There’s a very interesting breakdown in the economic divisions of these likely voters
Poll: Likely American Voters Prefer Deporting Illegal Aliens Over Amnesty
Most Americans likely to vote in this year’s presidential election say they prefer deporting all illegal aliens from the United States rather than giving them amnesty, a new poll reveals.
The Rasmussen Reports survey found that a majority, 54 percent, of likely U.S. voters said they support a policy to deport all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens — including 36 percent who said they strongly support such a policy.
Working and lower-middle class Americans, those most likely to compete for jobs against illegal aliens, remain highly supportive of deportations. Nearly 60 percent of those likely voters who are not college-educated said they support deporting illegal aliens.
At the same time, those Americans most likely to hire illegal aliens for below-market wages are the most opposed to such a deportation policy. A wide majority, 63 percent, of those earning $200,000 or more a year said they do not support deporting illegal aliens.
Essentially, the ones hurt the most by unfettered illegal immigration want them gone. The ones who stand to benefit, or, at least, not be hurt by illegal immigration want them to stay.
Meanwhile, 53 percent of likely voters said they oppose granting amnesty to illegal aliens, which would provide them with green cards and, eventually, naturalized American citizenship. A minority of about 41 percent of likely voters said they support amnesty.
As with deportations, Americans are divided on amnesty across socioeconomic lines — showing again the winners and losers of illegal immigration.
The Elites are the ones making the policies that allow all this illegal immigration. Congress could stop the majority in a heartbeat by getting tough on deportation, as well as ending most asylum. But, they benefit and the people that they listen to, which isn’t the working and middle classes, do not want it ended. There should be a poll of the areas being overrun with illegals, such as Chicago, Denver, Boston, NYC, etc, see if they have changed their minds.
Meanwhile, ahead of the election
(ABC News) The Biden administration on Thursday announced a new process to adjudicate immigration cases for those who recently entered the U.S. without authorization.
The move comes as President Joe Biden faces election-year pressure to control an unprecedented level of migration that polls show is a top issue for voters.
“Today, we are instituting with the Department of Justice a process to accelerate asylum proceedings so that individuals who do not qualify for relief can be removed more quickly and those who do qualify can achieve protection sooner,” Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement. “This administrative step is no substitute for the sweeping and much-needed changes that the bipartisan Senate bill would deliver, but in the absence of Congressional action we will do what we can to most effectively enforce the law and discourage irregular migration.”
Hmm, he couldn’t do this in January of 2021? Why now? And, will this actually go into effect, or, is this just the DOJ acting as a campaign arm of the Biden campaign? Considering that there is supposed to now be a 180 day timeline, that’s still 6 months for illegals to disappear into the country, to be given official documents and work approval, will anyone go through this? Considering that no one actually knows how many illegals are in the US, how do they track and enforce this? If Biden wins, this process will disappear.

So? Since when has the Democratic party controlled government cared about majority rule?
75% did not want Obamacare. We got it anyway. Passed in the middle of the night, with office holders who had already been voted out of office, and using irregular procedures.
Most Americans do not support war in Ukraine. We got to fund it anyway.
Most Californians votes that marriage is defined as one woman and one man, but a single judge overturned the expressed will of the people.
The clear majority of Americans have wanted strong border control for at least three decades, but except for a brief 4 year period, we got open borders.
The clear majority of Americans want the Epstein list released and the people on it prosecuted for their crimes. How many prosecutions did the American people get?
When it comes to most things, the leaders and activists of the Democratic party are at clear opposition to the majority of Americans and they don’t care. They know what’s good for us.
The not so little secret is that a large number of Republican office holders agree with the Democrats.
Democrats couldn’t care less about Democracy. They are the party of “by any means necessary”. They created a primary where only the “super-delegates” votes count to prevent the mob from accidently electing someone not on the approved list. They are the party that is right now running the government using unelected people in the shadows instead of the guy whose name was on the ballot. Nothing says free and fair elections like running shadow candidates selected in secret conferences among party insiders.
Commenter: 75% did not want Obamacare.
75% of whom??? Republicans? Does the commenter have a credible reference?
Commenter: Most Americans do not support war in Ukraine.
Again, credible reference? Most Americans did not and do not support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The latest Gallup poll shows 58% of Americans believe the US is either spending not enough (25%) or the right amount (33%) on Ukraine. Americans’ support for Ukraine IS dropping.
Commenter: Most Californians votes that marriage is defined as one woman and one man, but a single judge overturned the expressed will of the people.
That’s the American system. Recall the US is not a direct democracy and courts often overrule popular opinions based on the Constitution. Note: For example, a majority of Americans favor abortion rights, but the US Supreme Court has ruled there is no right to abortion and allows states’ law to be binding.
Commenter: The clear majority of Americans have wanted strong border control for at least three decades, but except for a brief 4 year period, we got open borders.
