Biden’s EO On Border Could See It Close When Crossings Hit 2,500

The number previously thrown around was 4,500 for his executive order. Now it’s 2,500. Why 2,500? Why not zero? If he can do 2,500 he can do zero

Biden to issue order that could close US-Mexico border to asylum seekers

Joe Biden on Tuesday was set to announce an executive order that would reportedly shut down the US-Mexico border to asylum seekers attempting to cross outside of lawful ports of entry, when a daily threshold of crossings is exceeded.

The move comes amid rising public concern over the number of migrants crossing into the US, with polls showing a majority of Americans dissatisfied with the president’s handling of the border. The White House has been under immense pressure from Republicans and some Democrats to reduce the number of migrants arriving at the southern border.

Many progressive and Hispanic lawmakers expressed alarm at the sweep of the order, the most aggressive border move taken by the administration so far.

First, it’s the only aggressive move made, unless you consider him leaving the border wide open as aggressive. Second, will the pro-illegal alien groups/individuals sue to stop this? If Trump was the one putting this out would they sue?

Under the executive order, which Biden plans to sign alongside several border-town mayors, the administration would shut down asylum requests to the US-Mexico border once the number of daily encounters reaches 2,500 between legal ports of entry, according to the Associated Press. The border would reopen once the number of crossings eases to 1,500. That could mean the order takes effect immediately. Legal challenges are expected.

That’s not particularly clear, is it? Nor are most articles

(CNN) President Joe Biden is expected to announce an executive order as early as Tuesday that would effectively shut down the US-Mexico border to asylum-seekers crossing illegally when a daily threshold of crossings is exceeded – a sweeping and controversial proposal that is likely to receive fierce pushback from progressives and immigration advocates.

So, if I’m getting this correctly, one the number hits 2,500, anyone declaring asylum would be turned away/put back over the border until the numbers go down. However, if they are not crossing and declaring asylum, what happens? Will they be immediately turned away/put back over the border? Or put in detention here in the U.S., allowed to remain for a bit, then released?

Also, the devil is in the details, so, will this EO have an expiration date, like, say, right after the election?

Also, why is this controversial?

The executive order uses an authority known as “212(f)” – a regulation used under the Trump administration and widely denounced at the time by Democrats.

So, will they sue to stop this, even as we go into election season? And, let’s say Biden puts this in place and actually enforces it, and it survives lawsuits: why can’t Trump, if he were to win in November, put out his own EO making the shutdown number, say, 100 a day?

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32 Responses to “Biden’s EO On Border Could See It Close When Crossings Hit 2,500”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Life sucks if you are immigrant # 2501. I guess they tell you “go home and come back tomorrow”? If they can do that, why aren’t they telling everyone “Go home”?

    Anyone want to take bets that this EO will even be enforced? It is a physical impossibility to count people as they come across the border and then close the gates when enough are inside. There isn’t a single point of entry. In many cases, the border is crossed at an “undocumented entry point” so the number may not be added for several days, if ever.

    No matter how many people you think is the magic number for the population of America to enjoy growth and prosperity, you would have to agree that we have enough. We don’t need a single additional person for our workforce to be full. It is an easy argument to be made that many of the problems our society is enduring today is a direct result of overpopulation and the best thing we could do would be to not add any more.

    1. Affordable housing is directly impacted by a growing population.
    2. Stagnating wages is directed impacted by growing population.
    3. Pollution is directly increased by additional population.
    4. Carbon footprint of the nation is directly increased by additional population.
    5. Mouths to feed vs areable land ratios are directly impacted by population.
    6. Stripping of animal habitats are directly impacted by population increases.
    7. Unskilled workers paying peanuts into social security will not makes up for the massive payments to all the people now qualifying for SSD who have never paid into the system.

    Basically, all the things the Left claims to care about are made worse by their own policy of open borders. It’s as if the Left never really cared about all those things and only used them to gain power and now they want an expanded population of unskilled people to help them keep power.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      All that’s wrong with America is because of people!! We have too many!

      Stop all immigration today. Let the oldsters die off. We’ll save money on SS and Medicare!

      Rather than reduce pollution/person, let’s reduce persons!

      Rather than build housing, let’s reduce persons! With little competition for housing the prices will drop!

      It’s getting harder and harder to mock the stupidity of MAGAts…

    • h says:

      The birth rate of native born females is now at 1.69. This is obviously not enough to maintain our population let alone be able to support the increasingly percentage of elderly. In 40 years working NOT adjusted for inflation a worker earning that 15$ minimum will pay into Social security over 60000 dollars.

