleaching and mortality, particularly around the Caribbean, the coasts of Mexico and Central America, and several Pacific islands including Kiribati and Fiji.
The data reveals a grim future, suggesting that coral reefs might soon vanish if current trends persist.
It’s always some sort of doom with these people. It’s what they know. Perhaps instead they should just practice what they preach and get their climate cult comrades to do the same.

Are they saying all those programs to dump ships and old metro rail cars into the ocean to grow more reefs failed? Maybe they should just ask the Chinese to stop dredging the existing coral to make new islands.
Didn’t we just see last year a report on the resurgence of coral globally?
Big friggin’ deal. Corals are animals, but just barely. No brains.
We’ll easily adjust even if all coral reefs die. It’s what we adaptable humans do! We can reinforce shorelines, build walls, find alternative protein sources to replace the fisheries around the coral reefs. The silly woke wiccans who worship the natural world (Gaia, LOL) want us all to live in caves and forage for the vegetative parts of flora so we kill nothing! Ahimsa!!
90% of the accumulating heat energy gets absorbed by our wonderful oceans, which keeps the part of the world where we humans live (on the land!!) from baking!!
Relax. We’ll do nothing and we’ll adapt.
Chicken Little Karen Man
Relax and educate yourself.
However, climate scientists were apparently very ignorant regards the physiology of reef building and shell making. In order for charged ions to pass through an organism’s lipid membranes and enter its calcification chambers, a specialized channel or transporter is required. But for over a decade now, the search for carbonate transporters has failed to find any such transporters in any of these organisms. However, abundant bicarbonate transporters (green rectangles) have been found and deemed important for making reefs and shells.
Good news! Honeybees in America were not wiped out by 5G transmissions, warming, pesticides or killer bees. Numbers of bees are at a high point. Honey consumers all abuzz. Could it bee the longer growing season brought about by 1 degree of global average temperature rise is beneficial? If so, shouldn’t government policy bee encouraging it instead of trying to stop it?
There you go again, not being polite!!
Yes, I’ve seen that unsupported nonsense at WUWT regarding dissolved CO2 and CaCO3 deposition in coral. For someone of your ilk who brays and whines about “could”, “suggests” and “may” you sure swallowed this unsubstantiated silliness hook line and sinker. Mr Steele uses scientific words to push his speculation!!
Try this instead:
These scientists actually performed and published their experimental findings (Edmunds et al 2024)!
They found net community calcification (NCC) DECREASED when exposed to seawater with higher levels of CO2.
At least two things happen with increased CO2. Obviously, the increased CO2 and a decrease in pH. This doesn’t imply that the seawater is dissolving the CaCO3 shells, but could be changing the physiology of the corals. Corals are animals of the phylum Cnidaria (aka Coelenterata) and the individual coral animals lay down CaCO3 as they grow. Research at Woods Hole shows that the corals lay down less CaCO3 as the pH decreases.