Voters In PRC To Vote On $10 Billion For Climate (scam) Action

I wonder if all the Comrades in the People’s Republik Of California who vote “yes” have given up their own use of fossil fuels and made their own lives carbon neutral?

Can California borrow $20 billion for climate and education? Voters will likely decide

climate change joke

California voters will likely decide whether to let the state borrow $20 billion to fight climate change and support schools, issues that advocates say are in need of a cash influx in light of recent budget cuts.

State lawmakers said Sunday that they reached agreements to place both a $10 billion bond to pay for climate change impacts and another $10 billion bond for school repairs.

Voter approval of borrowing is never a sure thing, even in a presidential election when turnout is high and the electorate skews more progressive. In 2020, for example, voters rejected a $15 billion schools facilities bond.

The agreements follow months of negotiating between lawmakers and climate and education advocates, who pushed for bonds after the extent of California’s dire budget picture became clear.

Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica, said the climate bond will give voters an opportunity to “support needed investments to protect our communities” and safeguard natural resources.

Obviously, no one at the Sacramento Bee asked if Allen is now traveling in an EV

Two years ago, Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers approved a $54.3 billion spending package to combat climate change. After two budget cycles, more than $9 billion has been cut from that commitment.

Has anyone asked what the hell happened to that money? What are they doing with it? And how much is going into the pockets of their donors?

If approved by the Legislature and Newsom, the bond measure would include $3.8 billion for drinking water and groundwater upgrades, $1.5 billion for forestry and wildfire programs and $1.2 billion to address rising sea levels.

Water has zero to do with climate change, regardless of natural or anthropogenic. Will the PRC take the appropriate steps to limit the wildfires, which, in most cases, were started by humans being stupid or arson? Will they clear the dead brush, enact firebreaks? You know, property wilderness management? I wouldn’t hold my breath. Sea level? The highest for the entire state is .73 feet per 100 years (San Diego), which well below what it should be for a Holocene warm period. North Spit is an outlier, and short term, especially when the next closest station, Crescent City, shows -.26 feet per 100 years.

Other issues to receive millions in funding include extreme heat mitigation, biodiversity and outdoor access for the public. The bond also stipulates that least 40% of the bond must help vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.

So, basically more taxpayer funded bribes to minorities. Funny how Democrats always think blacks and Latinos cannot survive without the helpful hand of government, eh?

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3 Responses to “Voters In PRC To Vote On $10 Billion For Climate (scam) Action”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    Just more funding for NGOs which are nothing more the public relation firms.
    They do nothing but sue oil, power, fishing and logging companies and accomplish nothing but being an expensive pain in the ass.

  2. SD says:

    Antifa Terrorists sentenced to prison time (felonies) for attacking Trump supporters! RePost

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