I mean, they aren’t upset enough to give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral. Just enough to foam at the mouth
Trump Reveals the Biggest Threat Facing the U.S.
Donald Trump has been caught downplaying the threat of climate change, insisting that sea levels will only rise “one eighth of an inch” over the next 400 years.
“That basically means you will have a little more beach front property,” he said. “I really think… nuclear weapons, which I think are the single biggest threat, not global warming.”
“[Biden] goes, it’s the greatest existential threat to our country—global warming. In the meantime, you get these maniacs with nuclear weapons that can do damage, which I won’t even talk to you about. It’s the greatest. There has never been anything like it. The power of weaponry today, it will be obliteration.”
The New Abnormal team was quick to call bullshit on his bogus climate claims.
“By the way, it’s 10 to 12 inches in the next 30 years,” The New Abnormal’s co-host Andy Levy said. “That’s from the NOAA’s website, and is I think the generally agreed upon figure, not an eighth or a quarter of an inch over 400 years. 10 to 12 inches over the next 30 years, which is truly catastrophic. He’s just stupid.”
And who gets fired and loses all accreditation when this doesn’t happen? It won’t happen. The 20th Century saw an increase of 7 inches, which is exactly average for the last 8,000 years, and incorporates Holocene cool periods. A couple inches. Maybe an inch this century. Sea rise is not accelerating. But, the climate cult media will not give real facts, real data, they just go with the scaremongering.
The use of nuclear weapons is certainly a big concern, what with Biden and his pals tempting Russia to use them, and doing nothing as Iran rushes to them. I’d say that radical Islam is actually the biggest danger for the world.

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