Monthly Archives: June 2024

Just Stop Oil Nutters Spray Orange On Stonehenge

Do they really think this is bringing people to their side? ???? BREAKING: Just Stop Oil Spray Stonehenge Orange ???? 2 people took action the day before Summer Solstice, demanding the incoming government sign up to a legally binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030. ???? Help us take megalithic action — […]

If All You See…

…is orange juice which will soon disappear due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on green aviation and cooking oil fraud.

Biden’s “Amnesty” For Illegal Spouses Already Looks To Face Lawsuits

If we weren’t living in a banana republic the duly elected legislative branch would be shutting down this order from Biden, and even looking to impeach Biden for violating the Constitution and his oath of office ‘Unconstitutional’: Biden’s ‘Amnesty’ Executive Order Poised For Slew Of Legal Challenges President Joe Biden announced an executive order Tuesday […]

Weird: Scotland Misses Its Climate (scam) Target

It’s strange how so many nations who were super thrilled to be part of the Paris climate accord and Do Something seem to be failing to Do Something Scotland misses another climate change target The Scottish government has missed another of its key annual targets for reducing planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. Figures for 2022 show […]

42,000 Illegals Have Crossed Border Since Biden’s Executive Order

Wasn’t it supposed to be shut down when there were that many? 42,000 migrants have crossed the border since Biden’s executive order — and thousands are still being released into the US Some 42,000 migrants have illegally crossed the border from Mexico in the days since President Biden’s “crackdown” took effect, The Post can reveal. Border […]

UN Totally Concerned About Environmental Damage From War Hamas Started

The UN always forgets about the part where Hamas started the war, just like every other time when they’ve broken the ceasefire. Perhaps the United Nations, which itself designates Hamas a terrorist organization, shouldn’t have been propping them up Gaza conflict has caused major environmental damage, UN says The conflict in Gaza has created unprecedented […]

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will rise a dozen feet soon, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post wondering who’s bankrolling the anti-Israel demonstrators.

Republicans Surprised By Number Of Arrests For Pro-Hamas Vandals

Why are they surprised? Pretty much everyone said this would happen Top Republican demands answers after WH protests yield 0 arrests; questions ‘political sympathy’ with vandals The top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee demanded answers from the Department of the Interior over its handling of violent protests that engulfed National Park […]

Utah Supreme Court To Hear Youts Climate Scam Suit

I sure hope one of the questions asked is whether the youts have given up their own use of fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral Utah Supreme Court agrees to hear teens’ climate change lawsuit The Utah Supreme Court will hear a lawsuit brought by a group of teens challenging the state’s fossil […]

Second Gentleman To Attend Pittsburgh Synagogue Memorial Groundbreaking

I’m not sure what to think of this. On one hand, it’s great that someone who is a Jew is being sent by the Biden regime for the groundbreaking. On the other hand, the 2nd gentleman is essentially a nothingburger in terms of the federal government. They are not a part of the government. Will […]

Pirate's Cove