Biden started out mostly strong on Israel, but, has slowly inched his way towards the pro-Hamas/anti-Israel beliefs of his unhinged, Jew hating base, to the point of withholding arms
House passes bill forcing Biden to arm Israel, catches Democrats in political crossfire
House Republicans tried to drive a wedge between Democrats and President Biden on Thursday in passing legislation that would compel the White House to arm Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists.
Democrats were forced to either side with Mr. Biden or side with ally Israel and Jewish voters who have long been loyal Democrats. They chose Mr. Biden.
The House passed the Israel Security Assistance Support Act 224 to 187, with just 16 Democrats joining the Republican majority in support of the bill.
The bill authored by Rep. Ken Calvert, California Republican, responded to Mr. Biden’s threats to further pause arms shipments to the Jewish state over concerns of possible mass civilian casualties when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent forces into Rafah, home to over 1 million Palestinians.
Mr. Calvert’s bill would force the administration to send weapons to Israel and to send any arms that have been withheld. Mr. Biden has paused the shipment of thousands of bombs.
The bill also put Democrats on record on their stance on Israel, an issue that has split the party between its historic support for Israel and the left-wing’s increasingly anti-Israel fervor.
Well, Democrats mostly do not care about the Jewish vote: they’d rather pander to the Jew haters and Islamic extremists who support Islamic terrorist groups. But, they still expect Jews to vote Democrat, despite being treated poorly, much like they expect the black and Hispanic votes. But, it’s mostly the Islamists that Democrats engage with
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, Texas Republican, said that the specific weapons that Mr. Biden was trying to block — heavy bombs and precision munitions — were necessary to root out Hamas because the terrorist organization has an extensive tunnel network in Rafah.
He argued that Mr. Biden and his Democrats were making a sudden about-face just months after proudly standing with Israel.
“War is hell, war is horrific, war is messy, nobody wants war,” Mr. McCaul said on the House floor before the vote. “But Israel did not start this war, Hamas did. And sadly, civilian casualties are part of urban warfare.”
Funny how Democrats, including Biden, rarely have a word of condemnation for Hamas and the Palestinians who support them, eh?
The bill is all but dead now that it has passed the House.
Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, declared that he would not put the bill to a vote after Mr. Biden vowed to veto it earlier this week.
Chuck won’t even hold a vote on it, which is interesting, considering how many Jews are in his district. Sure, it would be a waste of time, since Biden has come around to the Israel hating side, but, he could seriously hold a quick vote. I suspect he doesn’t want debate on it, which would look bad for Biden.
(Politico) “They are clearly making this decision to appeal to a small subset and element in their party,” Speaker Mike Johnson said of Democrats. “The president himself and Leader Schumer both within just the last several weeks were saying that we should stand with Israel. They were using the right language and now they are doing a complete about-face. Why?”
Unfortunately, it is not just a small subset: the number of Israel/Jew haters who also take the side of the Islamists is actually pretty big. Biden and the Democrats would rather patronize them, despite often being people who despise America.

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Does William Teach believe that most American Jews favor dropping 2000 lb bombs on Gazans?
House Republicuns have but one objective, “Get Brandon!”, with corollary “Praise Trump!”
Mr Teach is upset that Schumer hasn’t brought it to a a Senate vote! The same way he was upset that Lil Mikie Johnson didn’t bring the conservative Republican bill on immigration to a House vote.
The pro-Russian/anti-freedom House Republicuns fought tooth and nail to keep military aid from Ukraine (who need our aid to survive Russia) but are happy to give 2000 lb bombs to Israel (who don’t need our help!!). The Republicun Party has become a support system for Don Trump!!
Let me see if I have this straight. The Democrats I’ve been listed the FBI the CIA Homeland Security DOJ colleges and institutions the media and every other institution they can think of to persecute trump even to the point of taking him to court to try and get him thrown in jail like a Banana Republic. But you’re complaining because the Republicans have one object which is to get Brandon in an election? You leftists you’re so f’d up you can’t even see yourself in a mirror that’s how evil you are. You side with antifa Nazis you side with BOM communist plus you side with all the communists in college and in the media and now you’re siding with the terrorist moslims all over the Middle East and the ones coming out of being fed by your communist Muslim lovers in the colleges.
