How’s Biden’s Border Order Doing After A Week?

Well, NBC News tries to provide cover

After a week, has Biden’s border order had an effect? Migrant numbers are down, but there are glitches

A week after President Joe Biden signed an executive action to “suspend the entry” of immigrants who cross the border illegally, the number of migrants has fallen by 25%, but officials are still releasing some illegal border crossers inside the U.S., several Department of Homeland Security officials said.

In some areas, border agents are pushing migrants from Central America back into Mexico instead of deporting them to their home countries, as the executive action detailed, according to immigration advocates and an internal memo seen by NBC News.

Well, that’s good. Why the hell should Americans pay to send them home, especially when that home could be in China, Africa, or the Middle East?

A senior DHS official said that early numbers indicate the executive action has deterred some migrants from crossing the southern border. Illegal crossings were down from 4,000 per day last week to 3,000 per day as of Tuesday, according to Customs and Border Protection data obtained by NBC News. Biden’s executive action limiting which migrants can claim asylum went into effect at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, June 5.


But even though the action bars migrants from seeking asylum if they crossed the border illegally, the administration is still releasing illegal crossers inside the U.S. to live while they pursue asylum claims in immigration court, the DHS official said.The senior DHS official said that some migrants who have crossed illegally since last Wednesday and been released into the U.S. may be found ineligible at their asylum hearings and sent home for violating the executive action.

So, not really forcing them back. Seriously, aren’t they supposed to be sent packing immediately if their asylum claims are denied? Shouldn’t they be held till their claims are adjudicated if that’s what the law says? According to Biden’s EO they’re supposed to be put right back across the border and told to apply in another country. We’re being told that’s not happening.

The senior DHS official said it is still too early to judge the effectiveness of Biden’s new policy.

A representative of the Border Patrol union expects the decline in illegal border crossings after the executive action went into effect to be short-lived.

Can the illegals read English? Are they being notified of Brandon’s EO as they trek from other countries?

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One Response to “How’s Biden’s Border Order Doing After A Week?”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Most likely, the Biden administration is simply resorting to make-believe numbers for immigration just like they do for unemployment, inflation, Crime and everything else they do. Their reputation for lying about everything, all the time, even when the truth would be perfectly reasonable, makes it difficult to trust anything they have to say on any topic. Trust your own eyes rather than reports from the government.

    This is the cost of Democratic party control: Loss of confidence in all public institutions. Universities, Courts, Police, Industry, even bureaucratic government statistics.

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