Scotland Yard Raided Homes Of Just Stop Oil Wackos, Arrests Them

I’m not quite sure how I feel about this, though. I’m laughing, but, also, they hadn’t actually committed a crime yet. But, they were threatening to break the law in a criminal conspiracy, right? What do you think

Just Stop Oil: Police swoop on 27 activists suspected of summer airport chaos plot in wave of raids

Police have carried out a nationwide wave of arrests against Just Stop Oil supporters suspected of plotting to disrupt airports this summer.

The arrests took place in London, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Devon, Essex, Manchester, Surrey, Sussex, Norfolk and West Yorkshire, the Metropolitan said in a statement on Friday.

Scotland Yard said that on Tuesday four people were arrested after being identified at Gatwick Airport and have been released on bail.

It said that on Thursday six more people were arrested at an east London community centre “as part of a publicly-advertised event promoting airport disruption”.

“Among those held were several high-profile members of Just Stop Oil who we believe to be key organisers,” the force said.

And on Friday, Met officers worked with eight other police forces to arrest 17 suspects at their homes across the country.

Regardless, this is based under UK law, not U.S. law, and they were all in cahoots to commit crime, disrupting federal airports. This is my favorite part

Notice all the objects that are made with petroleum around her home. And her clothes. And her giant glasses.

(Metro UK) Suspects released on bail are subject to conditions which include not travelling within one kilometre of any UK airport unless passing by while on a mode of transport.

I’m sure they’ll violate the bail conditions.

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2 Responses to “Scotland Yard Raided Homes Of Just Stop Oil Wackos, Arrests Them”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    So they will glue themselves to the road leading to the airport. Or do their famous slow walking march.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    Just another example of people living in a civilized country, protesting against it while enjoying all the benefits of civilization. They would not be treated so civilly in many other places around the world. In China, they would disappear. In most of Africa or the Islamic world, they would be beaten with sticks on the spot, even before police arrives.

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