Who Had “State Minister Of Climate Change Performing Black Magic” In Their Climate Cult Bingo Pool?

We already have the NY Times admitting that the Maldives are not Doomed from ‘climate change’ related sea rise. Now we have

Maldives Arrests Climate Change Minister for Performing ‘Black Magic’ on President

The state minister at the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy for the Maldives, Fathimath Shamnaz Ali Saleem, was detained and suspended from her position on accusations of committing acts of “sorcery” on President Mohamed Muizzu, Maldivian outlets reported on Thursday.

The Maldivian newspaper the Edition reported on Friday that the national police service confirmed that Shamnaz and Minister at the President’s Office Adam Rameez had been suspended from those top government roles due to an ongoing investigation but did not clarify the nature of the probe. Accusations of “black magic” can result in serious legal consequences in the Maldives, an explicitly Islamist government in a majority Sunni Muslim country.

Some forms of indigenous magic practices are legal with a license, and witchcraft is not explicitly illegal but is considered a violation of Sharia, or Islamic law. Islamic leaders in the island nation have, for years, attempted to strengthen laws against sorcery, with minimal results. (snip)

Multiple reports revealed on Friday the suspension of the climate change minister, who possesses outsized power in the Maldives as an island nation that prioritizes climate alarmism as a state policy. The Indian Hindustan Times reported on Friday that Shamnaz and Rameez were two of four people arrested on charges of “black magic” — specifically, “charges of using witchcraft, reportedly to get closer to Muizzu.”

“The incident came to light on June 23, following which the four accused were remanded in custody for seven days. On Wednesday, Shamnaz was suspended as the state minister at the ministry of environment, reported local media house Sun,” the Hindustan Times reported. It noted that Rameez is known to be close to Muizzu but disappeared from the public eye nearly half a year ago.

It’s actually surprising that the Islamic nation of the Maldives even allows this climate crisis crapadoodle, but, then, it looks like it actually started as a way to get free money from 1st World Nations before morphing into full on climate cult. Which interferes with practicing Islam.

The Maldives is home to a wide variety of traditional sorcery practices, which remain popular despite the prevalence of Islam. Their coexistence has resulted in years of imams and other Islamic leaders calling for stronger laws against witchcraft, though Maldivian officials have largely abstained from outlawing the practices with blanket legislation. Some forms of occult practices, such as fanditha, or sorcery, are legal, but practitioners must obtain a government permit to participate. Others, such as sihuru, or communion with demons, are not illegal but widely frowned upon and a violation of Sharia, if not the formal legal code.

Sorcery, climate cult, what’s the difference?

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2 Responses to “Who Had “State Minister Of Climate Change Performing Black Magic” In Their Climate Cult Bingo Pool?”

  1. Dana says:

    First the Maldives banned tourists from Israel, because they were siding with the ‘Palestinians,’ and now they’re levying charges of ‘sorcery’? https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  2. Matthew says:

    None of their antics surprise me anymore, the left, worldwide, can no longer be parodied.

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