      The Biden economy is roaring and there are currently about 8 MILLION job openings in the USA. This is causing employers to have to raise wages to fill them which causes inflation

      Prof? Hale fails to include in his reasoning that those much feared “military aged men” will not be collecting Social Security until they have been paying in to the Social Security fund for 40 years.
      Most migrants are smart enough to head for blue states where there is plenty of work for them at 15$ minimum wage.
      Some Christians no longer seem as interested in sharing the blessings their creator has chosen to give.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    Oh look! The party that lies to us about everything is making a promise 5 months before an election to “do something”. Let’s all get excited and celebrate our victory.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    N.B. – Brandon is shipping millions of illegals to Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota… wake up sheeple!!!

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Trump used 212(f) for his “Muslim” travel ban, but lower courts rejected it… up to the 5-4 Supreme ruling in his favor!

    BUT, The Supreme Court did NOT approve using 212(f) for

    denying asylum to migrants who crossed the southern border and agreed with lower courts’ decision to block the order on the grounds the policy violated immigration law that states any person who steps foot on U.S. soil has the right to seek asylum, regardless of whether they entered the U.S. through legal means.

    Will the Supremes rule in Brandon’s favor once the lawsuits start? Doubtful.

    Trump’s Congress needs to change the laws.

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach wonders: The number previously thrown around was 4,500 for his executive order. Now it’s 2,500. Why 2,500? Why not zero? If he can do 2,500 he can do zero.

    Most US Presidents are not dictators. The courts will decide. If they decide limiting to 2,500 is illegal, so is zero. Trump’s own Supreme Court did NOT allow him to restrict asylum-seekers using 212(f).

    Congress needs to change the laws.

    • Brother John says:

      Most US Presidents are not dictators.

      Yet Brandon brags incessantly about doing whatever he damn pleases with respect to shifting debt away from favored constituencies.

      Congress needs to change the laws.

      No, asshole. The executive branch needs to enforce the ones that exist.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        No, you ignorant cocksucker. The legislative branch needs to upgrade the laws.

        Even President Biden’s proposal will meet with multiple court challenges. Do you believe that the President should declare a national health emergency as did Trump over Covid?

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Ewww. Time for Karen (aka Rimjob) to change her nappies.
          She does get upset when proven wrong.

          Bwaha! Lolgf

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Lil Rimjob (aka Pissant) has OBSESSIONS! LOL.

            The poor thing doesn’t know the meaning of the word “proven”. But then it doesn’t know the meaning of a lot of words. LOL.

            Bwaha! Lolgf

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Seems Karen (aka Rimjob) does get upset when proven wrong and she keeps on proving it.

            Change your pull-ups, kiddo.

            Bwaha! Lolgf

  6. W Wilson says:

    Pedo joe will still be flying ILLEGALS in and not counting them . Also all the getaways won’t be counted. It is all Dem- communist Bullshitt.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      I’m tellin ya, Brandon is shipping them all to battleground states where they’ll sign up to vote via motor-voter laws, and the Dems in charge of the polls will let em vote. The pre-printed ballots with Brandon checked are already boxed and ready.

      Once Harris/Brandon are back in power they’ll start sending patriots in box cars to FEMA camps in New Mexico, Arkansas, Montana, Washington, New York, Minnesota and South Carolina. They’ve been building the camps since the Obama years. Every AR-15 style rifle purchased in the past 30 years is on on file with the feds.

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        There was a time when thos of us who are devoted Christians, patriots and who actually help our fellow Americans unlike the slime balls on the left would have read commie dowds comment , shook our head and muttered “that can’t happen here”.

        Then the commie left shifted onto “by any means necessary” mode and showed us they would burn down cities, call their fellow citizens insurrectionists for protesting, hold mass show trials to arrest and jail their opposition, arrest and persecute the opposing presidential candidate. And if that weren’t enough they would lock down our cities, close our kids out of school, keep us from being with our families when they are sick, dying or just cause they can and lie, lie, lie about it all.

        A sane and intelligent man would figure after this fake kangaroo trial of Trump it may be time to shut the hell up but that’s too smart for dowd. He’s gonna keep typing till the entire globe knows he’s a dumbass.

        Every time a nit-wit like dowd opens up with his stupidity another “undecided” decides. Thanks moron!!!

        I believe we can Make America Great Again. Dowd uses it like a club. Don’t be like dowd.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:


          You have made up an enemy to justify your hate.

          Most supporters of Trump are enemies of America. Sad, but true. He tried to overturn the last election, and will try again.

