Haverford Colleged Sued By Jewish Students Over Hostile Learning Evironment

When Jewish students sued Columbia people wondered if more would follow. Haverford is now in the crosshairs, and I hope Jewish students sue many more schools. Heck, even non-Jewish students should sue over the issues and threats at U.S. colleges

Jewish students sue Haverford University for creating a hostile environment

Students filed a lawsuit on Monday against Haverford College for violating the civil rights of Jewish students by creating a hostile environment toward Jews and for holding double standards on conduct against them compared to other ethnic and religious groups.

The suit filed to the Pennsylvanian Eastern District Court by five plaintiffs contended that the college administration had acted contrary to Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by creating conditions in which Jewish students could not fully participate in classes and programming without fear of harassment.

Jewish students said that they could not speak Hebrew in public, engage in mannerisms that would identify them as Jewish and that they had to hide their beliefs and identities to avoid harassment. Haverford allegedly took no action to address the conditions of faculty and students that engaged in intimidation of Jewish students or for their support of terrorism.

The article lays out many, many, many of the issues cited in the lawsuit, such as tearing down Jewish linked posters, very negative statements, teachers celebrating the Hamas massacre of Jewish music festival attendees, and

Student groups repeatedly engaged in blood libel tropes. In late March, they held a class teaching how “Israel uses COVID[-19] as a tool for settler colonialism in Palestine” and “how the Israeli state intentionally debilitates Palestinians through the spread of COVID.” Haverford Students for Peace on May 9 published an Instagram post with bloody hands reaching for a donut entitled “Say not to blood donuts,” demanding that the college not purchase donuts for a commencement breakfast from Federal Donuts because the owner donated to Israeli causes.

The suit also mentions many instances of double standards, despite a clear policy that disallows hate speech and direct attacks on individuals and groups.

Another Haverford professor, Gina Velasco, allegedly posted on her Facebook page “F*** Israel” and “F*** Zionism,” but the suit notes that while action was not taken against anti-Israel professors, Haverford investigated tenured Jewish Israeli Professor Barak Mendelsohn for social media posts on the relationship between anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish attacks. (snip)

The suit alleged a trend of double standards in favor of some ethnic groups, while Jews and Israelis were disfavored. A January march in which it was alleged there were antisemitic slogans and calls for the state of Israel resulted in no repercussions for the students that attended it because it was off campus. Still, in the past, there were examples of Haverford revoking acceptance of the school after it had been discovered that an aspiring student had made anti-LGBTQ and anti-black statements on social media.

Pretty big double standard. The Jewish students say they have met with university officials over the issues, and the administration really did nothing, so, both administration and other students have made the Jewish student lives terrible. Here’s hoping they make a lot of money, and that many other schools are sued.

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7 Responses to “Haverford Colleged Sued By Jewish Students Over Hostile Learning Evironment”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    Haverford? That’s nothing.

    Check out UC-Irvine.
    Wonder if she grades on a curve.

    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  2. H says:

    Jew hate is everywhere!
    Et al

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Republicans discriminate against Jews. Of the 35 Jews in Congress, only 2 are Republicans.

    Of the eight Jewish Supreme Court Justices in history, only Benjamin Cardozo was nominated by a Republican (Herbert Hoover). These days, Republicans nominate and approve conservative Roman Catholics to the Supreme Court. No Jews need apply.

    79% of Jews vote Democrat. Why do you suppose that is?

    Now, the cynical and trumpian Republicans are ginning the divide between Israelis and Palestinians to help the anti-Semitic Trump.

    William Teach is urging Jewish students to sue their colleges and universities for permitting protests, some of which had anti-Semitic events – including protesters carrying torches and screaming “Jews Won’t Replace Us!!” My mistake, that was at a conservative Christian protest. In that anti-Jewish, anti-Black, anti-immigrant protest, a young woman, Heather Heyer, was murdered. Her murderer, a young neo-Nazi, also injured 35 others, and is serving life in prison. A jury awarded victims of the rioting $26 million, but a judge reduced it to $2.35 million. Anyway, the assholes who arranged the Charlottesville hate-fest don’t have any money.

    Does Teach agree that students/parents at schools where shootings occurred should sue the schools, teachers, principals, school districts, the cities, the police departments and the state, realizing that in those events children were actually killed and terrorized, not just made to feel “uncomfortable”?

  4. […] my Inquirer links too frequently. But my good friend and occasional blog pinch-hitter William Teach wrote about this as well, using the New York Post as his […]

  5. Dana says:

    Haverford College has created a “safe, inclusive, intersectional space open to folks of all genders,” but that apparently doesn’t include Jooooos.

  6. […] my Inquirer links too frequently. But my good friend and occasional blog pinch-hitter William Teach wrote about this as well, using the New York Post as his […]

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