Do this Jew hating, Hamas loving Progressives even see it, or have they just made such common ground with the Islamists (not that the Islamists reciprocate) that they will never notice the irony?
Museum closes anti-prejudice exhibit after employees walk out against Israel
A Seattle-based museum is temporarily closed down after employees accused its “Confronting Hate Together” exhibit of inadvertently supporting Israel.
The striking Wing Luke Museum employees, who organized under the handle @wlm4palestine on Instagram, claim that the exhibit “conflate[s] anti-Zionism as antisemitism.” The museum describes the exhibit as exploring “anti-Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander hate, Black hate and anti-Jewish hate.”
The strike is made up of over 20 employees who walked out on Wednesday, which was the day that the exhibit opened. The strikers are a mix of full-time staff members and part-time employees.
“A majority of our walkout collective is made up of the most vulnerable employees of the Wing Luke Museum — front of house staff and part-time workers,” a post from @wlm4palestine read. “There are 22 known WLM Staff across departments and organization levels who are still in solidarity with walkouts, with others who are in solidarity.
In a sane world the museum would simply fire every single of them, with work records showing “not eligible for rehire”.
Among the employees’ demands are for the museum to remove “any language…that attempt[s] to frame Palestinian liberation and anti-Zionism as antisemitism.” The anti-Israel protesters also ask for the museum to “acknowledge the limited perspectives presented in this exhibition.”
“Missing perspectives include those of Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslim communities who are also experiencing an increased amount of violence, scapegoating, and demonization as Zionist forces continue the genocide in Palestine,” the petition states.
Do they understand that the Palestinians mostly hate Americans, including the far left nutters advocating for the Palestinians? That Islamism is a competing ideology, which seeks to (direct quote from the Real Clear Politics piece cited at the beginning) “torture and kill based on race, ethnicity, and sexual preference; loathe and wage war against Israelis, Jews, Americans, and the West; and, by all available means, seek to establish Islamist theocracy”? That quote doesn’t just apply to the Iranian backed Hamas, but, all Islamists.
They even set up a GoFundMe account, and
“As we are withholding labor, we potentially will not be compensated,” the campaign states. “These funds would provide financial relief so that we can pay rent, utilities, food, medical bills, and other living expenses here in Seattle. Funds will also assist staff efforts of this walkout (needs, supplies, sustenance).”
Yeah, well, actions have consequences. Unfortunately, the museum will most likely give in to their demands, being Seattle and all, especially based on their statement.

Jew hatred ?
Jews, the State of Israel, and the current Government of Israel are all separateentities and should be regarded as such.
Bibi holds a very slim majority and his government could fall if any of his Ministers walk. His Gaza adventure is not going well with no exit strategy. He asked the Palestinian Authority for assistance in exiting but was told no unless there is a 2 state solution.
Over 600 Israeli soldiers have been killed, proportionately to the USA that would represent 25000 dead in 8 months and with no exit ramp in sight