Massachusetts Governor Goes To Border To Tell Them State Is Full

Funny how Democrats aren’t so excited for illegal aliens when they actually have to support, pay for, and deal with them in their own areas, eh?

Gov. Maura Healey sends Massachusetts officials to southern US border with message for migrants

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey sent state officials this week to the U.S.-Mexico border with a message for migrant families that may be planning to come to Boston.

They plan to tell families, “Our shelters are full,” according to a statement from Mass. Emergency Assistance Director General Scott Rice.

Healey’s office said the goal is for state personnel to make connections with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Joint Task Force-North, non-governmental organizations and families to educate them about the lack of shelter availability in Massachusetts.

“This trip is an important opportunity to meet with families arriving in the U.S. and the organizations that work with them at the border to make sure they have accurate information about the lack of shelter space in Massachusetts,” said Rice.

While the state emergency shelter system is at full capacity, Healey’s administration said that record numbers of immigrant families continue to arrive in Boston.

“It is essential that we get the word out that our shelters are full so that families can plan accordingly to make sure they have a safe place to go,” Rice said.

Well, now, where does she want them to go? Not Mass., eh? Healey is a big fan of illegal immigration, just so long as they aren’t coming to Mass. Just go elsewhere.

State Sen. Peter Durant, a Republican, says the answer is to change Massachusetts’ right-to-shelter law further.

“Until you stop benefits, until you stop all of the easy flowing dollars and rooms and food, people are going to continue to come,” Durant said.

Until you stop giving them reasons to come illegally to the U.S. it will continue. Stop telling them that they’ll be taken care of. Texas governor Greg Abbott should send a whole bunch more to the capital city of Boston, dropping them off outside the “governor’s mansion”, which is technically wherever Healey resides.

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One Response to “Massachusetts Governor Goes To Border To Tell Them State Is Full”

  1. Woody says:

    Hopefully the border governors send more buses to Massachusetts.

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