How well would this go over, since most of the weapons Ukraine is using these days come from NATO member nations?
France and Germany say Ukraine should be able to use their weapons to strike inside Russia
France and Germany said Tuesday that Ukraine should be allowed to use their weapons against targets inside Russia from which Moscow attacks Ukraine.
Speaking at a news conference alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron outlined that French weapons sent to Ukraine, including long-range missiles, were permitted to target bases inside Russia.
“Ukrainian soil is being attacked from bases in Russia,” Macron said during his visit to Schloss Meseberg in Brandenburg, Germany. “So how do we explain to the Ukrainians that we’re going to have to protect these towns and basically everything we’re seeing around Kharkiv at the moment, if we tell them you are not allowed to hit the point from which the missiles are fired?”
“We think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired and, basically, the military sites from which Ukraine is attacked,” Macron continued.
I mean, sure, I see the logic. It makes sense. Why not attack Russian military assets being used against Ukraine? That’s sound military doctrine. Don’t let Russia sit there in safety, right? But, how will Russia take it when Ukraine uses all the weapons given to them by France, Germany, and even the U.S.?
NATO chief and European allies urge U.S. to let Ukraine strike inside Russia
Washington is facing mounting pressure from NATO and several key European allies to lift restrictions and allow Ukraine to use the full force of U.S.-provided weapons to strike military targets inside Russia. The demands reflect new alarm in the West over Russian battlefield advances in recent days, including the seizure of several villages in the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions and brutal bombings that have killed dozens of civilians.
“If you cannot attack the Russian forces on the other side of the front line because they are on the other side of the border, then of course you really reduce the ability of the Ukrainian forces to defend themselves,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the alliance’s top political official, said during a visit to Bulgaria on Monday.
They should think long and hard on what Russia may do if NATO member weapons are used to strike Russian soil. So far, the Biden regime is saying “nope, not going to happen.”
NATO’s parliamentary assembly, meanwhile, issued a declaration urging that the restrictions be lifted.
The United States and other NATO allies, including Germany and Italy, have long refused to let Ukraine use their weapons to strike inside Russia’s borders, fearing that such attacks could escalate the conflict. Senior Russian officials repeatedly have brandished Moscow’s nuclear arsenal in response to suggestions of greater Western involvement in the war.
The elites are really trying to start WWIII.

Putin could end the war tomorrow by withdrawing and stopping the bombing and missile attacks!
For whatever reason, the America-haters prefer that Russia be given Ukraine because Putin may be insane enough to use nukes.
NATO could end the war tomorrow by guaranteeing bad Ukraine would not be admitted into the organization and that all of the military militarization would be withdrawn.
Easy peasy. In fact it was their insistence of putting Ukraine on the table for membership in NATO that started the whole thing.
For whatever reason, the America haters prefer that the Ukraine sucking all the money out of the United states treasury while leaving our own borders open and toy with the insane possibility of a nuclear war. As usual the left creates a problem and then blames the right. Their dysphoria is unbelievable period
The neo-conservative Mr Dowd wrote:
Somehow, Mr Dowd thinks that people who do not want nuclear war to happen must be “America-haters”. Who hates America more: the one’s who do not want to see New York City go up in a pillar of nuclear fire, or those who would risk American cities for Ukraine?
It will be argued that the
SovietsRussians wouldn’t use nukes against the US, but if a nuclear war actually does start, who can guarantee that it would be limited to Ukraine and western parts of Russia? Once the nuclear threshold is crossed, who can definitively say, in advance, where it would stop?My guess is that, if Vladimir Vladimirovich used a nuclear weapon, it would be a tactical nuke against some strong Ukrainian military position, at which point President Macron, Prime Minister Sunak, and the dummkopf from Delaware would befoul their drawers — or, in Mr Biden’s case, his diaper — and realize just what a dangerous game they have been playing. The nuclear weapons usage would probably stop there, as NATO would back off on sending more money and weapons to Ukraine, and Russia eventually wins there. It’s just that Russia would have won by irradiating some major spot in Ukraine.
The thing is, what I just suggested isn’t an insane calculation, but a perfectly reasonable one, one which wins the war for Russia . . . if that’s how it pans out. It only becomes insane when you add in the factor that a nuclear war could get out of control, but how is that more insane than your seeming willingness to risk nuclear war in the first place?
But, that’s only a guess; no one can actually know, in advance, what would happen.
The neo-liberal Mr Dana would give the world to Putin!
Putin started braying about nukes when Ukraine fought back. Now he’s humiliated.
Once the MAGAts give him Ukraine, will he stop, or will he believe, “How about Poland, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia? Give ’em to me or I’ll nuke ’em!” Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Bulgaria, Austria? Why not?
The West must continue to make this difficult for Putin until he man’s up and settles. Putin is counting on a Trump victory as the US will withdraw all Ukrainian support at that time.
There is always the threat of nuclear war. North Korea, India, Pakistan, US, China, France, Israel, UK… Only Vladimir Putin threatens their use unless the West gives him what he wants. And the American MAGAts support him. But why?
MAGAts want the US and Europe to lose this war and use Putin’s potential use of nukes as an excuse.
Ah, Karen (aka Rimjob) that doesn’t make any sense at all even with your stupid rhetorical questions.

