Yesterday we learned that climate apocalypse could maybe possibly they guess be making migraines worse. Now
Climate Change Is Affecting Brain Health, Study Finds
Conditions like dementia, epilepsy and depression could spread and worsen in severity as the world heats up.
In a study released Wednesday, University College London researchers analyzed neuroscience literature to reveal how extreme heat and climate change-fueled disasters influence key neurological diseases and mental health disorders. They found that environmental factors not only affect the prevalence of disease but can heighten the associated risk of hospital admission, disability and even death.
Climate change’s impact on health has been well studied, particularly when it comes to infectious and respiratory diseases. But it also takes a toll on neurological health, with the body’s temperature regulation process appearing to be a key driver in the uptick of conditions triggered by extreme heat.
“In order to work properly, the brain has to be maintained within a relatively narrow temperature range,” said Sanjay Sisodiya, a professor at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology who led the research. “If the brain has a disease, then the brain’s ability to thermoregulate is compromised. Take someone with a neurological disease and put them in an extraordinary heat wave, you can see how that could well make their neurological disease worse.”
Really? The world’s temperature is up about 1.7F since 1850. Can people really feel that? Especially since humans have spread across the world, and many live in areas that are hot. If people didn’t like this would they be taking days, weeks, and vacations to go to hot places?\
More investigation is needed into the exact mechanism linking neurological disorders with higher temperatures, Sisodiya added. As extreme weather worsens and becomes more common, it’s increasingly vital to untangle the exact relationship, particularly for the youngest, oldest and most vulnerable populations.
And there it is: they do not really know, they just need more taxpayer money to investigate, and use ‘climate change’ as the means.

William Teach typed: The world’s temperature is up about 1.7F since 1850. Can people really feel that?
Mr Teach either deliberately or ignorantly conflates the mean surface global temperature with the ability of a human to detect a 2F difference in the ambient temperature. Can you tell 68F from 70F? Highly unlikely! Does a 2F increase in mean surface global temperature result in changes to climates that ARE detectable by humans? Changes such as floods, droughts, sea level rise, tornadoes, typhoons, changes in distribution of flora and fauna, wildfires, polar ice melt, loss of glaciers ARE noticeable (since people “really feel that”). I suspect Mr Teach deliberately ignores facts.
William Teach also deliberately or ignorantly misunderstands or misrepresents the methods of science.
Teach typed: And there it is: they do not really know, they just need more taxpayer money to investigate, and use ‘climate change’ as the means.
If they were less decent, people as smart as scientists could make much more money selling real estate or cars or crypto.
TL;DNR. Too many stupid rhetorical questions.

More nonsensical queefing.
Thanks Karen (aka Rimjob).
Bwaha! Lolgf
Bwaha! Lolgf
“Floods, droughts, SLR, tornadoes, ect. are noticeable”. That’s interesting, because they’re not worse than before.
Without all the constant hype, I doubt if anybody would notice anything at all. What’s to notice?
From the abstract: “Evidence ‘suggests’….’can’ be affected by climate change.” Hmm..we think, but we’re not sure…
“Robust studies on the threats from changing climate….for people who have disorders of the central nervous system are urgently needed”. Wait-so studies are urgently needed, (future tense), then what the hell was this paper about?
At least if they were selling those things they’ll be selling something of value and at least something real. It amazes me how leftists think it’s “decent” to defraud people of their money through taxes which means their livelihood through taxes to support a hoax like climate change. When did selling real estate and cars become an “indecent” thing to do. I guess I stand corrected.
Extreme radical leftists like Elwood think it’s “decent” to use government force to steal people’s money and force them to do things they don’t wanna do even things that are unconstitutional or amoral. But then the left never shows any morality towards anyone that disagrees with them. Just look how they’re persecuting Trump over an undisclosed crime that may or may not have been committed 20 years ago. History has about 160 million bodies piled up to prove how decent the left is. We still have people sitting in jail for protesting at the capitol. You would think a “decent” person like Elwood would have a problem with that but he doesn’t he seems to think that’s perfectly fine.
that crash we heard was elwood’s mind automatically snapping closed again. As usual. A reasonable person would suspect Mr. teach disagrees with what Elwood considers facts and has reached a different conclusion. Like close minds can’t accept other conclusions there’s only elwood’s way. He’s the reason why we can’t have a guy like this president because everybody’s gotta conform exactly to what he wants. We no longer have the freedom of autonomy that we had before the communists took over the Democrat party.
