Monthly Archives: May 2024

Your Fault: Global Boiling Could Make Brain Health Worse

Yesterday we learned that climate apocalypse could maybe possibly they guess be making migraines worse. Now Climate Change Is Affecting Brain Health, Study Finds Conditions like dementia, epilepsy and depression could spread and worsen in severity as the world heats up. In a study released Wednesday, University College London researchers analyzed neuroscience literature to reveal how extreme […]

Democrats Overwhelmingly Voted Against Bill That Would Deport Illegals Who Attack Police

No one is actually surprised, are they? 148 Democrats Vote Against Bill to Deport Immigrants Who Attack Police A bill requiring the deportation of immigrants who attack police officers passed the House on Wednesday but not before 148 Democrats voted against it. The bill passed with a 265-148 vote, with an astonishing number of Democrats opposing it. […]

Doctors Suggest That Hotcoldwetdry Might Possibly Maybe Be Making Migraines Worse

This is cult science at its best Are migraines getting worse? Doctors suggests that climate change, which causes more erratic and severe weather conditions, may be a trigger for more intense migraines. Migraines are increasing in frequency and intensity among Americans: Could climate change be a reason? Although the number of Americans who have migraines […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible, water intensive lawn, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on the 90 Miles mystery box.

Haverford Colleged Sued By Jewish Students Over Hostile Learning Evironment

When Jewish students sued Columbia people wondered if more would follow. Haverford is now in the crosshairs, and I hope Jewish students sue many more schools. Heck, even non-Jewish students should sue over the issues and threats at U.S. colleges Jewish students sue Haverford University for creating a hostile environment Students filed a lawsuit on […]

Bummer: Climate Cultists Admit Thinking It Will Matter In The 2024 Elections Is “Wishful Thinking”

A whole bunch of climate activist “journalists” gathered with some other Warmists, and it wasn’t pretty Election 2024: How Will Climate Change Matter Recently, I was invited to speak at the Society of Environmental Journalists conference on a panel entitled “Election 2024: How Will Climate Change Matter?” You can watch the full panel discussion here, but […]

Mexico Trying To Protect Biden By Interdicting Illegals On The Way To U.S. Border

Who thinks that if Biden wins in 2024 this agreement with Mexico will end and the U.S. will once again see an onslaught of illegals? Mexico is stopping nearly three times as many migrants now, helping keep U.S. border crossings down Mexico is stopping nearly three times as many migrants who have crossed its southern […]

Hotcold Take: Astronomers Train Their Sights On ‘Climate Change’

Isn’t their job to kinda look out from the Earth? I mean, I guess if we’re saying “Astronomers study planets, stars, and other celestial bodies”, the Earth is a planet, but, Mirriam Webster states “the study of objects and matter outside the earth’s atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties.” That would preclude the […]

If All You See…

…is warm weather bamboo which will soon grow in Siberia, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on reality intruding on CNN.

NC Senate Advances Bill With Increased Penalties On Those Who Wear Masks While Committing Crime

All those pro-Hamas demonstrations where lots were wearing masks caught the attention of the NC General Assembly North Carolina Senate panel advances anti-mask bill A COVID-era change that allowed people in North Carolina to wear a mask for health reasons moved a step closer to being removed from state law Tuesday. Senate Judiciary Committee Republican […]

Pirate's Cove