Monthly Archives: May 2024

Reuters Explains Why Hamas Can Count On American Students But Not Arab Nations

Will Reuters hit the mark? Let’s find out Why Palestinians can count on American students but not Arab allies to protest Palestinians may be gratified to see American university campuses erupt in outrage over Israel’s offensive in Gaza, but some in the embattled enclave are also wondering why no similar protests have hit the Arab […]

Your Fault: More Meteorites Are Disappearing In Overheating Antarctic

No matter the issue, the climate cult will blame it on hotcoldwetdry A ‘shocking’ number of meteorites — and their secrets — are sinking into Antarctic ice due to global warming Antarctica has long been loved by astronomers for hosting rocks from outer space — more than 48,000 meteorites cataloged were found here, and about […]

Niger Lets Russian Troops Into Air Base Holding US Forces

Just another fine example of Biden failing on the world stage, putting America into an embarrassing situations Russian troops enter base housing US military in Niger, US official says Russian military personnel have entered an air base in Niger that is hosting U.S. troops, a senior U.S. defense official told Reuters, a move that follows […]

Doom Today: Snakes Could Migrate Due To Global Heating

This could have been avoided if you had given up your modern lifestyle. Or, at least paid lots in taxes and fees Venomous snakes likely to migrate en masse amid global heating, says study Climate breakdown is likely to lead to the large-scale migration of venomous snake species into new regions and unprepared countries, according […]

If All You See…

…is horrible Spring heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on cops finding improvised weapons at a Portland pro-Hamas camp.

Here We Go: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators See A Global Struggle Against All Sorts Of Things

I’m actually surprised it’s taken this long for the pro-Hamas folks to start adding in all sorts of their typical pet peeves, because there’s nothing like a bunch pampered, entitled, and often rich (at least their parents are) college kids yammering and giving speeches and holding signs and such while not actually doing anything (non-paywalled […]

“Study” Says NY Plagued By Blackouts From Global Boiling Or Something

It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with New York killing off reliable, dependable, affordable energy sources and replacing them with unreliable and expensive energy sources which are dependent on the sun shining and the wind blowing, right? Replacing energy sources which can take weather and can be repaired quickly, can take over loads, with […]

Friday Laugh: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Charge Cops With Garbage Can Shields

Let’s start off the day with some light fare, shall we? This has all the hallmarks of either a couple people coming up with with they think is a really cool idea, but, still being too immature to realize “this is truly stupid”, or someone giving them a triple dog dare Wild video shows Portland […]

Appeals Court Shoots Down Climate Kids’ Astroturfed Lawsuit

I still say it’s a shame that none of the defense lawyers, nor judges ask pertinent questions such as “what are you doing in your own life to limit your own carbon footprint?” and “you do not use any fossil fuels, right?” Appeals court rejects climate change lawsuit by young Oregon activists against US government […]

If All You See…

…are ugly bad weather clouds because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post noting Democrats paying a porn queen to propagandize for them.

Pirate's Cove