Mexico Trying To Protect Biden By Interdicting Illegals On The Way To U.S. Border

Who thinks that if Biden wins in 2024 this agreement with Mexico will end and the U.S. will once again see an onslaught of illegals?

Mexico is stopping nearly three times as many migrants now, helping keep U.S. border crossings down

Mexico is stopping nearly three times as many migrants who have crossed its southern border as it was a year ago, a trend that U.S. officials say has helped blunt the surge in crossings of the U.S. border usually seen at this time of year.

Biden administration officials also point to the increased help from Mexico in slowing migration as proof that their relationship with their southern neighbors is more effective than the Trump administration’s.

Former President Donald Trump has derided President Joe Biden’s record and claimed that his administration was more successful at controlling the border.

Early last year, Mexico interdicted roughly 100,000 migrants at its southern border or inside Mexico per month, while the U.S. was apprehending over 193,000 migrants monthly at the U.S.-Mexico border. This year, more migrants are being stopped inside Mexico than in the U.S., with over 280,000 being interdicted in Mexico and 189,000 in the U.S. in March, according to figures obtained by NBC News.

Um, there were 400K overall in 2020. 851K in 2019 when Democrats were trying to cause problems, and Trump wasn’t just letting them go around the nation. 397K in 2018. 304K in 2017. Even with Mexico helping out Biden, that’s still over 2.3 million a year. That’s nothing to brag about.

The high numbers of migrants stopped in Mexico show how chaotic the U.S. border could become if Mexico cannot sustain its interdiction efforts. Another spike in border crossings could hurt Biden in the coming election.

2.3 million a year should hurt Biden in the coming election

(MyFox8) Mexico says it will help the United States keep migrant crossings under 4,000 a day at its Southwest border – a move aimed at reining in a years-long humanitarian crisis bedeviling both countries.

Mexican officials are holding talks with seven “migrant expelling” countries in the Western Hemisphere to discuss lawful pathways to the United States, economic assistance, jobs in Mexico, repatriation flights and a possible loosening of U.S. sanctions on Venezuela and Cuba.

4,000 a day. And you get to pay for that. Ship them all to Delaware. That’s 400,000 more than the population of Delaware. Of course, it’s more than 4,000 a day, as we see from the first numbers. And Mexico is looking for ways to spike those numbers if Biden wins.

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17 Responses to “Mexico Trying To Protect Biden By Interdicting Illegals On The Way To U.S. Border”

  1. Dana says:

    The problem for the dummkopf from Delaware is that no one seriously believes he’s actually trying to stem the flow of illegals. Anyone who thinks about it at all would understand that anything being done now is just for the election.

    • Professor Hale says:

      The problem for the dummkopf from Delaware is that no one seriously believes he’s actually trying.

      There. fixed it for ya.

      No one believes that Biden is actually in control of the US government. He is the sock puppet for someone else. Someone who wasn’t elected and thus has to rule from the shadows. Why else have a president AND a VP who are functionally retarded? Any rational political party would predict that the death by old age for Biden was a near term certainty and would thus have selected a V.P. who could step up. Harris is every bit as much of a sock puppet as Biden and she was selected specifically because of her willingness to be a sock puppet.

      I can’t tell you who the real ruler of the US is. I thought for a while it was Susan Rice. Some people think it is Obama (why he never left DC). It might be a small cabal of such people who rule by committee. It is certainly not Biden and it certainly won’t be Harris.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    … the U.S. will once again see an onslaught of illegals?

    How many more could there be? Nearly 20% of the US population now is from illegal origins. It seems like everyone who wanted to do this already has by now. Of course there are still 2 BILLION Asians who might want a piece of that. China would have to build some sort of Oceanic cattle cars to bring more in large scale. Airplanes are likely more economical.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Some 66 million of Americans of “illegal” origins?? Continue that train of thought…

      Were Donald Trump’s grandparents here legally? His grandpa Friedrich moved from Germany and opened a restaurant and whorehouse in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. He later returned home to Germany but had to flee to avoid conscription (draft dodger). Germany revoked his German citizenship.

      Is the Trump klan part of the 66 million of “illegal” origins?

      Couldn’t one argue that only those whose origins were from native Americans origins are “illegal”?

      • drowningpuppies says:

        The stupid it burns.

        Queef courtesy of Karen (aka Rimjob),

        Bwaha! Lolgf

        • CarolAnn says:

          It is amazing how much nasty stuff he knows about the trump family but he just can’t think of anything bad about Biden. And I’m sure half the **** he knows is not true anyhow. Consider the source.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Hi CarolAnn,

            Hope you had a great Mother’s Day!!

            The right-wing media digs up the “bad” on Biden (most of it untrue) so that I don’t have to. It would be easy for you to verify the “nasty stuff” on the Trump family.

