Well, let’s just hope Biden and his people aren’t that stupid
The Biden administration is now weighing adopting a plan backed by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) that would allow Ukraine to strike Russia with U.S.-provided weapons.
The New York Times reported this week that the State Department, led by Secretary Antony Blinken, is pushing the Biden administration to allow Ukraine to strike missile and artillery sites within Russia that America provided for the state’s protracted conflict with Russia.
Victoria Nuland, who left her job as the number three position at the State Department, said, “I think if the attacks are coming directly from over the line in Russia, that those bases ought to be fair game.”
Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky said, “This is part of our defense. How can we protect ourselves from these attacks? This is the only way.”
Obviously, Russia is the bad guy, but, seriously, is Ukraine that important that we have to move towards WWII? What’s so important about Ukraine? It wasn’t that important when the Obama admin, with Biden as VP, did nothing when Putin took Crimea. So, why do we care that much, and, by we, I mean Biden, Democrats, and some Republicans?
(The Economist) Nato secretaries-general do not normally attack the policies of the alliance’s biggest and most important member country. But Jens Stoltenberg, whose ten-year stint in charge is coming to an end, has done just that. In an interview with The Economist on May 24th, he called on nato allies supplying weapons to Ukraine to end their prohibition on using them to strike military targets in Russia. Mr Stoltenberg’s clear, if unnamed, target was the policy maintained by Joe Biden, America’s president, of controlling what Ukraine can and cannot attack with American-supplied systems.
Will other NATO members allow this, especially the EU ones who are right on the front-lines of Russia?
(AP) Russia’s military has begun drills involving tactical nuclear weapons that were announced by Russian authorities earlier this month in an apparent warning to senior Western officials who had spoken about the possibility of deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine.
It was the first time Russia has publicly announced drills involving tactical nuclear weapons, although its strategic nuclear forces regularly hold exercises.
Yes, the West must stand up to Putin and Russia. But, is Ukraine worth it?
Fortunately, Biden blew out of D.C. for Delaware yet again. How much damage can he do?

So it’s President Biden’s fault that House Republicans and their Speaker Mike Johnson (a puppet of Donald Trump and his “united Reich”) want to use US weapons systems to attack Russia?
Mr Teach asks: Obviously, Russia is the bad guy, but, seriously, is Ukraine that important that we have to move towards WWII (sic)?
the West must stand up to Putin and Russia. But, is Ukraine worth it?
So should the West stand up to Putin or not? Would Moldova be worth it? Poland? Estonia? Lithuania? Finland? Should the world just let Putin be Putin?
Anyway, Republican Speaker Mike Johnson serves at the pleasure of the ex-president.
Next stupid fucking question?
Putins good friend North Korea is also upping weapons so hip nets.
Israel continues advanced radar transfers to Ukraine.
Israel knows that both Syria and Ira. Are allies of Putin
Would Mr Teach qualify Putin as a JEW HATER?
This has already been decided. A few days ago, Ukraine used US provided ATACMS missiles to strike at a Russian site in eastern Crimea. That site had no military value to Ukraine or it’s ground game. The site was a nuclear early warning radar for Russia to detect incoming nuclear missiles. It’s only value is to nuclear armed opponents, like the USA. The Biden administration has decided that it would rather have a nuclear war with Russia, than lose in Ukraine. Congress did not vote on this. The American people were not informed of this. The shadow government, unelected and unnamed people, decided this for us all and used their puppets in Ukraine to carry it out. Who is the real threat to democracy here?
It looks like the puppet Biden administration is trying to set things in motion that Trump will be unable to undo.
I remember back when the Democrats were the anti-war party. It seems they have always just been the anti-republican party.
America is already in this war. We have been since we executed the coup in 2014. Too many rich Americans and rich Europeans have investments in Ukraine to let it go now. How many American troops from not so well off families is that worth? All of them.
Didn’t Felonious-T’s House of Representatives approve the ATACMS misiles? They did, didn’t they? Felonious-T coulda “vetoed” the deal via his puppet Mike Johnson.
Does Felonious-T favor a nuclear war to keep him out of prison?
Attacking Crimea and other occupied territories is not the same as bombing Moscow.
Putin has wanted Ukraine for decades. This was always about Russia vs a free Ukraine. The Revolution of Dignity in 2014 was intended to oust Putin-puppet, anti-Democratic Viktor Yanukovych for not making a deal with the EU and corruption. Earlier, Yanukovych had his closest opponent, former PM Yulia Tymoshenko jailed for 3 years. Putin wanted to keep Ukraine in the Russian sphere. When protests turned against Yanukovych in Feb 2014 he fled Kyiv. The Ukrainian parliament voted 318-0 to oust him. Yanukovych now resides in Russia.
Does the commenter have any credible evidence that the US engineered the 2014 revolution or is this just an opinion couched as a fact?
Does the commenter have any credible evidence that the rich Amerians and Europeans are trying to protect investments or is this just an opinion couched as a fact?
Does the commenter have any credible evidence that the United States is controlled by an unelected shadow government or is this just an opinion couched as a fact?
Who supposedly pulls the strings? Pope? Trilateral Commission? Obama? CEOs of Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, General Dynamics, Pfizer, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Humana, HII, L3Harris, BAE Systems?
It’s far more likely that Felonious-T is controlled by Putin and other Russian oligarchs. A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.
Seriously? Do we have to prove the fucking moon landing to you, too?
So that would be a “no”.
Got it.
I watched the moon landing on TV. I do realize some believe it was all staged in a studio.