US Military Bases in Europe Put On “Charlie” Alert

An outlier, things that just happen in this dangerous world, or, something more nefarious? Fortunately, Biden is back at Camp David, and we’ll see if he’s back Monday or it lasts longer

US military bases in Europe raise security threat levels

U.S. military bases in Europe were put on a heightened state of alert over the weekend as installations urged vigilance among their members.

At U.S. European Command headquarters in Stuttgart, the Army garrison on Sunday issued a communitywide alert that the force protection threat level was elevated to condition “Charlie” until further notice. Similar directives were sent to other bases in Germany, including the Army’s Rheinland-Pfalz and Ramstein Air Base, which together form the largest U.S. military community overseas.

The Rheinland-Pfalz garrison alert includes Baumholder and outlying installations in Romania and Bulgaria. Aviano Air Base in Italy also rose its condition level to Charlie, and other installations in Italy introduced enhanced security measures.

The Charlie threat level “applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely,” according to the Army’s website.

Charlie is the second highest threat level, going from Normal, to Alpha, to Bravo, to Charlie. Is this something serious? Is there a real threat? Is this a result of Biden being completely inept at foreign affairs, and making the world a more dangerous place? Could it have something to do with European nations letting in gobs of unvetted illegals from radical Muslim nations who have no problem in practicing their radical Muslim beliefs in EU nations, and professing their hatred of America and European nations, people, and culture?

On Saturday, Spangdahlem Air Base, an installation in rural western Germany, issued its own alert that said 52nd Fighter Wing airmen were prohibited from wearing their uniforms off base as a precaution, and must commute in civilian clothing.

There are a lot of Islamist “refugees”/illegals in western Germany. The military is providing no reasons for the security status, and, it’s a damned shame that American military members cannot wear their uniforms proudly off-base, since they provide security for the EU.

The last time the security level was 10 years ago. You know, back when Joe was picked as Obama’s VP due to his “vast foreign policy experience.”

In recent weeks, U.S. officials have been sounding the alarm on increased terrorism threats, stemming from the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel and the ongoing war in Gaza.

Perhaps Biden and EU leaders should not be equivocating on the the threat from Hamas and radical Islam.

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8 Responses to “US Military Bases in Europe Put On “Charlie” Alert”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    The end of Pride Month?

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      drowningpuppies, I think Pride Month like Black Ass Kissing Month keep going on for eternity.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        We’ve learned to expect little from the Christo-Aryans. They are so insecure that they denigrate women, Blacks, Jews, LGBTQs, Muslims, education and immigrants.

        BTW, what are the “black jobs” that Donnie mentioned the other night? He said migrants are taking “black jobs”.

  2. Dana says:

    We have a president who’s only lucid six hours a day, plus a nation with a strategic nuclear arsenal the dummkopf from Delaware seems insistent on fighting, plus the victory of the sensible party in the French elections, which has led to the Usual Suspects in France rioting, because democracy! Yeah, I can see why bases would be put on higher alert.

    SSG Pico anticipates one more deployment before retirement from the Army Reserve, and we’re both hoping she gets to go somewhere other than Kuwait — her first two deployments — but Mrs Pico also expressed, “Not Poland,” as well. Nobody wants His Senility from Scranton deciding on nuclear war.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      We had a president lucid not even 6 hours a day back when the Felon from Florida ruled! LOL.

      Since a felon can’t join our military, can one be commander-in- chief?

      An 81 year old surrounded by competent people is much less a threat to America than an amoral, narcissistic 78 year old moron surrounded by moronic sycophantic toadies.

      Covid would not have invaded if Biden had been president.

    • Professor Hale says:

      We have a president who’s only lucid six hours a day…

      That’s OK. He’s not really the president. We don’t know who really is. The Left is fine with that. Elections for them have always just been a sham to gain and hold power. The most popular guess is that this is Obama’s 4th term. (his second unconstitutional term). Other best guess is that the administrative and national security states run themselves with their deeply entrenched long term civil service. As long as elected people don’t interfere with those, they can do as they like.

      People all over the world saw the debate and are wondering “who the heck is really running the USA”. It sure as heck isn’t Biden. The fact that the usual people are all still fiercely loyal to Biden and refuse to see the self-evident truth just makes them all look incompetent and like blatant liars. Even our local Leftists still haven’t admitted that Biden should be in an old folks’ home receiving the best of care, not in the White House. Why can’t the Left just admit that Biden is not as sharp as they have been pretending and we should shift to the plan B? It is not shameful to get old. It is shameful to be stupid. The reaction of the Left, remaining so loyal to Biden, is doing real harm to their party. Even other Democrats are starting to wonder just how much of the Democratic party narrative is nothing but lies. Good luck to SSG Pico. Kuwait is an armpit. Avoid if possible.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Teach typed: The last time the security level was 10 years ago

    The actual quote from the article is, “One of the US officials, who is stationed at a base in Europe, told CNN they haven’t seen this threat level “in at least 10 years…”

    This, of course, coincides with the last time the Olympic Games were in Europe.

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