Squad Member Says Covering Illegal Raping 13 Year Old Is “Fearmongering”

In Democratic Socialist World it’s absolutely no big deal for an illegal to rape a child. The GOP should be playing this comment nationwide to let people know exactly who the Democrats are

Rep. Jayapal suggests coverage of migrant charged with raping NYC teen is ‘fearmongering’

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., and MSNBC host Joy Reid on Tuesday claimed recent coverage of an Ecuadorian migrant arrested for the alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl was “fearmongering.”

25-year-old Christian Inga was charged Wednesday with assaulting the teenage girl in a New York City park. Inga is accused of tying up the girl and a 13-year-old male and stealing their cell phones before raping the girl, according to Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz.

Inga faces charges of first- and second-degree rape, first-degree sexual abuse, predatory sexual assault, second-degree kidnapping, endangering the welfare of a child, first-degree robbery and obstructing governmental administration. Katz said this week the incident struck the “very core” of society.

I think that’s part of the problem, is that you have a lot of fearmongering,” Reid said.

Exactly,” Rep. Jayapal agreed.

It’s fearmongering to be very concerned over people being unlawfully in the U.S. and then raping a minor and all the other charges. Will anyone in the Republican Party bring this up on the House floor?


(NY Post) The overwhelming majority of New Yorkers believe the ongoing migrant crisis is a serious concern — and more than half fear the Empire State is heading in the “wrong direction,” according to a poll released Thursday.

The sobering statewide survey, conducted by Siena College, found that 83% of registered voters said they believed the influx of migrants was a “serious” issue for the state.

Of those surveyed, 57% deemed the crisis — which has seen more than 203,900 migrants come through New York City since spring 2022 — “very serious,” while 26% said it was “somewhat serious.”

Split by political party, 77% of Democrats answered that the problem was “serious,” while 95% of Republicans who participated agreed that it was a tremendous issue.

Yet, most of that 77% will still vote for Democrats who created the problem, and I bet they’d vote for NYC to continue to be a sanctuary city.

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11 Responses to “Squad Member Says Covering Illegal Raping 13 Year Old Is “Fearmongering””

  1. Dana says:

    Look, the occasional rape of 13-year-old girls or murder of college girls out jogging is simply the collateral damage that we have to accept to be welcoming to the impoverished immigrants forced to cross the border simply to seek a better life in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    “I don’t think it’s fair to blame the whole program over a single slip-up.” — General ‘Buck” Turgidson

    • Professor Hale says:

      Cue Hairy to tell us that the rape and murder of children is rare, compared to the millions of illegal aliens who are not raping or murdering anyone each day, so we shouldn’t care about it.

      Want to know what is even MORE rare? Mass school shootings and murders with an AR-15.

  2. H says:

    The feminization if migrants will continue, as well as blaming Jews for using those “military aged men” to replace American workers with cheap labor. The Nazis did the same in the 1930s. You are carrying on a long and proud tradition of the conservative right wing of blaming “them’

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Seems to be that you left this communist so the ones blaming Jews for everything. You’re also siding with every Muslim organization in the world against the Jews and against Israel. We’re blaming the communist Democrats for replacing American workers with cheap illegal immigrant labor. And for the one millionth time for those of you so ******** or stupid that you cannot understand that a national socialist which is a Nazi is left wing not right wing. They believe that business and government should be joined at the hip which is what you believe they believed in a highly regulated economy which is what you believe they believe and the supremacy of certain groups over others which is what you believe. You are the modern incarnation of the Nazi but we’re being polite just to call you communists.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Your link provides too much information for the left is here too swallow. It points out the manipulation of their statistics which we point out constantly and they think we miss. But thank you Mr. Steele for the attempt to set them straight however I fear you have cast pearls before swine.

    • Jl says:

      “White House asks migrants to hold off on raping and murdering any more Americans until after the election.”
      Johnny quickly adds-“don’t worry, it’s just a small percentage….”

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    Aw c’mon it’s all about compassion, you silly White people…

    For Brandon’s “newcomers”.

    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Those silly white girls being raped and murdered is not important. Ensuring the diversity of our nation is what counts. After all E pluribus Unum stands for diversity right? We don’t wanna be united as a nation we wanna be sliced and diced by the Democrats into groups and cults and tribes so that everybody’s either an oppressor or an oppressed, A victim or a victimizer.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        If only rapes and sexual assaults in the US were rare.

        Many assaults are not reported but it’s estimated that several hundred thousand occur each year. According to the FBI there are some 150,000 rapes reported each year, with nearly 30% committed by strangers.

        The majority of sexual assault victims are women under 30 – teenagers are especially vulnerable.

        Why are conservative men (and media) only concerned when immigrants commit a rape, and would you approve an abortion for the poor child who was raped or would that be murder?

        Why does conservative media only report immigrant rapes? <<—- rhetorical question, meaning we know the answer…

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