LOL: Pride Perverts Clash With Hamas Supporters

So, what happens when you put the most wacky, perverted Pride folks out in the streets and they are met by their Jew hating, Hamas supporting Comrades? Intersectional insanity

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12 Responses to “LOL: Pride Perverts Clash With Hamas Supporters”

  1. Brother John says:

    The coalition of the permanently aggrieved who would otherwise be tossing one another from rooftops and hauling one another into court need only last through the next election cycle. Such is life when you support a party whose sole objective is power to the exclusion of literally all else.

  2. H says:

    Hamas is socially very conservative.
    If it wasn’t for their policy on Israel I am sure that Hamas would be as well lived by American conservatives as the equally conservative Gulf Arabs who control the global oil price that we pay.

    Ohhh and our oil overlords are again cutting production to drive prices up higher before the US election
    The most of the biggest oil producers are acz in vely supporting Trump hor president just as they did 4 years ago.
    US oil production is up about 10% over 2019
    But we still pay the global oil price.
    Drill, baby, drill only means more profits for oil companies, NOT lower domestic gas prices

    • Dana says:

      Our good friend John wrote:

      Hamas is socially very conservative.
      If it wasn’t for their policy on Israel I am sure that Hamas would be as well lived by American conservatives as the equally conservative Gulf Arabs who control the global oil price that we pay.

      It’s not Hamas “policy” that’s the problem; it’s their actions.

      We’re reasonably good friends with the Saudis, despite the Crown Prince’s murder of a journalist, and despite the country’s tacitly anti-Israeli policy. Some American tourists have loved Dubai. We have good relations with Egypt and Jordan.

      The problem is the Islamic countries which actually attempt to make war against Israel. Hamas appear to have hoped that the other Arab countries would join the war they started, but the other Arab countries, mostly led by people smarter than the Palestinians — an admittedly low bar! — have no real desire to get their butts kicked by the Israelis yet again, and the other Arab countries tend to see the Palestinians as the trash of the Arab world.

    • James Lewis says:


      I am sure that Hamas would be as well lived by American conservatives as the equally conservative Gulf Arabs who control the global oil price that we pay.

      Bull hockey. Conservatives don’t throw gays off the tops of buildings.

      Why do you support Islamic murderers???

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Commenter typed: Conservatives don’t throw gays off the tops of buildings.

        Throwing people, even gays, off buildings, is against the law in the United States, otherwise…

        We analyze pooled 2017-2019 data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (n persons = 553, 925;n incidents = 32, 470), the first nationally representative and comprehensive survey on crime that allows identification of LGBT persons aged 16 or older. Descriptive and bivariate analysis show that LGBT people experienced 6.6 violent hate crime victimizations per 1,000 persons compared with non-LGBT people’s 0.6 per 1,000 persons (odds ratio = 8.30, 95% confidence interval = 1.94, 14.65).

        This does NOT prove 1) that offenders are conservatives or 2) that other factors (besides just hatred of gays) contributed to the outcome.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    So the pro-Palestinian group hates the gays as much as our right-wingers do? What a coincidence.

    Anyway, you can read what really happened.

    • alanstorm says:

      Elwood, we already know you’re a cretin. No need for you to keep proving it. BTW, your link doesn’t exactly support your point. Shocking.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Oh Stormy, you are just so stupid!

        My point was that the link shows what really happened. But thanks for reading.

        The Pride group ran into the Queers4Palestine group, LOL, right?

        How did Mr Teach and Mr Travis miss that?

  4. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    So the pro-Palestinian group hates the gays as much as our right-wingers do? What a coincidence.

    as usual Elwood, you’re wrong. It’s not just pro Palestinian groups it’s all Muslims hate gays. And if you knew as much as you keep saying you did you know that right wingers don’t hate gays they hate the sexual perversions of gays. Unlike you we don’t hate the person for the person sin. We also try and not make up lies about whole groups of people like you do.

    You really are a close minded person. I guess when you’re perfect in every way and never wrong that’s the byproduct.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      We don’t hate you white nationalists we only hate your sins!

      You’re not married are you. So how does a manly man like you live your life never having had sex with another person?

  5. Professor Hale says:

    H lives in a strange fantasy world where oil companies cut production, yet production is the highest ever and corporations are only greedy when Democrats are in power.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      OPEC+ controls the global price of crude oil by controlling the amount of crude produced. The US could double crude production and Mohammed bin Salman could cut global production by that much keeping the global price stable. The US has to keep MBS happy.

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