A whole bunch of climate activist “journalists” gathered with some other Warmists, and it wasn’t pretty
Election 2024: How Will Climate Change Matter
Recently, I was invited to speak at the Society of Environmental Journalists conference on a panel entitled “Election 2024: How Will Climate Change Matter?”
You can watch the full panel discussion here, but the short version of my answer to the question posed by panel’s title was “not as much as you might wish.”
Here’s what I mean:
Given the scope and urgency of the climate crisis, advocates and activists can be forgiven for wishful thinking. But the idea that climate change will be a pivotal issue in the 2024 election is just that: wishful thinking. And to the extent that the issue does influence votes, it could be a wash at best. As we’ve seen in recent years, where people stand on climate change is increasingly determined by partisan affiliation. If you lean left, you probably care about climate and support strong-ish action. If you lean right, you probably think concern about climate is overblown and consider climate activists and their ideas extreme. Given that the country is more or less evenly divided ideologically, the polarization of climate change is a huge problem.
Wendy Wendlandt, president of Environmental America, makes some good points about what they would need to do, but, misses a few things: Doing Something about ‘climate change’ is a lot more popular in the 1st World when things are going well. Not so much when you had a world wide pandemic, regardless of whether it was overblown. And then have inflation that is hitting the average citizen hard in the wallet. When you have two big wars going on, one which could easily get much, much, much worse and spread, being Ukraine against Russia.
She also misses that it’s hard to get people to do stuff when they refuse to do it themselves. If I want people to stop smoking, well, even though I only have about 6-8 a day (I have low power nicotine pouches mostly. It’s my only vice), how can I convince people? If I want to convince you to stop blowing stop signs, well, I don’t, so, I’m practicing what I preach. Same with using signals.
Then there’s this
Winning all of these campaigns still won’t be enough if our society is stuck in the old paradigm. We can’t keep growing our economy in the same old ways, producing and consuming more stuff in the same old ways, without making the planet a hotter, more dangerous and biologically poorer place. Shifting the paradigm is an even heavier lift than building bipartisan support. That’s why our arguments for action need to poke holes in the old paradigm and open the path just a little wider for new ways of organizing our society.
Hmm, so, you want to convince Other People to basically move to a different economic model, limiting people’s choices? And a new way of organizing our society? Who will enforce this on the peasants? She doesn’t say. Most Warmists refuse to actually say.

People can see the huge inflation rate on food, every time they go to the grocery store, and that is far more of a problem for them than what the climate will be fifty or a hundred years from now.
Our good friend John will say, “But, but, but, the inflation rate is down!”, and that’s true, at least for the official inflation rate. But most people don’t buy major appliances every day, and the official inflation rate includes what a very large basket of different items costs, mostly things which are not purchased that frequently.
Groceries are up 25%, energy prices up 36%, rent up 22%, car insurance up 46% since the dummkopf from Delaware took over.
Milk was 99¢ a gallon at the Kroger on Bypass Road in Richmond when Donald Trump was in office; it’s $2.79 now. Kroger has big placards on the milk cooler, telling customers the current price, so it’s very noticeable to me, because I’m the kind of guy who remembers these things.
Nothing matters in the 2024 election.
Biden will garner 100 million votes and trounce Trump. The house will flip democratic. The GOP will lose another couple senators and all will be well with communism and chaos.
There is ZERO chance Trump wins in 2024. In Wisconsin a Democratic assistant elections head wanted to prove you can cheat in elections and so she mailed out ballots to a state lawmaker who then complained that she got 3 ballots in the mail.
The election official then claimed responsibility to demonstrate that it is possible to cheat and cheat easily.
Her reward? Charged with a felony. How dare she expose the Democrat’s plan for winning elections.
The problem is that you only need to do this in a few states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and the Democrats win election after election for president. Hell, they don’t even hide their actions anymore.
As for flipping the house, apparently, if you pay enough money, someone can just flip a switch, and voila, those votes for the other guy now become yours.
Nothing has changed except the massive intimidation attempt for anyone speaking of this lawlessness.
Democrats are so brazen and brilliant in their schemes that they can easily win the battleground states in such a clever way no one can figure it out how they do it, much less stop them!!
America is a failed state. We can not believe anything we hear from government, experts, the media, universities, scientists – do your own research – reach your own conclusions!! It’s futile to vote. Democracy is meaningless! Our military is ‘woke’ and weak. Our government is hopelessly corrupt. Dems crow that Dem candidates win every popular vote but lose in the Electoral College proving that the popular vote is corrupt. The Deep State, Congress, FBI, CIA, Dept of Agriculture, Library of Congress, National Archives, a third of the Supreme Court, NASA and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame are all controlled by an international communist cabal and must be destroyed and rebuilt.
Russia is a better model for America than is America! Their military is NOT ‘woke’. Tucker Carlson recently showed their subways and grocery stores are better than ours! Sometimes in history a once strong nation needs a strong leader. America needs Donald Trump to wipe away decade of creeping ‘wokeness’, secularism, atheism, diversity, equality, inclusion, tolerance, feminism, and worse, feminization. We need a return of masculinity, toxic if needed!!
Missouri’s junior Senator Josh Hawley, last seen mincing through the Capitol fleeing the peaceful Jan 6 protesters, authored a book on masculinity: Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs . Hawley identifies the defining strengths of men, including responsibility, bravery, fidelity, and leadership. This describes Mr Trump perfectly – whose pampered lifestyle, pompadour hairdo, manicures, make-up and sycophants belie the steel in his spine!! It’s time for scrawny, soccer-style place kickers like Harrison Buttker to show us how real men act!!
Americans deserve 99 cent milk and 22 cent gasoline. There were no Mexicans in the US when Trump was president. The Wall that Mexico built kept them out. We had a chicken in every pot, not a single terrorist attack, no school shootings… It’s time for the American people to take back America and Donald J. Trump is our instrument!! Once he fixes America we can re-try the theory of Democracy but this time with guardrails to protect us from communists, feminists, queerists, diversitists, egalitarianists… White Christian straight men built the greatest nation on Earth – Russia – and we would do well to emulate them!!
The only rebuttal to this C&P.

Thanks Karen (aka Rimjob).
Bwaha! Lolgf
Bwaha! Lolgf