Are you really this stupid, stupid?
Bwaha! Lolgf
We could easily stop Putin by drilling, pipe lines and recognizing oil companies as a great asset. Eliminate the crap about carbon. This would harm Russia more than anything.
The United States is pumping record amounts of crude oil. Maybe Trump and Kushner could convince their patrons, the Saudis, to pump billions bbl to supply Russia’s current oil buyers, China and India.
Of course, since crude oil is a global commodity, the price would drop precipitously pricing US suppliers out of the markets.
One word.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Chicken Little Karen Man
It always amazes me to see some person who has never served… who has never seen what the inside of a man looks like…much less know what a mixture of blood and shit smells like… want to get in a war.
I call them Armchair Warriors.
That be you.
The facts are that Putin was and is looking for a reason to kill, destroy and govern. NATO gave him that excuse when they invited Ukraine in thus giving Russia’s “enemies” a place to attack Russia from.
Of course no one would have attacked Russia. But that was Putin’s excuse.
Want to stop the killing?
Make Ukraine a neutral country and gurnatue its safety. Thus both countries are protected.
Then, if Putin won’t stop we can fight.
By supplying the Ukraine with weapons, intelligence, and training, NATO has already declared that they (we) are belligerents. We are totally dependent on the good will of Russia that they haven’t attacked us already. Maybe Putin is waiting for Trump to get elected and bring sanity back to the US government. Clue: It’s not 1936. They don’t need to share a border with us to attack us. It’s not 1968. They don’t need to roll tank divisions across the inter-German border. Nor do they need to launch ICBMs over the polar ice cap. In case no one has noticed, the American government under Obama and Biden has opened our borders to an unrestricted land invasion of tens of millions of people who don’t belong here. Among them are potentially enough foreign troops and agents to overwhelm all of our armed forces in their barracks and homes. You had better hope Russia does not want war with the USA because the Obama and Biden administrations have crippled any hope we may have had to defend ourselves. At the same time, they have emptied our arsenals to fight a war in Ukraine that was none of our business.
It is insane to blame Russia (Putin) for the war the USA government started, financed, supplied, egged on, and prevented a peace treaty from stopping.
Why the MAGAts are so devoted to Putin, we may never know. But it is related to their bizarre cult worship of Trump. Cult.
Putin invaded Ukraine, which was NOT a threat to Russia.
Only a Trump cult member would be so stupid to blame Putin’s actions on the United States of America.
The increasingly insane Trump-MAGAt cult members now imagine that Putin is sending 10s of millions of disguised Russian soldiers across the US-Mexico border to overwhelm the nation. No need for Russian tanks or ICBMs!! Spanish-speaking child, women and men Russian soldiers will cast of their sweatshirts and start their attack at TrumPutin’s command.
Cult. Can Putin count on the heavily-armed American far-right to support his attack of the United States? Sure sounds like it.
Thanks Karen (aka Rimjob) time to use it again since it’s all you have.
Well, besides that Merchan fella.
Glad to help, fatso.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Why the demo commies are so devoted to the try get Ukrainian tyrant who refused to step down after his term was up we may never know. But it might be related to their bizarre worship of all things anti American and homosexual.
Putin invaded the Ukraine after America and NATO kept insisting that Ukraine join NATO. He reacted the same way JFK and the US reacted when the Russians put missiles in Cuba. JFK was right and so was Putin. Nobody wants a hostile nation on their border especially within striking distance to their capital.
Only an anti American communist traitor would be so stupid has to blame Putin’s defensive actions on anyone except genocide Joe enters band of anti American communist Democrats.
The increasingly insane and hostile anti American Democrat communists now believe that everybody crossing a wide open border that the Democrats have created under shittiness pants Joe are wonderful America loving people just looking for jobs. They are not. In fact hundreds of thousands of them are hostile Muslims and communists. But that’s what the Democrats want. As soon as they throw their opposing presidential nominee in prison they can completely open the borders and just bring people in via aircraft if they wish. That’s how they defend “their democracy”.
Cult. Sounds like the Chinese, the Muslims and other America haters can count on the support of our own troops in their attack on the people of the United States? Sure sounds like it.
First the Democrat traders have to get rid of President Trump. Then they can start killing conservatives Christians Jews white people and any nonconforming non communist left.
The only thing that stands between a total fascist takeover of the United states and our traditional American freedom is Donald J trump. The cult that believes in changing men and the women, murdering babies in the womb, brainwashing children with faggots in school are the same people that wanna take over America. And they call us a cult? Screw them!
Here ya go…

This guy’s name is Jeffery too!
Bwaha! Lolgf
This man‘s(?) name is also Porter!!
Ya see Karen (aka Rimjob) even the kiddies are sick of your perversions.

And “hers”.
Bwaha! Lolgf