Immigration Theater: Biden Will Now Try To Appease Progressives

His executive order was absurd to start with. Now we get

Biden’s border move infuriated progressives. He’s trying to fix that.

spite housePresident Joe Biden enraged progressives this week when he clamped down on asylum at the southern border. Now he’s looking at policies that may appease them.

The administration is considering new actions for undocumented immigrants, lawmakers and immigration advocates say. The internal discussions come after Biden officials have spent months crafting Tuesday’s new border restrictions, with top aides fixated on beating back GOP criticism over the president’s handling of immigration. (snip)

As part of that effort, White House officials are looking closely at “parole in place” for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens, which would shield them from deportation and allow them to work legally while they pursue a path to citizenship, the people said, adding that any moves may not come until after Biden’s debate this month with Donald Trump. The program could provide temporary relief for an estimated 1.2 million people.

Jumping ahead of the line of people who are looking to gain citizenship the legal way. Would this really appease the wackadoodle left?

Biden officials acknowledge that there could be political gains in taking action for long-term, undocumented residents, as polls show Americans support border security as well as paths to citizenship, though they caution that it remains unclear whether the president will ultimately move forward. Biden campaign pollster Matt Barreto pointed to DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) in 2012, which saw no backlash from white voters, moderates or swing voters. President Barack Obama ultimately did well with Latino voters, and when policies are rolled out with “a lot of care and thought,” Barreto added, “it goes back to my overarching point: the American public wants to see action taken on the immigration issue.”

This could well appease them a bit, but, will Brandon give it a try? The GOP would then come after him as this would simply enable more people to come to the U.S. illegally. And, that ends any notion of Biden taking action to appease the moonbats (who also hate when illegals are shipped to their cities).

Discussions inside the administration about its next moves come as Biden officials remain concerned about the situation at the southern border — their fears heightened by general-election polls showing immigration as both a top issue for voters and one on which the president gets poor marks, particularly against Trump. Biden’s aides believe moderate Democrats and independent voters will reward the president for cracking down on migration this week.

Will they, though? Or, will they see right through Biden’s EO as the mule fritters it actually is? Will they wonder why Biden opened the floodgates at the border through most of his term, and then give an EO which will probably not be enforced right before the election? Combine this with the poor economy, and that’s going to leave a mark. Can Trump and the GOP take advantage? Will Trump say the right things, or, do his normal schtick?

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5 Responses to “Immigration Theater: Biden Will Now Try To Appease Progressives”

  1. Dana says:

    Conservatives know full well that the executive orders weren’t serious, and almost all of us believe that they’d be cancelled soon after the election, yet the hard left are all up in arms about them. It is to laugh.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    ‘The president is utterly on his game. He is the wisest, most knowledgeable person in the room’

    “And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic, and, what happened was Barack said to me: ‘Go to Detroit — and help fix it.’”

    Bwaha! Lolgf Lolgf

    • david7134 says:

      I found it typical that Biden had to be escorted off stage by his wife after he shit himself in Normandy.

      • Professor Hale says:

        Biden is a useless sock puppet and has never been the sharpest tool in the shed, but in this particular instance, he is obviously bending over to sit down, not shit himself. The reality of the Bidens is plenty bad, we don’t need to make stuff up. That’s the democrats’ job.

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