Um, aren’t the G7 already wealthy? Of course, Germany is melting down economically, partly from allowing too many migrants from Muslim extremists nations in and their climate crisis scam laws. Of course, this is not what they are pushing
G7 to demand wealthy developing nations pay up on climate change
G7 leaders are set to call for richer developing countries such as China and Saudi Arabia to pay up for climate change, after UN negotiations failed to make progress on a new funding target to help poorer nations deal with global warming.
The move by the leaders of the richest countries of the world as they meet in Italy this week will put them on a collision course with countries including China, Saudi Arabia and India, who argue developed nations should have to pay for the effects of historical emissions.
The UN discussions in Bonn, held over two weeks and attended by hundreds of national delegates, concluded on Thursday and were marked by divisions and entrenched positions, resulting in little progress on a new deal.
The pressure to take climate action now falls on G7 leaders who are meeting in Italy. The UN has to replace the $100bn annual goal to fund poorer nations at the next UN COP29 climate summit in Baku.
A G7 draft communique, seen by the Financial Times, indicates the world’s largest economies will agree they need to provide financing for poorer nations, but will also call on states that are classed as developing but are more advanced economically to pay up.
I have an idea: all the people pushing for this should be forced to pay more out of their own pocket. Let them pony up. Let’s pass laws that restrict their use of fossil fuels, only allow bugs and veggies to be served for official functions. As a start.
Anyhow, do you actually think those “richer developing countries” will pay? LOL. Socialism is great until you run out of Other People’s money.

Brandon’s there to help.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I saw it pointed out earlier that most of the G7 chiefs of state will not be in office to fulfill any of the promises they are making at this summit. All are on the way out having already lost their offices or soon will.
Will Biden submit his “agreement” to help Ukraine for ten years ever be submitted to the Senate as a treaty? Of is this just another wishful thinking agreement that Democrats are famous for?
In the US constitution, agreements with foreign nations are called “treaties” and are not valid until ratified by the Senate. Further, no agreement to give money to a foreign nation is valid without a bill authorizing the money, originating in the House. Who does Biden think he is? A Dictator?
How about getting a refund when it turns out that we just continue to come out of the last ice age as has occurred repeatedly?
Oh, once we’re all broke, “wealthy countries” collapse and the global government is established there will no longer be any need for currency, you say?
I’m afraid alright, just not about the dreaded carbon.
We’re doomed.
Maybe we can all use carbon credits for currency.
Aside: The Saudis just decided to end the practice of trading oil for US dollars, thus ending the global hegemony of the US Dollar. If only the US government had someone in charge who cared about this, or even understood why it was important. Any idea who is really running the US government? Anyone? It seems that person or group is every bit as incompetent as Biden is, or is actively undermining American prosperity and global position.
Then the developing nations should have to pony up for their use of the technological and industrial advances the developed nations have made, saving the poorer countries much of the cost of research, development, and innovation.
LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Celebrates His Birthday at Club 47 – 6/14/24