The statement about “four year period” is patently untrue. Border encounters were at an all-time LOW in Jan 2017 (~ 15,000/month) but soared reaching 132,856/month by May 2019. The number plummeted during the Covid pandemic tragedy when a national emergency was enacted and Title 42 enforced. By April 2020 the number had dropped to 16,183! But started to rise steadily after that, and has averaged around 175,00 since. For reference note the Trump regime reigned from Jan 2017 to Jan 2021. In fact, the average during the Obama years was lower than the Trump average!!!
While border crossings plummeted during the pandemic over 1 million Americans died from Covid. But we’re led to believe by the reactionaries that it’s immigrants killing Americans!!
Commenter: The clear majority of Americans want the Epstein list released
A clear majority of Americans don’t give a shit. We already have heard about Clinton, Trump, Prince Andrew, Michael Jackson, Bill Richardson, Leonardo DeCaprio, Stephen Hawking, David Copperfield, Alan Dershowitz, Cate Blanchett, Cameron Diaz, Bruce Willis and a number of billionaire friends of Trump and Epstein. The clear majority of Americans want to see all of Trump’s tax returns, too. So fucking what?
Oh God!
Not again!

Bwaha! Lolgf
By “illegal” do you mean those who have been adjusted by an immigration court ?
How much would inflation skyrocket if we had to pay farmworkers who are citizens to pick our lettuce?
Who would step up and do that hard work now being done by all those “military aged men”
Don’t give a shit about an “immigration court.” If they arrived illegally, throw ’em back. Period.
Zero, because that’s not what “inflation” is, shit-for-brains.
Competing for jobs ? Unemployment is less than 4%
There are jobs for everyone who wants to work, including migrants.
There are currently about 65000 migrants in NYC shelters. Less than 200000 in shelters in the USA.
Those “military aged men” who strike fear into the hearts of some, usually pass through quickly. And take on the hardest jobs in the USA that no one else wants, roofers concrete workers, ag workers,
Who says? Could it be the same flying government that claimed that inflation is 1.4%? That the Ukraine is winning the war? Are the same government that’s hiding the actual number of illegals coming over into the United states?
whether you wanna work or not should not be criterion for jobs. As long as you’re collecting money for being on unemployment or welfare you should be working. If there are jobs available everybody in this country on unemployment or on welfare should be working one of those jobs. There is no reason for the people of America to work to pay you a salary for not working. That’s immoral. It’s unconscionable that a certain amount of people in this country think it’s their right to enslave others to work and pay them their money.
Bullshit!! They’re the ones laying on the streets taking a crap punching women in the face another subway stations pushing people in front of trains. They’re the ones hooking up with American gangs and stomping into stores and robbing everything. They’re not taking the hardest jobs they’re taking the path of least resistance just like they did in their own countries that’s why they’re here for people like you. You keep bringing in filthy slime ball third world people and trying to tell us that they’re becoming brain surgeons because they’re in America BS. They weren’t doing anything to help their own country and they’re not doing anything to help ours. What makes you think of somebody sneaks illegally into america that they’ve suddenly become civic minded? They’re the same dirty filthy disease bums that they were when they lived in Haiti or Liberia or wherever the hell they lived.
NuConservatives merely deny data they don’t like!
L.G, As long as you’re collecting money for being on unemployment or welfare you should be working
You forgot to include disability. Are you still getting paid for doing nothing?
Anyway, we can only hope that after the election that Congress will work on immigration reform.
First of all I’ve only been disabled for two weeks you meathead. Secondly I’m getting paid on my disability insurance in other words I paid for it. 3rd even if I wasn’t insured a person who is injured or is incapable of working is not the same as a person who’s on welfare or who’s on food stamps or who chooses not to work when they can. I’m talking physically fit people and you know it don’t play dumb. We know you’re dumb but don’t play dumb.
You think we should be bringing foreigners into this country to do jobs that perfectly capable Americans could be doing but are refusing to do because they’d rather be on the dole? And then put the damn foreigners on the dole and give them money too?
And nobody that I know denies data just because they don’t like it. Accept you periodically. Over the last few years several of us here have shown you evidence of shenanigans with the last elections, with covid, I’m with many different suspect statistics. And just to throw it out there for you for 10 years they were using the number 11,000,000 illegals for the amount of illegals who had sneaked into the country and that didn’t change until somewhere around 2018 when they finally acknowledged there was about 35,000,000 illegals in the United states.
And we have our 81 million votes. LOL,LOL,LOL. But they’re too afraid to have an audit to prove it. You sound like genocide Joe Biden. He doesn’t believe everything that’s in front of his eye so he keeps walking along bumping into things. There’s no inflation prices aren’t up there’s full employment Ukraine and Hamas are winning the wars, electric cars are working just fine, windmills work just fine. You guys walk around in a bubble of dreams and expect us to buy it. Well we’re not.
You paid into a disability policy against your will. Take as much as you can.
With a catapult!
“Majority of voters support deporting..” Must not have included Johnny, our invasion apologist….