The pro-Russian/anti-freedom House Republicuns fought tooth and nail to keep military aid from Ukraine (who need our aid to survive Russia) but are happy to give 2000 lb bombs to Israel (who don’t need our help!!).
The Nazi loving Democrats kept trying to feed the little homosexual Nazi in the Ukraine weapons and money to keep a war going ( and feed Biden and the other billionaire Democrats money) that the Republicans were trying to keep from growing it to World War III. If the stupid Nazi loving Democrats had not kept threatening to bring Ukraine into NATO there wouldn’t have been a problem. Which is why we didn’t have a problem when Trump was president because he didn’t threaten to bring them into NATO. instead of antagonizing Putin and Russia trump would actually talk with them and negotiate. Which kept a lot of people from dying and for which you kept calling him the friend of trump’s. He was a friend of humanity for keeping men alive unlike the genocidal fuckin genocidal maniac you got in the White House now.
And we’re happy to give 2000 lbs to Israel because they are defending themselves from terrorist Muslims who attacked them in case you haven’t noticed. you Muslim loving traitor. And in case you haven’t noticed the Ukraine was not and is not an ally of ours nor are they a member of NATO. As of yet. If you’re genocidal child ****** wins another term by stuffing ballots the Ukraine might yet be I now I of ours right before we go up in a cloud of uranium smoke. That’s a lot to give up for the Ukrainians who sided with the Nazis of World War 2.
The pro immigration Democrat builders for one reason only to seed the states with enough Democrat voters illegal Democrat voters that is to increase the representation in the house illegally and by cooking the books. In other words cheating like you usually do. You can’t win anything honestly you gotta steal voting ballots, salt voting districts with unqualified people and let them vote or go to court and make it your own judge your own jury and your own executioners. What you do is cheat and steal and lie. It’s the nature of leftism.
what do you expect them to be you dumb bastard he’s their candidate for president. Aren’t you a support system for Biden? Alright all the Democrats are support system for buying including people in colleges the news media every department of the government of the United states? You’re all a bunch of liars and cheats we really gotta get rid of you people
House Republicans are feckless cowards.
Ukraine would not have needed our aid had we not spent ten years playing fuck-fuck games over there and poking the Russians in the eyes.
You’re a fucking idiot.
Brandon wants more Gaza Palestinians in the U.S.

What could go wrong?
Bwaha! Lolgf
“The terrorist group Hamas unleashed pure, unadulterated evil in the world. But sadly, the Jewish people know, perhaps better than anyone, that there is no limit to the depravity of people when they want to inflict pain on others.”
Israel enabled Hamas to take over Gaza by weakening the Palestinian Authority which controlled Gaza
Biden’s peace plan just released by
The first phase of the “day after” plan reportedly stipulates the need for a ceasefire, achieving the prerequisites for international recognition of a Palestinian state, Israel’s acceptance of the PA’s return to the Gaza Strip, the release of hostages in Hamas captivity in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners, and the formation of a technocratic government in Gaza to rebuild the Strip.
This week, defense sources told the Jerusalem Post that Israel had unofficially asked the PA to administer the Rafah crossing in Gaza.
Earlier, however, it had been reported that the PA had refused such an offer.
Phase two of the plan
According to the report, the document outlines that in the second phase of the plan, a peace process would commence which would include Israel-Saudi normalization.
Additionally, Gaza would undergo rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Also, final status negotiations regarding the status of refugees, Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, and Israel and a Palestinian state would begin.
Fourthly, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)would be revitalized, and there would be internal reconciliation between the various Palestinian factions. Hamas would reportedly be disarmed and integrated into this body.
The above is from the Jerusalem Post May 18th 2023
LG Brandon has JEW HATRED for the 80% of American Jews who vote Dem. For all those Jews who control all the media he hates. . He has no respect or tolerance for JEWS who have different politics than he does.
“we really gotta get rid of you” Is that a call for violence against those commie loving American Jews? Exactly what means would be encouraged to “get rid of them” What exactly would you personally be willing to do to get rid of them? Civil war? Vigilante action ?
Stop It !!
I have the same amount of hatred for them as I have for Catholics and Protestants that vote for Dems. In fact any people in a free society that vote for communists like Democrats deserves to be shunned for the morons they are. Those Jews who were voting for Democrats are voting against their own best interests and against their freedom. Proof of that is the fact that sponge brain shift for pants is siding with Hamas.