Well, it’s certainly true that the
global warmingclimate change activists have had their brains negatively affected by something!I’m sitting at home convalescing with my leg in a boot and of course I’m gonna start gaining weight soon cause the girls keep feeding me. But I’ve been watching on the Internet on TV everywhere slow note down of the EV market. Looks like H and all his minions have been dead wrong about EV’s. Their sales seem to be crashing and burning and taking their companies with them. Billions of dollars lost on EV this past year so far.
But leftists being what they are which are really politicized religious zealots, they cannot understand what’s happening. Leftist’s total lack of common sense and self-awareness is only exceeded by their arrogance. They are destroying our economy at several different levels energy being one the EV nonsense being another and they just refuse to listen because anybody who tells them otherwise is a trump supporter and therefore not worthy of being allowed to live.
Less than 1% of the federal budget supports scientific research at US universities. Are budget considerations your ACTUAL concern? Didn’t think so. Like Mr Teach you don’t like hearing about the results of scientific studies. Or facts. Just because Mr Trump says something doesn’t make it true.
I suspect you disagree with the results from scientific research. Wouldn’t you like to see research funding for the CDC, NIH, NSF, NASA, NOAA, EPA, DOE, etc eliminated? And do we even need a National Weather Service? Dr John Christy, a global warming skeptic at the University of Alabama-Huntsville, receives millions in funding from our Dept of Energy. Christy’s mentor of collaborator is Dr Roy Spencer. Is this “good” research that should be continued?
It sounds as if you oppose taxesm describing taxation as stealing money from citizens and non-citizens. But how would we pay for defense, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid and interest on the debt? These account for about 90% of US government spending. Which would you eliminate?
And aren’t you a government employee?? How would you get paid if not from taxes?
L.G. typed: crime that may or may not have been committed 20 years ago
Sorry, you’re mistaken. The crimes in the current trial were allegedly committed around the 2016 campaign. Not 20 years ago. He banged Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal (and doubtless many others) while Mrs Trump was home caring for their infant son. Although adultery is still on the books as a crime in some states it’s not prosecuted. And consensual sex with a porn star and a Playboy model is not illegal. His profligate sex adventures were not criminal, but tampering with business records to conceal the payoffs to affect the 2016 election are crimes. He allegedly stole the government documents, hid evidence, obstructed justice in 2021 and later. He tried to overturn the election 2020 election.
No one is in jail for protesting. Those that pleaded guilty or were convicted were not charged with protesting.
Teach seems fixated on the temp ride since the year 1850, as if the rise has been constant since then
However the rates of increase since 1982 have been 300% higher than in the first 120 years.
That “miniscule” rise has wiped out 90% of the lobster harvest of NJ because the eggs which float to the surface can not developed into larvae above a certain temp.
Each year we see an increase in the number of extreme weather events.
In the lifespan of Mr Teach the 1 degree C total of the 1.7 degree rise has occured
If the rate of increase keeps going up within his lifetime we will see another 1 degree C rise in the Earth’s temps.
No Johnny, we don’t see an increase in the number of extreme events. And if we did, that would only be a correlation, not evidence of causation. You’ve a long way to go…
Science has certainly improved the lives of humans more than religion
The insults and chants hurled at Biden “Sleepy Joe” and “lock her up” have come around karmically to land on Mr Trump.
The insults of “corrupt” have put Mr Trump under indictment in 4 different jurisdictions.
It is almost like Trump himself could dee his own future
Both China and Russia are strongly supporting Trump.
Judge a man by his friends
Russia China and North Korea are all supporting Mr Trump
Judge a man by his friends
Carbon boy-as opposed to Hamas supporting Brandon? Judge a man by his friends…
Failing brain health is causing the climate change… at least the cult aspect of it. There is a certain knee-jerk cynicism that infects these folks.