Your Fault: Global Boiling Causing The Loss Of Indigenous Languages

I’m so excited, this is a new one! As usual, it’s insane doomsday cult propaganda, but, it’s unique propaganda

Climate Change is Fueling the Loss of Indigenous Languages That Could Be Crucial to Combating It

There are roughly 7,000 languages spoken around the world. Indigenous groups speak more than 4,000 of them, despite making up less than 6 percent of the global population.

These languages often hold secrets to the inner workings of the planet, from the best times to plant certain crops to the healing properties of critical medicinal plants. However, a growing body of research shows that climate change is driving the loss of native languages worldwide—in big ways and small.

Extreme weather events such as hurricanes and drought are pushing Indigenous peoples and local communities away from their historical lands and languages, while changes in the timing of seasons or the distribution of different species are rendering many native words obsolete. (big snip)

The Climate Connection: As climate change rapidly alters ecosystems, centuries-old vocabularies are increasingly disappearing from dialects, experts say. Extreme weather and rising seas are driving mass migrations around the world, similar to the forced migration and colonialism that has long threatened Indigenous cultures in the past and continues today.

These cultists do realize that language changes over time, right? That some disappear, that some just change incredibly? Try reading a book from hundreds of years ago. A thousand years ago. It won’t be easy. Many languages have changed, both in usage and writing. If you time traveled back to the formation of America you’d have a tough time. Go back to the 1400’s and they’d burn you as a witch. But, you know, in Climate Cult World, no matter what happens they will drag it into their cult. It’s not like bad weather has always happened.

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4 Responses to “Your Fault: Global Boiling Causing The Loss Of Indigenous Languages”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Another ridiculous climate activism creative writing piece.

    Indigenous languages have been on the outs forever and they have their very own activists trying to save them. The problem is, no one cares. Most of the world doesn’t speak them and even the indigenous peoples are eschewing their own languages for the ability to communicate effectively with the dominant languages in their region.

    Indigenous languages are without exception less sophisticated than modern languages and there are no ideas that cannot be translated into modern languages. Thus it is absurd to say things like planting times and home remedies cannot be translated into English or Spanish. It is further absurd that local knowledge that is passed along by word of mouth is superior to modern agricultural and medical knowledge. This is stuff only a language activist could believe, and I suspect even they don’t believe it, but their fund raising depends on it and linking it to climate activism helps with the fund raising.

  2. alanstorm says:

    Climate Change is Fueling the Loss of Indigenous Languages That Could Be Crucial to Combating It

    I believe the question was “How much Used Food and how many non-sequiturs can you pack into a single headline?”

    Not sure this is a gold medalist, but it’s certainly a runner-up.

  3. rametindallas says:

    Most of these nuts pushing this agenda call themselves Democrats. Okay, let’s vote on the importance of saving every obscure language and the costs related to doing so. It’s crazy to think minority views will be protected if we get rid of our Republic and install Democracy. Woke Progressive Leftist are a walking contradiction.

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