          Trump is less equipped now to be president than he was in 2016, and he was unqualified then.

          Trump hurts more Americans in a day than you could possible help in your lifetime.

          If he gets sentenced in any way, he expects you and your biosimilars to riot.

          • alanstorm says:

            Trump is less equipped now to be president than he was in 2016, and he was unqualified then.

            Biden has NEVER been equipped to be president, and he’s not getting any better.

            Isn’t it funny how he thought executive orders were BAD while he was being run for office, but now they’re just spiffy?

          • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

            You have made up an enemy to justify your hate.

            I don’t have to justify anything leastwise to you.

            Most supporters of Trump are enemies of America. Sad, but true. He tried to overturn the last election, and will try again.

            it’s funny how in my neighborhood the trump supporters fly American flags and the Biden supporters have Palestinian flags or LGBTQ Pew Pew flags. So who were the enemies of America? And you’re gonna continue that old name of him trying to overthrow an election? All by himself? Are you insinuating that stupidity that are protesting at the capitol as an insurrection? An insurrection with no weapons in a country with 450 million guns? You really are stupid you know that the truth stares you in the face and you just wave it aside and keep on going.

            Trump is less equipped now to be president than he was in 2016, and he was unqualified then.

            the only thing that can possibly qualify somebody for being president of the United states is being president of the United states. And trump’s the only person running who has already been president of the United states so he’s the only one qualified to become the next president of the United states you moron.

            Trump hurts more Americans in a day than you could possible help in your lifetime.

            Please explain to me exactly how trump hurts more Americans in a day than I can possibly help in my lifetime, considering I’ve already rescued scores? Who are these Americans that trump is hurting daily?

            If he gets sentenced in any way, he expects you and your biosimilars to riot.

            First of all we “biosimilars” are not like you leftist thugs, we don’t riot. The mere fact that as a snob and a communist pig you had to dehumanize us by calling us biosimilars just shows how low you are. As long as we’re not human you can do anything you want to us. Lock us up execute us whatever you want. So the use of the term biosimilars I’ll be looking forward to seeing used by other leftists as yourself. You never come up with original thought so you had to hear it somewhere. And you always do what all your leftists tell you to do says some call me somewhere is using that name. You wanna treat us the same way you treat unborn babies expendable humans that can be murdered on whim.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            “The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don’t make sense… There are people who, no matter how much evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not.”

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            “When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross”. -attributed to Sinclair Lewis

            Ex-president Trump humps Old Glory and peddles Bibles…

            “The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted out spoons”. -Emerson

            The louder a MAGAt bleats about their “patriotism” and “Christian” behavior the faster we need to lock our doors.

            There’s more to patriotism than a flag – there’s more to decency than a Bible.

            L.G., We get it. You’re angry. You believed your cult-leader had made America a right-wing homeland, but it was a case of premature congratulations.

  7. drowningpuppies says:

    Seems Karen (aka Rimjob) is jumping up and down while queefing and wetting his panties about Brandon issuing EOs to stop the flood of illegals into this country.
    Seems Trump was right.

    Bwaha! Lolgf

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Seems Rimjobber (aka Pissant) is full of shit.

      If tRump was ever right it was happenstance. Even a blind hog can root out an acorn on occasion.

      Bwaha! Lolgf

  8. Jl says:

    Economics by Johnny-“most illegals going to blue states with 15$ minimum wage. Most Americans going to red states for lower taxes and more freedom.

  9. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Sinclair Lewis? Really? An ugly man outside and inside. I could rant about how he was a commie who only would admit to being a God hating socialist who was a womens rights advocate and a labor union activist but you know that. He could be you in a previous life. Except he was smarter. And thinner.

    There’s more to patriotism than a flag – there’s more to decency than a Bible.

    Yes there is so what have you done as a patriot? We know you are not decent by the way you comment…and vote. Is it decent to advocate for the termination of little babies or the mutilation of infants and children on the alter of psychotic sex dysphoria?

    Is it patriotic to consider those countrymen who disagree with your corrupt politics less than human? Is it also patriotic to persecute Trump for 7 years because he made “mean Tweets”?

    Call me the next time you do something for someone else. You could start by stop lying about what we believe and siding with those who hate America.

    Even though there’s more to patriotism than a flag it would be nice if you respected the flag also. As well as those of us who salute it.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      Neither you nor Trump understand patriotism. You both hate America today, you hate the military, the government, over half the people, you have no faith in the justice system, you distrust democracy, science and medicine, the media… you have no use for truth or facts.

      Trump cares only about himself and power. And you believe he should become America’s Ruler.

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