PRC Asking Residents To Pay Lots More For ‘Climate Change’ Stuff

Certainly, the voters in the People’s Republik Of California will vote in favor of paying more taxes/fees to fund the stuff they believe in, right?

California voters will be asked for billions to fund climate, school facilities, lawmaker says

California lawmakers are poised to ask voters for billions of dollars in bond money to fund two priorities: school facilities and climate change initiatives, a legislator said.

Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi, D-Torrance, said Thursday that lawmakers next week will begin negotiating with Gov. Gavin Newsom to place the two bonds on the November ballot.

The governor, Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, D-Hollister, and Senate President Pro Tem Mike McGuire, D-Healdsburg, face a June 27 deadline to qualify measures for the general election. Rivas and McGuire did not respond to requests for comment by deadline.

“It is my understanding that the Assembly and Senate leadership have determined that the school bond and the climate bonds are going to be the top legislative priorities as far as bond measures are concerned,” Muratsuchi said.

The measures, of which there are many including the climate scam one, have to pass the legislature before trying to get them on the ballot. I wonder why they don’t just pass the bonds as expenditures? Certainly, the majority of PRC voters elected the far leftists as their betters and leaders, knowing they were going to do this, right?

Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica, and Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella, both authored bills that would turn into bond measures asking voters for more than $15 billion to fund programs around water quality and conservation, flood management, wildfire prevention, clean energy projects and more.

Didn’t the PRC already do things that make horrendous wildfires more likely? Why not just reverse course, do a 180, and clean up the brush and put in fire breaks? You know that $15 billion will just reward campaign donors and make energy more expensive

Bonds are often regarded as attractive ways to win approval for popular projects without having an large, immediate impact on the state budget. The state is grappling with an estimated $45 billion deficit, which could make bonds more politically appealing.

It’s a good way to scam the residents into paying more in taxes and fees. Seriously, what happened to all the billions already allocated for the climate scam, schools, etc? Where’d it go? Maybe it’s time for an audit of state spending. Maybe stop pissing money away money on the stupid bullet train, which ballooned up to well over $100 billion? Isn’t lottery money supposed to go to the schools? How about asking the elected officials what they’re doing in their own lives to become carbon neutral.

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5 Responses to “PRC Asking Residents To Pay Lots More For ‘Climate Change’ Stuff”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Hahaha. California lawmakers don’t need voters’ permission to charge them more for stuff that they can then pass along to their activist friends.

  2. Uncle Jefe says:

    Mike McGuire is a fucking joke. He grew up here in Healdsburg, and is much reviled by true locals (now that this town has become Beverly Healdsburg, he has a following…”Dr” Jill Biden held a fundraiser thrown by some carpetbaggers a couple of months back)…
    McGuire is a fucking liar, and has never EVER held a real job. He started out on the city council while still a teenager, and “worked” his way up from there.
    Personality of a twig, physique to match.
    People blame Californians for the crazy…but before the rest of the USA threw their trash out during the “Summer of Love” in 1968, this state was a patriotic place. Think of all the men who shipped out from San Francisco during WWII, Korea, Vietnam (including so many of my family)…the state that gave us Nixon and Reagan…
    No, when all of those scumbag leftist hippies came out here in the 60’s, this state turned to shit. Nancy Pelosi? From Baltimore.
    Maxine Watters? Texas.
    Barabar Boxer? New York.

  3. h says:

    YES !!! as far back as the 60s we commies had a plan, a very bad plan, an evil plan, to march to California and take it over and make it our own. And we did it !!After taking over The City Healdsburg was one of our early targets (Getting back to the land) Morning Star Ranch !! Wheelers Ranch !! where the townie kids came to cop.
    That was the state I left from by boat, APL President Cleveland, to go to SE Asia in 1969.
    Uncle jefe are you actually old enough to remember our invasion?

  4. Uncle Jefe says:

    I’m 6th generation Californian, 5th generation San Franciscan, and yes, old enough to remember it all. Didn’t say it was planned by the hippies, simply saying that when people blame California for the crazy, that they remember (or learn if they aren’t old enough to remember) that the shit all started after the hippies arrived from everywhere else.
    Are you actually able to read and comprehend?

  5. Claude Slage says:

    Moving van is coming in July. Hope they choke on my last month of tax money.

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