            I’ve only relayed a small percentage of Big Donnie’s misdeeds.

            So, so much is just glossed over in his past. His looting and bankrupting Atlantic City casinos. His sexual assaults. His cheating of contractors. His business scams. His lying.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            His business scams. His lying.

            Speaking of nasty…

            Galera Therapeutics (NASDAQ:GRTX) just reported results for the first quarter of 2024.

            Galera Therapeutics reported earnings per share of -8 cents.
            The company did not report any revenue for the quarter.

            Heckuva job Karen (aka Rimjob).
            How much was it that you’re responsible for um, ‘squandering’, $50M or so?

            Bwaha! Lolgf

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Lil Pissant,

            Fat Donnie is more like a used car salesman, similar to that one at Leith Honda in Raleigh NC, who cheated an old couple out of thousands.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Oh, that makes so much sense.

            Thanks Karin (aka Rimjob)

            #Bwaha! Lolgf

      • Brother John says:

        Pedo Pete lets in — deliberately — 10-20 million illegal aliens from all over the world even as the rights and liberties of Americans are under assault — no, the right to kill and eat your young doesn’t count — and your go-to is Trump’s grandparents?

        You are so fucking dishonest and dishonarable it should hurt.

        But, of course, no brain, no pain, amirite?

        Dimwitted scumbag.

  3. H says:

    Mexico will pay for the Great Wall
    There has been zero migrant crossings since the Wall was built

    I am just guess “Professor” Hale may need a refresher course in fractions and percentages.
    Or a cognitive assessment

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The flatulent from Florida (aka The Godfarter) is different?

    The President actually supported the conservative-leaning Senate immigration bill that The Godfarter ordered his puppet in the House, Lil Mikie Johnson, to scotch.

    Why did Donnie the Godfarter block the bill if not “just for the election”?

  5. H says:

    Capitalists want/need cheap labor!
    USA needs more workers. Biden’s unemployment rate is too low and is driving up wages causing inflation .
    USA needs more of these strong military aged men as workers. Also our birthrate is too low, without new workers contributing to Social Security it will go bankrupt in 10 years. Mr Teach will be shot out of luck .

    • Jl says:

      Johnny, Johnny..”US needs more strong military aged workers..” Can you show us adds that say “looking for strong, military age workers”? And if they’re young and strong why aren’t they helping out their own country? So if they’re older, female and not as strong they’re out of luck?
      “Biden’s unemployment rate too low”. So what good would it do to bring in illegal, cheap labor? Johnny..are you home? Wouldn’t that make “Biden’s unemployment” that’s too low even lower? Do you have a clue to what you’re talking about?

  6. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Capitalists want/need cheap labor!

    it must be part of the makeup of far left wingers to constantly make statements and pontificate about subjects they don’t know anything about. A communist like you telling capitalists what they want and need and an atheist like Elwood quoting the Bible to us. It’s really funny.

    I’m a capitalist. I come from a very successful family of capitalists. We’re all capitalists, and none of us what/need cheap labor. Everybody in my family who owns businesses wants competitive labor for the job being done. They price their products according to costs and labor is a cost as you may or may not know. If the cost of Labor goes up they adjust their products and their prices accordingly. So the only people that the cost of Labor truly affects are the buyers in other words consumers Since businesses adjust their prices according to the cost of Labor among other things. And as a great businessman once told me you don’t have to be the cheapest you just have to be competitive.

    If the USA needs more workers, and I honestly believe the jury is out on that because the government lies about their numbers so frequently that none of us can tell the truth from lies so we really don’t know, part of the problem might be because they allow so many people to get paid for not working. And when you say workers you’re not talking about architects and heart surgeons or nuclear scientists or engineers. You’re talking about bottom rung workers so our unemployed, our perpetually unemployed, our generationally unemployed and our deliberately unemployed all qualify to do those jobs. If we take away their financial support you’d be surprised how fast they’ll go to work in those lower rung jobs.

    America does not need more of these strong military aged men his workers we have plenty of them they’re called “students”. What we need are people qualified in the upper and middle professional classes. In other words not necessarily businesses that require college degrees but people who are professionals like HVAC, auto repair, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, and I’m sure many other professions that require expertise. Usually the professions that at one time in our history had an apprentice system. They’re needed. The rest are not needed. In fact if you look around cities you’ll see all those guys you described hanging around corners and causing trouble.

    Our birth rate is too low part of that’s due to high prices inflation and everything of the Democrat party has done for the last 30 years to make our birth rate low from killing unborn babies didn’t having the government take over for fathers and replacing their income. If you don’t need a family you don’t have a high birth rate, duh. But like you said Social Security could be in danger but that would just be another in a long stream of leftist ideology programs that go bust. We can put that up with the WPA and the Department of Education. More losers.

    Why will Mr. Teach be shot out of luck?

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