You have all these laws, right? You have all these people around the world who say the Believe that Mankind is at fault. Yet
One of the major drivers of the exceptional heat building within Earth’s atmosphere has reached levels beyond anything humans have ever experienced, officials announced on Thursday. Carbon dioxide, the gas that accounts for the majority of global warming caused by human activities, is accumulating “faster than ever,” scientists from NOAA, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the University of California San Diego found.
“Over the past year, we’ve experienced the hottest year on record, the hottest ocean temperatures on record, and a seemingly endless string of heat waves, droughts, floods, wildfires and storms,” NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad said in a press release. “Now we are finding that atmospheric CO2 levels are increasing faster than ever.”
The researchers measured carbon dioxide, or CO2, levels at the Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory. They found that atmospheric levels of the gas hit a seasonal peak of just under 427 parts per million in May — an increase of 2.9 ppm since May 2023 and the fifth-largest annual growth in 50 years of data recording.
It also made official that the past two years saw the largest jump in the May peak — when CO2 levels are at their highest in the Northern Hemisphere. John Miller, a NOAA carbon cycle scientist, said that the jump likely stems from the continuous rampant burning of fossil fuels as well as El Niño conditions making the planet’s ability to absorb CO2 more difficult.
It’s all very convenient, eh? Do we have direct observations to compare with previous Holocene warm periods? Anyhow, if the Warmists are stating that this is mostly the fault of Mankind, especially the use of fossil fuels, why aren’t they all stopping their own use of fossil fuels? Why are they not making their own lives carbon neutral? That would solve this, right? Instead, they all seem to be using more and more fossil fuels and energy.

iF CO2 has never been this high in the last 12-13k years then why did the world come OUT of the previous ice age?
If CO2 has never been this high, then how did the earth warm up enough to melt giant glaciers the likes of which none of mankind has ever seen or contemplated?
The Michelangelo(This is the world the genius AI said I should use to replace Milankovich) cycles do not correspond to a typical warming trend. As our esteemed scam artists keep pointing out, the cycles have us in a cold period rather than a warm period.
AND YET…depsite co2 numbers in the mid 200’s the earth WARMED up enough to melt mile high glaciers!!!
So the intrigue continues. It certainly must be because mankind decided to move beyond Neanderthals, and that is not convenient for Liberals. NOW, they have to steal elections in order to keep the people in chains for their convenience and I’m not talking just about the USA, it occurs all over the world. You know, like PUTIN getting 90 percent of the vote etc….etc….etc.
Doom and Gloom: iF CO2 has never been this high in the last 12-13k years then why did the world come OUT of the previous ice age?
Due to changes in Earth’s orbital parameters.
Doom and Gloom: . . . the cycles have us in a cold period rather than a warm period.
Milankovitch cycles predict a slight cooling trend, not the rapid warming that is occurring.
BREAKING!!!! Israeli Forces rescue four hostages held in captivity by Hamas Terrorists
Like all animal species, humans may show rare altruism but most often are selfish creatures, especially when discomfort today benefits humans a hundred years hence.
Mr Teach wants ‘others’ to stop ALL fossil fuel use today even without yet available alternatives. In fact, the US, Europe and EU have reduced their emissions, but the developing nations (China! and rest of Asia) have significantly increased theirs!
The conservative mantra is “We’ll change our behaviors when those that preach global warming change theirs!!”
It’s a lie AND an excuse.
Rimjob: The conservative mantra is… Yada Yada.

You’re a fucking liar. Stupid too.
Bwaha! Lolgf
“they” and also “you” ARE stopping their use of fossil fuels. Carbon emissions in n the USA have gone down by 25% since their peak 20 years ago. Apparently you did not notice. .the USA is leading the rest of the world into more a efficient future with less not more carbon pollution. And by doing that we are also reducing our energy costs.
Good john, so we don’t have to do anything.
The concentration of CO2 is only 0.04%. If you fall for the ppm level it is a trick as most people, especially liberals can not process it. Note, at 0.02% plants begin to die. There is zero influence of carbon.
david7134: The concentration of CO2 is only 0.04%.
Monatomic and homonuclear diatomic molecules are virtually unaffected by infrared energy; consequently, nitrogen, oxygen and argon are not greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases, those that absorb and emit infrared radiation include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone, each with its own thermal footprint. Carbon dioxide constitutes about 20% of the greenhouse effect.
Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth’s oceans would be largely frozen.
You spent a good bit of time saying nothing.
Oh, I really don’t care about opinions from grade school kids who have no idea as to what they are spouting out.
Anyone with an ounce of perspicacity would be humiliated being outsmarted by grade school kids.
I surmise the grade school kids were just trying to fill the most obvious gaps in your knowledge.
And once again you are trying to get in to a series of comments when I have kindly asked that you leave me alone.
The reason is that you lie. It is clear you don’t understand the terminology.
Why do you feel you deserve a free pass for your lies? You insult others ad libitum and think you have immunity??