Daily Archives: June 21, 2024

Hawaii Settles Suit With Climate Cult Youts

Too bad the settlement doesn’t mean things like restricting the kiddies from all fossil fueled travel Hawaii agrees to ‘groundbreaking’ settlement of youth climate change case Hawaii on Thursday agreed to take action to decarbonize its transportation system by 2045 to settle a lawsuit by 13 young people alleging the U.S. state was violating their […]

If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post noting historical warming rates dwarf current warming.

Surprise? Alvin Bragg Drops Charges Against Pro-Hamas Columbia Students

No one saw this coming, right? That the Jew hating, Hamas supporting students would pay no price for their actions Manhattan DA drops charges against Columbia University students arrested at anti-Israel protests Dozens of anti-Israel protesters who occupied and barricaded themselves in buildings on the Columbia University campus in April had their charges dropped Thursday. […]

UN Poll Says 80% Of World Wants More Government Action On Climate Doom

Ask the right people and you’ll get the answer you want 80% people want more govt action to fight climate change: UN poll A global poll of 75,000 participants published Thursday revealed that every four out of five people want stronger national commitments to addressing climate change. The survey by the U.N. Development Program, Oxford […]

Squad Member Says Covering Illegal Raping 13 Year Old Is “Fearmongering”

In Democratic Socialist World it’s absolutely no big deal for an illegal to rape a child. The GOP should be playing this comment nationwide to let people know exactly who the Democrats are Rep. Jayapal suggests coverage of migrant charged with raping NYC teen is ‘fearmongering’ Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., and MSNBC host Joy Reid […]

Pirate's Cove