Daily Archives: June 26, 2024

Denmark Passes Carbon Tax On Cows, Pigs, Sheep

What could possibly go wrong? Flatulent Cows, Sheep, and Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax in Denmark Livestock farmers in Denmark have been warned the farts and burps from their cows, sheep, and pigs will be measured and taxed from 2030, the first country in the world to do so as it targets methane emissions. AP reports the […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible, carbon polluting pool, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Jew hating, Hamas supporting Jamaal Bowman losing his primary.

Massachusetts Governor Goes To Border To Tell Them State Is Full

Funny how Democrats aren’t so excited for illegal aliens when they actually have to support, pay for, and deal with them in their own areas, eh? Gov. Maura Healey sends Massachusetts officials to southern US border with message for migrants Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey sent state officials this week to the U.S.-Mexico border with a […]

Washington Post Notes That Climate Vandalism Backfires

But, will the Washington Post actually note why? There are better ways to protest climate change than spray painting Stonehenge Last week, two climate protesters walked up to Stonehenge dousing the 5,000-year-old stone monument in a cloud of orange dye. Police eventually arrested a 73-year-old man and 21-year-old woman, members of the group Just Stop […]

Israeli Air Force Sends High Value Palestinian Islamic Jihad Target To See Allah

Oh, and it gets much, much, much better IAF airstrike eliminates key PIJ terrorist, MSF decry killing of ‘colleague’ Israel Air Force eliminated the terrorist Fadi Jihad Muhammad Al-Wadiya, Doctors Without Borders colleague and an operative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization, according to an IDF Spokesperson’s unit announcement on Tuesday evening. According to […]

Pirate's Cove