Unsurprisingly, Another Poll Shows Inflation And The Economy Are Tops For Americans

Also, Americans think Kendrick Lamar won the recent viral rap feud with Drake by a nearly 4:1 margin.

Poll: ‘Inflation and Economy’ Top Priority for Americans, Abortion Last

Bidenflation“Inflation and the economy” is standing as the top priority for Americans, while abortion is coming in last, a June Cygnal survey found.

The survey asked respondents to identify their top priority, and a plurality, 27.9 percent, chose inflation and the economy as their top priority. Illegal immigration — another strong suit of former President Donald Trump — emerged as the second-most important issue, with 19.7 percent of respondents choosing that.

“Threats to democracy” came in third place, with 15.3 percent, but all other issues came in the single digits. Just 7.8 percent chose healthcare as a top priority, followed by national security (6.4 percent), climate change (5.9 percent), gun control (5.8 percent), crime and public safety (5.4 percent), and abortion (4.1 percent). Another 1.7 percent were unsure of their top priority.

Notably, a plurality of Hispanic and black respondents also chose inflation and the economy as their top priority.

Seriously, that Kendrick Lamar thing is mentioned on page 5 of the poll, but, good news for ‘climate change’: it’s not last or next to last. Bad news for Dems, gun control ranks low, but, for GOP, crime and public safety is right behind it. Bad for Democrats and Dementia Joe, the top two issues are things they’re horrible at.

Trump is also beating Biden with a favorability rating of 41.8% to 38.3%. Democrats should be very worried that Trump is at 30% for very favorable to Biden’s 20.2%. Very unfavorable is Trump 46.8% and Biden 47.9%. Those are really ugly numbers for a sitting president. Add in somewhat unfavorable and you get Trump 53.7% and Biden 58%. Sitting president. Has any been that bad? Heck, Hoover’s bad poll numbers were really over Prohibition, not the Great Depression.

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2 Responses to “Unsurprisingly, Another Poll Shows Inflation And The Economy Are Tops For Americans”

  1. SD says:

    Take everyone you know to upcoming 4th of July Parades because . . . .


  2. H says:

    Unsurprisingly another poll ( by Fox News) shows Biden ahead of Trump by 2 points.

    Looks like 2034veill be a contest between a feeble old man and a man convicted of 34 felonies ( with more still to come!)

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