I’ve been told that wind power is cheap and can survive on its own. No? (via Not A Lot Of People Know That)
Offshore wind needs bigger subsidies, warns government adviser
State subsidies for new offshore wind projects may not be generous enough to drive the projects needed to achieve targets for boosting clean energy, a leading climate adviser to the government has warned.
Baroness Brown of Cambridge, chairwoman of the adaptation sub-committee of the Climate Change Committee, the independent non-departmental public body, said Britain had been “slow” and “not very clever” in its handling of offshore wind auctions.
The government has raised the so-called strike price, a guaranteed price that generators are paid for the power they produce, to £73 per megawatt-hour for this year’s auction and has set the budget at a record £800 million in the hope of attracting new offshore wind schemes. Last year’s round failed to secure any bids to build.
Huh. So, no one wants to lose money on wind power? They do not want to do this without government giving them vast amounts of money? Remember, these would be in addition to all the tax breaks.
A wind turbine catches fire off the British coast, releasing thick black toxic fumes into the air.
How very "green". ???? pic.twitter.com/ONpEliuSoR
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) May 14, 2024

The Biden admin is pushing for more nuclear power.
Of course, nuclear power is not economic and needs government backing to get started. What do you think? Worth it?
Hmmm… power on demand 24/7?

That’s a tough one, Karen (aka Rimjob).
Are you really this stupid?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Another strong argument by The Pissant (aka The Incel)!
How does it do it?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Too tough for ya to comprehend, Karen (aka Rimjob)?

