Is this the official position of the Biden administration, which is in charge of the U.S. military? That we won’t help an ally in defeating a U.S. designated terrorist organization?
Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman: US likely unable to assist Israel in war with Hezbollah
Joint Chiefs of Staff head Charles Q. Brown warned on Monday that the US may not be able to help defend Israel against an all-out war with Hezbollah in the same way that it stepped in during the Iran drone attack in April.
Brown, a US Air Force general, also said that Iran “would be more inclined to support Hezbollah.”
While the Islamic Republic supports Hamas, General Brown said that Tehran would stand more firmly behind Hezbollah, “particularly if they felt that Hezbollah was being significantly threatened.”
Brown also said that any Israeli military offensive into Lebanon could risk triggering a broader war, putting US forces in danger. (snip)
Brown said that the US continued to warn Israel against going to war with Lebanon.
“Think about the second order of effect of any type of operation into Lebanon, and how that might play out and how it impacts not just the region, but how it impacts our forces in regions as well,” Brown reportedly said.
So Israel is supposed to just sit there and take it as a designated terrorist organization attacks Israel, particularly Jewish civilians? How would Brown feel if a terrorist organization was attacking US territory and intentionally going after civilians? Sit back and turn the other cheek? Especially a group back by Iran, an enemy of the United States? Have these military leaders forgotten about the danger of radical Islam, which attacked the US a little over two decades ago?
There’s zero chance Brown said this unless it was the official Biden position.

Isn’t that in their actual job description? That’s why they carry guns. Where does this general get the idea that risk of using military force is always going to be one sided and risk free for US forces?
Free Clue: US support to the Ukraine is “putting US forces in danger”. It is up to the national command authority to decide if that risk is worth it and how they might mitigate that risk.
Since the US military cannot be bothered to defend our own country from an invasion, I don’t see the point of continuing their massive funding (over $800 Billion this year)
Joltin’ Joe Biden is deathly afraid of the woke idiots in the Democratic Party not voting for him, but now he’s sacrificing Jewish votes.
The dummkopf from Delaware carried Pennsylvania by 80,555 votes, 3,458,229 (50.01%) to 3,377674 (48.84%), but only because he carried Philadelphia 603,790 (81.44%) to 132,740 (17.90%), a margin of 471,050 votes. Without Philly, President Trump would have carried the Keystone State 3,244,935 (52.56%) to 2,854,439 (46.23%). How many votes from American Jews can he afford to lose in our major east coast cities?
Dana, you don’t really believe that Pennsylvania gave that amount of the lead to Biden do you? You know that was all stolen and fabricated.
As I sit here in the evenings on my front stoop and listen to the gunshots emanating from Philadelphia across the river echoing through the streets of Camden another coastal towns in jersey I think of all the great stupid naggers that vote Democrat every time. And yet I know like everybody else around here knows that it’s the double and triple and quadruple votes that win the elections for the Democrats. Just like it’s the thug standing outside of the polling place with Billy clubs, the cheaters in the districts who “count” the votes and the ballot stuffers who supply the needed victory.
Major cities especially the blue ones and states especially the blue ones have not had an honest election since 1940. We’ve all lived through it we know we have all seen it. Left this like H and Elwood ignore the facts and tell us what we see with our own eyes is BS. It is what’s true is true whether they like it or not.
L’Roy my brother !!
The real estate site Redfin says that property values in Camden are to use the word of Mr Teach SKYROCKETING !
Another Zillow, days up 20% in one year under Biden economics.
How do you feel about that ?
Are the Dems really that much smarter that they can cheat all the time and never get caught? Are Republicans that stupid that they can never catch them? Who is in charge of all that cheating ? Which segment of the Dem machine could do that ? Is it the Jews? Everyone knows they are super smart and shifty, am I right?
Mr White,
If, as you claim, you see cheating with your own eyes you should report it, not complain on a blog!! Your Republic Party has been looking for evidence of cheating for 4 years!! Good citizenship requires you to step forward.
With the Dems so adept at cheating how do they ever lose?? The Republics own the US House, have a 6 to 3 far-right extremist lock on the Supreme Court, can block most things in the Senate, own the majority of state Houses and Senates and governorships. All those wins but Trump lost by getting cheated. Doesn’t add up.
The terrorist organization in Palestine is the Israeli state. The Israeli state is illegitimate. Neither the UK nor the UN had the authority to take land from the native Palestinians and to give it to the European Ashkenazi. Almost since the Balfour Declaration, Ashkenazis have been conducting genocide and ethnic cleansing against the native Palestinian Muslims and Christians. The only solution to Israeli terror gangs is to dissolve the Israeli state, replace it with a native Palestinian state, and deport the Ashkenazis back to their European homelands.
Will you also demand that the Islamic states repatriate the Jews they expelled to Israel? At the time, the Islamic states were pretty happy to have a single Jewish state they could sent their Jews to.
As long as we are using make-believe solutions, can we get the Turks to restore the Armenians to life, property and their homelands? And let’s not forget the Islamic populations of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. Shouldn’t they “go home” too?
Finally, let’s deport every alien who has entered the USA for the past 70 years, and their decedents, back to their homelands.
[…] The stench of Leftist rot just keeps growing […]
American Jews support Israel, but the current rightwing government there? Not so much
The Jerusalem Center for public Affairs (a private rightwing Israeli think tank) conducted a poll of American Jews, they found.
1/3 agreed Israel is commiting genocide in Gaza
51% agreed with Biden’s decision to hold back arms from Israel
60% thought a 2 state solution was the best for a permanent peace
During the USA wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan most people were able to distinguish between the different entities of Americans, the United States of America, and the current government then in power of the USA.
The current government in Israel is in power by a very thin majority. Many Isrseluss and American Jews do NOT support the current
Israeli government.The Israeli military has already publicly stated that Hamas cannot will not be destroyed.
There are about 140000 Jewish voters in PA more than 50% would have to switch to the rightwing candidate to have changed the outcome in PA
I don’t think that will happen. Do you?
Your hometown has a higher homicide rate than Philadelphia