55 Democrats Join With GOP To Pass Sanctions On ICC

This means that 155 voted in favor of the court which supports Hamas and hates Israel and Jews

House passes GOP bill to sanction ICC as it seeks arrest warrant for Netanyahu

The U.S. House on Tuesday passed a Republican-led bill that would impose sanctions on the International Criminal Court after its top prosecutor recommended war crimes charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The legislation passed in a 247 to 155 vote. Forty-two Democrats crossed party lines to help Republicans pass the bill despite opposition from the White House.

The Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, led by Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy, would require mandatory sanctions and visa restrictions on any foreign person working or providing funds for the ICC in prosecutions against the U.S., Israel or any other U.S. ally that is not party to the ICC.

The vote came weeks after the international court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, filed applications for warrants of arrest for Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Will the Senate take up the bill and give it a vote? There are surely 51 votes to pass it, right?

The White House said Monday it was “deeply concerned” about the ICC actions but that, ultimately, the Biden administration “strongly opposes” the legislation.

“There are more effective ways to defend Israel, preserve U.S. positions on the ICC, and promote international justice and accountability, and the Administration stands ready to work with Congress on those options,” a statement from the White House read, though it did not include a veto threat.

Will Biden veto it?

Meanwhile, a good laugh

College graduates are concerned pro-Palestinian activism could deter future employers

When graduating University of Chicago senior Rayna Acha heard about the lawsuit filed by a Lebanese American attorney alleging a job offer from a national law firm was rescinded because of her pro-Palestinian views on Gaza, the revocation confirmed one of her worst fears.

“The reality is we might not get jobs because of (our activism),” said Acha, an undergraduate anthropology major at the U. of C. and an organizer with Students for Justice in Palestine.

Acha has more than one reason to worry. She is one of four U. of C. students whose degrees were withheld because of their involvement with the university’s pro-Palestinian encampment calling on the institution to sever its financial ties to Israel.

Well, yeah, if you’re taking the side of Islamic terrorists and spouting Jew hatred you find a goodly chunk of companies do not want you working for them. Heck, even if the people at companies agree with you, they won’t want to piss off their customer base for your dhimmitude. Have fun with that job search!

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11 Responses to “55 Democrats Join With GOP To Pass Sanctions On ICC”

  1. alanstorm says:

    College graduates are concerned pro-Palestinian activism could deter future employers

    …and the problem is…? If so-called “students” broadcast their ignorance, why should employers ignore that?

  2. Professor Hale says:

    Her degree was anthropology. She was unlikely to be employed anyway. That field is highly overcrowded with entitled women. Did no one tell her that her actions might have consequences? For one, there is the consequence in majoring in a field that has very little return on investment and what used to be considered a hobby for aristocrats.

    NO ONE protested, rioted, demonstrated, or called for any sort of activism at either of the two colleges I attended. Students were too busy with actual coursework. As a consequence the post-graduation employment rate was 100%.

  3. Dana says:

    If the ‘Palestinians’ and the Israelis can’t find a compromise, why would anyone think that American Jews and the ‘Palestinian’ supporting leftists could?

    • david7134 says:

      You can’t compromise. Islam spreads their cult by conquest and their desire is the destruction of all that will not accept the prophet.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Because we’re Americans! We are tied together by our optimism, decency, laws and common history, not by our religious beliefs.

      Palestinian supporters will have to understand that.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Guess that’s why Karen (aka Rimjob) supports and defends these guys.


        Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        We are tied together by our optimism, decency, laws and common history, by the common religious beliefs of our founders. Those who ignore or deny the Christian basis and the founding of America are the enemies of our country. That includes communists and atheists like Elwood and Palestinians who are merely Muslim terrorists. Like it or not Christianity was a critical part of the belief structure that helped forge and create The United States of America.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          L.G. tells us that non-Christians are the enemies of our country.

          How will you and Mr Trump eliminate these enemies of America??

          Thanks. That defines Christian nationalism.

          In Iran, non-Muslims are the enemies of their country, too!!

          Our Founding Fathers were careful to NOT make the United States of America a nation based on a religion, which is what they had left. They did not want to trade one type of tyranny for another.

          In fact, most of our Founding Fathers were Christian Deists.


          belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe.

          America welcomes Christians of all denominations – Lutherans, Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists, Catholics, Mormons, 7th Day Adventists, Amish, Mennonites, Presbyterians – Jews, atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Christian Deists… all as equal citizens.

          In America all religions are equal.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            More Gish Gallop from Karen (aka Rimjob).
            She could look it up.
            Guess that’s all she has.

            Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach, hyperventilating: 155 (Democrat) voted in favor of the court which supports Hamas and hates Israel and Jews

    This is, of course, “untrue”. We suspect Mr Teach is just ignorant of the facts and is not trying spread dishonest propaganda.

    The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued warrants for three Hamas leaders, Sinwar, Al-Masri, Haniyeh, AND Mr Netanyahu. It did not support Hamas. It did not issue warrants for Israel or Jews.

    It had earlier issued warrants for Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, Russian Commissioner for Children’s Rights, for war crimes, specifically kidnapping and transporting Ukrainian children to Russia.

Pirate's Cove