Supposedly, Biden is finalizing an executive order which is supposed to Do Something at the border, but, really won’t. It’s an election year stunt. Meanwhile
Biden keeps rewarding illegal migrants for jumping the border
For all President Biden’s talk about trying to try to address the border crisis, The Post keeps discovering new ways he’s encouraging the tide of illegal migrants.
The latest:
The Post’s Jennie Taer reports that Biden’s team has quietly closed some 350,000 asylum cases over the last 2½ years — terminating the cases while neither granting asylum nor ordering deportation; the illegal migrant is free to move freely around the country as if he or she was never intercepted at the border.
Don Barnett of the Center for Immigration Studies found that Biden has created at least eight different programs that allow 3.3 million migrants, most of the illegal entrants, to get work permits, end-running the laws that supposedly require a half-year wait before even applying for the right to work legally — with another 1.4 million cases in the pipeline.
What does this look like?
IMPEACHABLE: Biden admin gives 'mass amnesty' to illegal aliens as it quietly terminates 350,000 asylum cases: sources via @nypost
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) June 2, 2024
It’s hard to say which is more outrageous: On one hand, he’s pretending to resolve dubious asylum claims while really just wiping them off the official record; on the other, he’s handing work permits to illegal migrants he shouldn’t even be letting in.
Per Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) data reviewed by The Post, the wipe-the-record-clean program is accelerating since ICE acting Deputy General Counsel Kerry Doyle ordered a new approach in 2022: Just 4,700 people saw their cases dismissed in 2020; then 102,550 in 2022 — more than 10 times the 2014 level.
It was 149,000 the next year and 2024 is set to pass that level when the fiscal year ends Sept. 30.
Dismissed cases, though technically still subject to deportation, get cut loose — no longer monitored by ICE or anyone.
If you reward border jumpers you are going to create more border jumpers. It’s just like all the thieving criminals in California: the state made it easy, they mostly refuse to prosecute them, and, heck, they often do not even bother catching them, as long as the theft is under $1,000. Those few who do go to court either get a slap on the wrist or the case is dismissed. That incentivizes people to continue stealing. If you allow people to come across the border, give them food, shelter, clothes, money, schooling, etc, then just let them go even though they are here illegally and do not qualify for asylum you’re telling more to just show up and declare asylum.

Congress should pass a law or laws dealing with this!
Chicken Little Laren Man
Congress should pass a law or laws dealing with this!
First things first.
What Biden should do is shut the border.
Then Congress should pass laws.
4 million military aged men are being allowed to work here?Paying taxes and social security?
and yet businesses still are having trouble finding all the workers that they need?
The Biden economy is roaring, it needs MORE workers, not less. If there aren’t enough workers and companies have trouble filling jobs they must raise wages. That creates inflation. Is that what Mr Teach wants?
Because of inflation the typical American household must now pay 1% more of its budget to eat. This of course will have the largest impact on our poorer red states, which also have the highest rates of obesity.
Chicken Little Laren Man
Congress should pass a law or laws dealing with this!
First things first.
What Biden should do is shut the border.
Then Congress should pass laws.
Chicken Lewis Man,
A US President cannot shut down the border with executive orders. Presidents are not dictators.
Surprise! Karen (aka Rimjob) is wrong again.
Trump did it.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Pissant (aka Incel) is lying again. Or maybe he’s just ignorant or didn’t read his own citation.
US courts ruled that then-president Trump illegally attempted to override US asylum laws.
Trump DID enact a travel ban from certain nations.
President Obama had a better record on immigration than did then-president Trump.
Too bad you didn’t read all of it, dipshit.
So why is Brand9n off3riny
The fertility rates of African and Middle Eastern nations are 2-4 times greater than the US (and most economically advanced nations!).
The fertility rate that supports a stable population is 2%. The rates in the US and most of Europe are less than that.
The idea that the United States can only accept immigrants from non-“shithole” nations and NOT dwindle away is a fantasy, unless white women in America “get on the stick”, so to speak. Unfortunately, the US government discourages childbirth -having more children is too expensive for most young couples. Working class families can’t have a stay-at-home spouse or afford quality day care. And the governments are of little help.
Currently, the US has the world’s strongest economy but not by magic. It’s because American workers get up and go to work. As our population ages (and retires) we need workers to take their place. We need immigrants and “desirable” immigrants, you know, those from “nice” countries like Norway, Australia, Germany and Italy aren’t eager to come to the US.
We need a comprehensive immigration plan that encourages the integration of Mexicans, Indians, Iraqis, Venezuelans, Ghanaians, Chinese etc into American society.
You call it replacement, but it’s really survival.
Our country had an immigration system that actually worked prior to the Obama regime, Trump tried to bring immigration back under control, then Brandon came along and destroyed what was in place. New laws aren’t needed, the ones on the books worked, I’ve had personal experience with the system. What we need is to remove the Brandon regime.
Commenter: Our country had an immigration system that actually worked prior to the Obama regime, Trump tried to bring immigration back under control,
Please look at this from Pew.
Border encounters were much higher during George W. Bush’s two terms than President Obama’s. It continued to decrease under Trump until it shot up in 2019 but back later. By 2023 it was higher than ever.
The economic and social conditions in the foreign lands also contributes to the number at the border.
Been over this before, dipshit.
Illegal immigration is the highest it’s ever been during Brandon’s tenure.
Now he declares amnesty for 350,000 illegals.
Didn’t have a border problem with Trump as President.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Johnny-so your military aged men are still coming across the border for asylum? Asylum from what? As said before, if asylum is needed, why isn’t there mostly women and children? Again, it sounds like your military aged workers are pussies…
Many families can not send everyone they just don’t have the money.
Jimmie when my grandparents came from Ireland, families sent their eldest son, at least first.
Why aren’t more children walking here? Well, it is quite dangerous. Many women are afraid because of the high likelihood of rape, especially in Mexico.
Jimmie, what is the farthest YOU have ever walked? Can you see that possibly that walk simply might be very difficult for children?
The “military aged men” are hoping to work Dave money and then be able to pay for their families to come here.
The Wall has certainly made the cartels rich, they often enforce their toll by killing those who will not cannot pay the 100s of dollars crossing fee.