This sounds like a repeat of when Obama was in office and Democrats wanted nothing to do with him on the campaign trail
Some Congressional Democrats are apparently looking to distance their campaigns from President Joe Biden as they head into the 2024 election, according to Axios.
Five months out from the 2024 election, President Joe Biden is struggling in head-to-head matchups, both nationally and across key swing states, against former President Donald Trump. The poor polling coming from Biden have caused several Democratic lawmakers to “Biden-proof” their campaign in an effort to help boost their already close races, the candidates told Axios.
“[There is] more distancing now as his numbers continue to tank,” one House Democrat told the outlet, saying his campaign was “pretty much washing my hands of his campaign.”
The candidates distancing their campaigns from Biden is an alternative to publicly “rejecting” the president, Democratic incumbents, candidates and operatives told the outlet.
Distancing, not rejecting, right. The RNC and the GOP opponents of these Democrats should be running ads wondering why Dems with the same policies as Biden are trying to run away from Biden. It should be in ads.
Other Democrats, particularly in swing districts, are trying to publicly differentiate themselves from Biden in terms of policy, Axios reported. A coalition of House Democrats wrote to the president in May, urging him to take executive action on the southern border crisis, CBS News reported.
But, do they? Or are they just saying this to get elected, and then they follow Biden 100%? As I’ve written many, many times, the GOP needs to grow some cajones and go on the attack. Stop playing nice. Democrats sure don’t.

A Missouri Republican is running for MO Attorney General and his main boast is that he’s one of Trump’s lawyers, LOL. Voters can think of at least 34 reasons you might not be the best lawyer for the job, LOL.
Of course, Mr Scharf is appealing directly to low-information voters – those potential voters who pay little attention to what is really occurring.
Both GOP candidates for the Missouri state AG promise to protect the southern border. To keep Arkansans out of Missouri??
Arkansas is one of our poorest states. It also ranks in the bottom 10% for life expectancy.
Of course it supports Trump, look at all he has done for them!
Trump is a private citizen H what do you expect him to do for Arkansas? The real question is what has crapping his pants Joe Biden done for anybody? The Democrats are running the state as well as the major cities. Just because you have an occasional republican office holder doesn’t mean Republicans are running the state moron.
Back when I lived just a few miles north of Arkansas we mocked our southern neighbors. Bologna was called “Arkansas steak”! But we were actually more alike than different. We resented our “big city neighbors” from St Louis more. It dawned on me then of the human “need” always needing someone to look down on. Parisians look down on New Yorkers who look down on Chicagoans who look down on St. Louisans who look down on us MO hillbillies who look down on AR hillbillies… Thank goodness for poor blacks that everyone felt superior to!!
In general, red states perform more poorly on nearly every economic, health, social, and education measure.
That’s funny because it’s true. When the Democrats take over a state they ruin it. Plus the fact that they take over what’s already established. Democrats are like parasites they move into a certain area they suck all the money and natural resources out of it and then they leave. The Democrats are now done with California they suck the life out of that state with high taxes people living on the streets the highest unemployment or is it the highest homelessness I’m not sure if it’s the highest something like that but instead of lowering taxes and helping the people they raise taxes you gotta love Democrats but the rich ones which are always there cause they run the place. But the rich ones which are always there because they use poor people to put them into office and then turn around and screw the poor people. People are fleeing California right now by the thousands. People are streaming out of New York by the thousands. They’re leaving because of Democrats not because of the beautiful places that were built. Look what they did to Trump. How many buildings did you build in New York City asshole? What have you done for your state? What have you done for the people of America if anything? Other than fleshing out of their investments in your leftist run organization.
You also need to realize that all those poor people that you look down your Snooty nose at in those red states bring you your food your agriculture your trees your machinists your machinery and things like that you couldn’t live if they weren’t working. There were a lot more important than you or any of your lot are. Just ’cause you’re some rich white privileged communist you think you got it on everybody else you don’t. They might not be as rich as you are but they have a much happier life than you. look at you you fat slob.
Mr White,
I’m a Missouri hillbilly from the Ozarks. We moved to the St Louis area years ago.
I feel bad for my fellow citizens trapped in poor states with the their conservative Republican rulers. That’s why I favor MORE federal support for red states and their people.
We’re arguably the richest nation on Earth with the strongest economy – there’s no excuse for us having multi-billionaires AND hungry kids. It’s the Republican Party that keeps cutting taxes on the wealthy and cutting expenditures on the working class, but both parties are at fault.
