Crazy Warmists Being Crazy


I love all the clothes they’re wearing made from petroleum.

Isn’t it raaaaacist to shut down a black woman speaking?

Do they really think this helps their cause? That people are streaming over to their side? Or, are they just making themselves out to be crazy cultists?

Glad Greta and her Jew hating doomsday cult friends are wearing lots of clothes, holding signs, and using smartphones made with petroleum.

Update: Well, crap, I’m not sure why Twitter posts won’t embed correctly. I set this to post earlier, just noticed. Gonna have to figure this out.

Ah. Because it’s the version, vs the

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6 Responses to “Crazy Warmists Being Crazy”

  1. SD says:

    Israel rescues 4 hostages kidnapped in Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack – Video

  2. Jl says:

    “Gaza health ministry confirms 8 billion dead in Israeli hostage rescue…” BB

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Teach types: I love all the clothes they’re wearing made from petroleum

    How does Mr Teach know what they’re wearing?

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Looked like peaceful protesters just like the peaceful Jan 6 mob.

    How does Teach know what their clothe are made of?

  5. ckc2000 says:

    How’s your mom? Tell her I said hi.

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