PRC Looks To Now Ban Reusable Plastic Bags

It’s always something new with these Progressives

California lawmakers vote to ban ‘reusable’ plastic bags from grocery stores

California lawmakers have voted to do away with reusable plastic bags after the elimination of single-use plastic bags failed to reduce plastic pollution.

“California’s original ban on plastic bags hasn’t worked out as planned, and sadly, the state’s plastic bag waste has increased dramatically since it went into effect,” said Sen. Catherine Blakespear, the bill’s author, in a statement. “California must do its part to eliminate this scourge that is contaminating our environment.”

On Tuesday, California lawmakers in the State Senate and the State Assembly voted to approve two identical bills which would restrict grocery stores and retailers from offering thicker, “reusable” bags made out of plastic film to customers.

SB 1053 and AB 2236 would permit grocery stores to sell other types of reusable bags made of cloth, woven textile or other washable textile that can carry at least 22 pounds for at least 300 uses. It also allows for paper bags with at least 50% recycled paper content to be sold for at least 10 cents apiece to customers.

Oh, good, there will just be more paper bags, which generally do not have the strength for handles. And cloth ones that rarely get washed. Granted, I’m not a big fan of regular plastic bags, but, I reuse the heck out of them. And have much thicker ones for when I go to Lidl, and Aldi occasionally. Progressives, though, just love to micromanage everything.

However, the move to reduce plastic pollution failed, as customers treated the thicker “reusable” plastic bags as disposable. California Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG) reported a roughly 47% jump in plastic bag waste tonnage since 2014, despite the ban on single-use shopping bags.

Well, huh. One would think that all the Leftist voters who all care about ‘climate change’ and stuff would be doing their part to reduce plastic waste.

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8 Responses to “PRC Looks To Now Ban Reusable Plastic Bags”

  1. professor hale says:

    The creativity of petty monarchs never ceases to amaze me. It’s not enough that they control how your toilet works, they also think they are the right people to decide how you carry your groceries home. BTW, the groceries themselves will still be mostly wrapped in plastic. Lots of plastic.

    The good news is that with Bidenomics, people will need fewer bags to carry their groceries.

  2. alanstorm says:

    “Do it again, but HARDER!”

    These people are stupid enough to be “intellectuals”.

  3. alanstorm says:

    Granted, I’m not a big fan of regular plastic bags, but, I reuse the heck out of them.

    As do I. I save a stock for use as car trash bags, quick carrying bags, and other uses, and recycle the rest. (Idaho has had stations to recycle them at most grocery stores for quite a while. Apparently CA does not have them.)

    It’s telling that they were called “single-use” bags by the ones who originally sought to ban them – why aren’t these people re-using them?

  4. Dana says:

    Our esteemed host wrote:

    Oh, good, there will just be more paper bags, which generally do not have the strength for handles.

    As it happens, Mrs Pico and I were in Lexington yesterday, and she wanted to stop at Trader Joe’s. They use very heavy paper bags, with handles, and double bagged the groceries. They worked, but it was a lot of material.

  5. Dana says:

    Our distinguished host concluded:

    One would think that all the Leftist voters who all care about ‘climate change’ and stuff would be doing their part to reduce plastic waste.

    The left are pro-choice on only one thing.

    It is interesting, however, that the environmentalist left have done such a poor job persuading people to behave more environmentally conscious, isn’t it? It’s apparently much easier to say that you want a cleaner, greener world than it is to actually do things yourself to make it that way.

  6. SD says:

    Arizona Biology teacher calls it quits due to student phone addiction – KVOA News Video

  7. Professor Hale says:

    Another obvious solution is to just have all your products brought to your door by services like door dash and amazon. Zero bags needed.

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