I have no respect or tolerance for anybody who has a view of politics that supports communist, Nazis, socialist, or Muslims. All of those groups hate America and are against America if you support them you deserve to be executed as a traitor.
whatever needs to be done to get them out of our country I support. We do not need a fifth column of anti American people living in comfort among us. You might like the idea of having your neighbor wanna kill you and your family but I don’t. you might think it’s just diversity to have all kinds of crazy people who won’t assimilate and hate our society and more to kill us living amongst us I think it’s stupidity and I think you’re stupid for thinking it. you’re a fifth column, that makes you know better than they are.
Stop It !! are you passing out orders to me now is that what that is? You stopped supporting our enemies and I won’t have to point out who they are get rid of them.
American Jews are also deeply divided over Gaza 16% saying that Hamas attack was justified
40% of all American Jews view the Palestinian people favorably
April 2 2024
Pew Research
Pew Polling is considered to be the Gold Standard in American polling
Mr Teach/LG Brandon’s views are outliers from the American people, and American Jews.
Israel is now searching for a way out of the Gaza mess. They are even asking for the Palestinian Authority for help, by taking over Gaza, starting with the Rafah Crossing. The PA has refused.
The Gaza invasion/occupation has been a FAILURE
“The Palestinian people..”. Johnny-where’s Palestine so that people can say they’re “Palestinians”?
Palestine is currently divided into Gaza and The West Bank. You can’t be that accidentally ignorant – it has to be deliberate.
In general it’s the area of the Levant including the current Palestine territories, Israel (since 1948), parts of Jordan, Lebanon.
So the Palestinians are people living in the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank, and those people around the world derived from the people of Palestine.
Why do you want them all dead? Do you think Israel killing all the boys, girls, women and men in Gaza will end the middle east troubles?
Why sure, that makes sense-every time they’ve been offered a two state solution (the “state” of Palestine) they’ve turned it down. And this after being given Gaza..
I don’t believe those statistics for one minute but if they’re true American Jews need to take a deep look inside themselves and see which side their bread is buttered on.
Pew Polling is considered to be the Gold Standard in American polling
which proves conclusively that all polling is nonsense.
I couldn’t care less if my views are an outlier from the American people or the American Jews. Why should I? Basically that proves my point.
it doesn’t matter what agreement Israel makes with any Muslim group. Muslims all 100% want to eliminate Israel. Not just from the river to the sea but the entire country. Basically as usual you communist Democrats are supporting mass murderers. Muslims have always been mass murderers it’s their nature. That’s why we don’t need them here. Secondly they’re liars and no matter what they agree to they will never abide by it. You may have noticed that they were at peace and had an agreement on October 6th right before they broke it on October 7th.
Gaza invasion occupation hasn’t even started yet. And it will not be a failure. When have you ever known the Israelis to lose? You just hate you so much you wanted to be a failure you anti Semite Muslim lover. Why don’t you go do something constructive for a change?
Monsieur L.G. said: Muslims have always been mass murderers it’s their nature
Neither Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Hirohito, Pol Pot were Muslims. Hitler had several million Jews, Roma, queers, disabled, Poles murdered. Stalin had over 10 million Russians killed. As many as 80 million Chinese were starved and executed by Mao. The Japanese killed millions in the lead up and during WW2. Pol Pot had up to 2 million scholars, teachers, tradespersons, intellectuals, immigrants dispatched. Orthodox Serbs murdered many thousands of Bosniak Muslims, taking men and boys to killing fields and executing them. In a number of riots and demonstrations, Indian Hindus have murdered many thousands of Muslims.
It seems to be human is to be a mass murderer.
We get it. The American far-right is understandably afraid of radical Muslims, but because of your inability to nuance you view all Muslims as filthy animals. This overgeneralization would be of normal Americans viewed all MAGAts as lying fascists. Oh.
And again Karen (aka Rimjob) acts as an apologist for Hamas.

One sick fuck she is.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Are you off your meds again? These two things are not mutually exclusive. They both can be — and are — true.
I would think that would require one to surrender one’s humanity, but it’s not like I’m dealing with a rational actor here.
You get nothing. You understand nothing, you know nothing, you get nothing, yet you keep mouthing off about things and people you hate and don’t understand, and your greatest hatred is reserved for Americans. Fuck you.