Seems everyone else here understood the inference except you gurl.
Another day ending with -y.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Nuclear power is not economic? We’ve been using nuclear power for decades and it’s cheaper than wind and solar.
And why does nuclear power need government backing to get started? Red tape? Regulations? Or is it just the cost of building a nuclear power plant that’s more? I don’t know maybe it’s a combination of all three. I do know that nuclear power is more dependable then either wind or solar, it is cheaper in the long run than either wind or solar, and has less pollution then either wind or solar.
So the biten administration is pushing for more nuclear power? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. He’s got one more chance to be right and he’s finished. Is that faggot Buttplugged down for this or not? You see in modern America the Democrats have instilled 1 weirdo as gatekeeper in every department. The department of energy’s gatekeeper is the faggot.
And here I was almost ready to take L.G. seriously!
He correctly identified the cost of building a nuclear power plant, not to mention the liability in case of an accident (recall Fukushima!) as a barrier to nuclear energy. And surely Mr L.G. would support regulating the supply, handling and disposal of nuclear materials.
But then, for some reason, he misidentified the US Secretary of Transportation (Mr Buttigieg) as the Secretary of Energy (Ms Granholm) slurring Secretary Buttigieg as Buttplugged and faggot. Then he inexplicably calls Secretary Granholm a faggot!
Mr L.G.s identity as a fireman and as a staunch conservative has been upended by his hurt ankle and potential lifelong dependence on taxpayers, so his angry lashing out at others can be understood.
There was no “some reason” there was no “inexplicably” it was simply a mistake on my part. I had a brain fart. I realize leftists like you never have brain farts because you’re perfect in every way. Sadly you can’t accept it gentlemanly and say hey stupid you had a brain fart instead you have to try and make a bigger deal out of it as possible. We understand. It’s your way of childishly getting back at me because I called the guy a faggot and that just rubs you the wrong way. I could have said I reached out and grabbed him by his pussy but I didn’t.
I’ll repeat again I think it’s a little too early for any of these doctors to determine that I am permanently disabled. Let’s see how well I heal. But as I explained to you I’ll never have a lifelong dependence on taxpayers because I don’t have anything that’s paid for by taxpayers other than my salary. But as a public servant what would you expect? If you’re trying to infer that my insurance is paid for by the taxpayers well then the premiums were. They are what’s called a benefit. Just like my retirement pay will be a benefit. Having something that you’ve paid into or paid for through the government being paid back to you through the government it’s not some kind of a communist conspiracy in fact it’s quite capitalist if you think about it. Now having my tax money stolen from me and given to some rich kid to pay his college off that’s communist that’s the kind of stuff you come up with. And then try and begrudge me getting disability pay for an injury at my job. Your ability to be nasty while thinking yourself virtuous always astounds me.
Regardless of what lies in my future I will never be dependent on the government because my family is too rich for that to occur. I realize that as an EMS fireman I will never make $500,000 a year. Except with my pay and the money I get from my grandparents trust fund I actually almost do. I want for nothing. My parents gave me my home so I have no mortgage. I bought my Corvette cash so I have no car payment. I bought my 34 foot Chris craft for cash and ohh no payments on that. I bought my ski boat for cash. I have very low expenses. now I realize as a firefighter and only making around $90,000 a year that’s nothing to a guy like you when I get a few $100,000 from my trust fund. If I want it.
Ohh and by the way I am not angrily lashing out at anybody. I thought I was referring to Buttplug as energy secretary but he isn’t, I erred in that respect, but Buttplug is still a fag. Secretary Graham for her part is still twat deep in left wing government jobs for her entire career. Another communist Democrat that never held a job in the private sector who deems herself capable I’m telling everybody else what to do. I mean Elwood you’re a bit of an ass but at least you’ve had regular jobs, ran a regular business. You’re a legitimate person. These people you select for your leadership are nothing but a bunch of government lackeys. And my house is worth a couple of million so if I need that I can always get along. My girlfriend Veronica is nudging me to put her in the upscale cosmetics business. I’m sure you realize in Florida that does pretty well. It’s gonna be a couple 100,000 and that’s not a problem but we’ll see.
But thanks bigley for trying to belittle me in retribution for me calling government employees names. It’s good to know there’s somebody like you out there to cover for the deep state when somebody calls them names. I only wish you had empathy for us little guys even if we’re not democommies.
You slurred another American as a “faggot”. We know, we know, it’s lack of virtue signaling to david, Pissant, Dana etc.
It’s the language of straight, Caucasian, Christian conservatives – fags, bitches, niggers, coons, chinks, slopes, muzzies, towel heads, guineas, dagos, wops, kikes, dykes, sluts, wetbacks, spics, redskins, injuns etc
What do you prefer to be called? Honkie, peckerwood, cracker, whitey?
Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg graduated Harvard and the University of Oxford, attending the latter on a Rhodes Scholarship. From 2007 to 2009 he was a consultant for McKinsey, specializing ub energy and economic development. From 2009 to 2017, he was an intelligence officer in the United States Navy Reserve, attaining the rank of lieutenant. He was deployed to Afghanistan during 2014 in Kabul and the Bagram Air Base. He was the popular mayor of South Bend IN from 2012-2020. All by the age of 42!
L.G. dismisses this man as a “faggot” and a “pervert”. Secretary Buttigieg was baptized as a Catholic and is now an Episcopalian. He and his husband adopted infant twins in 2021.
Many consider those who have sexual congress (aka coitus) outside marriage to be sinners and perverts.
[…] OR NOT! H/T Pirates Cove […]
Chicken Little Karen Man
The government has raised the so-called strike price, a guaranteed price that generators are paid for the power they produce, to £73 per megawatt-hour for this year’s auction and has set the budget at a record £800 million in the hope of attracting new offshore wind schemes. Last year’s round failed to secure any bids to build.
No one is willing to build because the price of the produced electricity is so high they can’t sell it unless the government pays a “strike” price.
I have no knowledge of a “strike” price being required before a private entity will build a nuclear plant. Do you have any factual information?
The real problem that has stopped nuclear construction is the continual legal actions and EPA intervention…. by groups that also want to shut down oil.
How stupid is these people? Very very very.
No recent nuclear power has been economic.
Construction prices for old nukes were low, construction prices for new nukes are very high
So high in fact that no insurance company will even issue the construction bonds necessary to begin new construction
Your cost comparison is like comparing the cost of apples 20 years ago with the current cost of oranges
Stop being stupid.
LG Brandon tell us the cost of the last nuke completed in the USA, that clusterfuck in Georgia. That nuke is going to immediately cost GA users a flat 45 bucks on their bill
No one wants a nuke plant near their home. It destroys property values and after construction no insurance company can afford to take the risk of a 100 billion dollar loss.
Might all that change when better designs are available? Yes but that is only beginning. Wind and solar intermittency can be offset by batteries, including non chemical batteries. That technology will mature much quicker than new nukes
I have no idea what the cost of that nuke plant was and I have no intention I’m looking it up because I’m too lazy. And by the way if that nuke plant immediately costs GA users a flat 45 bucks on their bill then somebody’s on the take. Nothing in the world of business is a flat anything unless governments doing it.
You mean just like nobody wants wind farms and solar farms near their homes? Because they don’t you know? Not in my backyard is practiced all over New England.