Wasn’t it supposed to be shut down when there were that many?
Some 42,000 migrants have illegally crossed the border from Mexico in the days since President Biden’s “crackdown” took effect, The Post can reveal.
Border Patrol sources say that most of the migrants are still being given court dates and released into the US — despite the Biden Administration’s claim that the new measure would stem the flow of illegal immigrants into border towns and major cities.
“Thousands are still released by the day,” a source said.
“They get their ICE appointment and they’re gone in the wind. You think they’re going to show up when they know they don’t have a legitimate claim? Of course not.”
These are the ones we know about. But, why are they being let in?
Biden’s order restricts migrants’ access to asylum when crossings average 2,500 per day and will only be overturned after crossings average 1,500 per day for a consecutive week.
In fairness, the numbers are way down from Biden’s normal, but, this is still too many. And, we know it’s all for show, and, whether Biden wins or loses, he’ll end the order the day after the election
More Cities Feel Strain as Migrants Move In Seeking Better Prospects
The bright orange fliers from the State of Utah were blunt.
“There is no room in shelters,” the advisory warns migrants contemplating travel to Utah. “No hotels for you.”
It continues: “Housing is hard to find and expensive. Food banks are at capacity.”
Confronted with a swelling number of migrants who have strained its resources, Utah in recent days has begun urging newcomers at the border and in the United States to “consider another state.”
Many moved to Utah and other states when sanctuary cities ran out of room, and the non-sanctuary cities and states do not want them. It’s an invasion.

We all knew it was a lie in the first place.
Everything that Democrats do is a lie and everything they do is done specifically to hurt America and win elections.
Yet it was ex-president Felonious-T who ordered his puppet, Speaker (Lil) Mikie Johnson (or is it Jackson??), to torpedo the immigration bill from conservative Senator James Lankford (R-OK), not even permitting a vote!!
Done specifically to hurt America and win the election!!
Thanks, Don!
And Rimjob reminds us continually with his nonsensical drivel.

LOL get fucked, Lil Pissant!!
Mr Trump says they each are issued a pre-filled ballot for voting!!
After the election Congress will pass a workable immigration plan and Presidents Biden or Trump will sign it. Go figure.
Same old same old. It never changes.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Leftists in general are really happy living in one party systems. They’ve shown that historically. Like communism and naziism and things like that they just love that. that’s why they get along so well with Muslims Muslims are a one party system. The Democrats are trying to fix the system here so that only Democrats can get elected that’s what they’re looking for. If we don’t stop them this coming election they might just get their wish. We’re already living with their boot on our necks how would you like to live with their boot crushing our heads?
LOL, get fucked, Lil Pissant!
Wasn’t it the Greatest President Evuh, Ronald Wilson Reagan, who granted amnesty to millions of “illegals”? The Republicans had twelve years (Reagan + HW Bush) to fix immigration but failed!
Gotta luv it when Rimjob (aka SMD) talks the dirty talk.

Hit the target dead center.
Bwaha! Lolgf