The elites of America (and the world) want you and I to fight amongst ourselves over bullshit while ignoring them raping the working class. Over the last 4 decades they’ve redistributed TRILLIONS that should accrue to the productivity of the working class upward into their pockets. Both US parties take part. It’s the system. They decimated labor unions. Every policy and law rewards the wealthy at the expense of workers. But they want us to fight about abortion, food prices, Gaza and Mexicans.
Have you noticed during recessions that the wealthy do OK? During the Great Recession (2008-2010) our Congress, Bush AND Mr Obama bailed out the corporations but not the homeowners who got screwed. Corporations right now are making record profits – the stock market is booming – but working people are having trouble finding housing and buying food. Senators and Representatives are nearly all wealthy – who do you think they answer to?
I am not your enemy.
Most wealthy people are members of the Dem party. Yet trolls consistently try to paint the Repubs as the party of the rich. All they do is lie.
You are aware that the Clintons crime spree began in Arkansas and that they totally destroyed the state. Na, you are not bight enough to remember or understand.
That’s BS. Arkansas was a racist shit-hole until Winthrop Rockefeller and David Pryor were governors in the late 60s and 70s, where they oversaw the modernization from an agricultural to a manufacturing economy. They fixed roads, reformed the prisons, funded education and expanded healthcare. The Clintons continued the advancements, helping to modernize the state, reforming the education system and improving the economy.
Arkansas, and other neighboring poor red states like LA, MS, OK and AL stays near the bottom for most measures.
Another series of lies. That is why I don’t care to exchange comments with this idiot.
Chicken Little Karen Man
those potential voters who pay little attention to what is really occurring.
They are reminded every time they buy gasoline and groceries.
Not a bad point, but more information would help them understand why.
The current inflation comes from two primary sources: 1) a raging economy and 2)Trump/Biden/Congress spending post-Covid. The Fed has taken a very cautious approach in raising rates and restricting the money supply – all to avoid a recession.
Economists (including center-right Holtz-Eakin) who have reviewed Mr Trump’s economic proposals – universal tariffs on imports, more massive tax cuts, lobbying the Fed to lower interest rates, massive deportation of immigrants and devaluation of the dollar would all induce more inflation. Trump doesn’t understand macroeconomics and only listens to advisers that agree with him.
Their biggest fear is that Trumpflation will force the Fed to RAISE interest rates even more, causing a recession and 70s-like stagflation. Mr Reagan and the Fed raised interest rates to 20%+ in his first term driving the unemployment rate to record highs (not seen until Trump).
3½ years after Joe Biden tore up President Trump’s executive orders and policies stemming illegal immigration, he’s now, five months before the election, issuing executive orders to try to stem illegal immigration. How stupid would anyone have to be to believe that those executive orders would survive for the rest of his term if the dummkopf from Delaware is re-elected?
I’ll repeat…
Trump used 212(f) for his “Muslim” travel ban, but lower courts rejected it… up to the 5-4 Supreme ruling in his favor!
BUT, The Supreme Court did NOT approve using 212(f) for
Trump used national emergency (Covid) health rules (Title 42) to restrict asylum-seekers. Should Mr Biden declare a national emergency?
Will the Supremes rule in Brandon’s favor once the lawsuits start over 1212(f)? Doubtful.
Trump’s Congress needs to change the laws.
Good political move by Brandon. Should make MAGAts apoplectic.
Although Trump, the RNC, nuGOPhers and the Trumpublican Party are attacking the United States of America and our system of justice, polls following Trump’s 34 felony convictions, show over 50% of Americans thought the verdict was fair.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Weird, huh? Congressional Republicans are distancing themselves from the convicted Mr Trump
I couldn’t find a poll showing that.
Can you show us a source or are you just bull shitting again.
No they’re not H, where do you get that nugget of misinformation from? You just make stuff up don’t you?
The polls were worded awkwardly if not stupidly, e.g.,
Does Trump’s conviction make you less or more likely to vote for him?
Few Democrats were going to vote for Trump in the first place. Few Republicans were going to vote for Biden.
11% of registered Republicans said they were LESS likely to vote for Trump. Importantly, 26% of independent registered voters said they were LESS likely to vote from Trump.
Again, the importance is in key battleground states like GA, PA, MI and MN. And like all American elections turnout is the significant variable.