WWIII Watch: Zelenskyy Whines About U.S. Not Allowing Ukraine To Join NATO

Why would we?

Zelenskyy criticises US for refusing to invite Ukraine to NATO

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy feels that the present US administration’s and Republican leader Donald Trump’s position on Ukraine’s refusal to join NATO does not reflect the “policy of the world leaders.”

Source: Zelenskyy in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer‘s Trudy Rubin, as reported by European Pravda

Details: Zelenskyy added that the White House under Joe Biden is not prepared to extend an invitation to Ukraine to join the Alliance, whereas Trump claims that the war would not have occurred if NATO had not provoked it.

Quote: “Unfortunately, this is the policy of one step forward, two steps back. I don’t think this is the policy of world leaders. These are the very cautious steps of my de-miners in the minefield. If NATO is not ready to protect us, and to take us into the alliance, then we ask NATO to give us everything so we can protect ourselves,” he added.

The Ukrainian president added that “if the United States is afraid to annoy Putin” – to which he attributed NATO’s reluctance to invite Ukraine – then it should provide Kyiv with enough funding to defend itself against Russian aggression.

Well, as The Hill notes

It is time for NATO to be honest with itself and Kyiv: Membership does not lie in Ukraine’s future. President Joseph Biden has been emphatic: He is not going to start World War III to defend Ukraine. That takes membership off the table as long as Ukraine is fighting Russia. Otherwise, NATO would find itself at war with Russia from the moment it joined, as the president has also vowed to defend “every inch” of NATO territory.

Many consider the notion that NATO was considering letting Ukraine in to be a catalyst for Russia invading Ukraine, especially when Putin saw a very weak Joe Biden. But, is Zelenskyy really pushing for membership, or just more money? He and his ruling comrades, both political and business, seem to be making a lot of money off this conflict.


Ukraine war latest: Kyiv to let murderers into army; Kanye West ‘makes surprise visit to Russia’

Ukrainian convicts are being offered their freedom in exchange for their service in the war against Russian invaders – including murderers. Those convicted of rape, sexual assault, murdering two or more people, or crimes against Ukraine’s national security aren’t eligible.

This should go well.

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27 Responses to “WWIII Watch: Zelenskyy Whines About U.S. Not Allowing Ukraine To Join NATO”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Sigh. Putin (and his MAGAlackeys) used the potential invitation of Ukraine into NATO to justify the invasion of Ukraine.

    Why Putin’s US lackeys (i.e., MAGAts) give him absolute support is difficult to explain.

    Why did Putin delay his invasion until after Trump’s resounding loss? Because he wanted Trump to win! Duh!

    • Dana says:

      Senator Joseph McCarthy Mr Dowd wrote:

      Sigh. Putin (and his MAGAlackeys) used the potential invitation of Ukraine into NATO to justify the invasion of Ukraine.

      Why Putin’s US lackeys (i.e., MAGAts) give him absolute support is difficult to explain.

      I can just hear him thinking, “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?”

      For Senator McCarthy Mr Dowd, not being in favor of direct combat with the nuclear-armed Soviet Union Russia makes us, at the very least, “Lackeys” of Josef Stalin Vladimir Putin, if not actual covert agents and paid spies. Not being in favor of direct combat means we are giving Vladimir Vladimirovich our “absolute support.”

      The apparently odd idea that some of us believe that increasing the chances of nuclear war is a very bad thing appears to be outside our madcap Missourian’s paradigm.

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    “Weak” President Biden:

    “We’re going to continue to stand together with our allies in Europe and send an unmistakable message. We will defend every single inch of NATO territory with the full might of the united and galvanized NATO,” Biden said after announcing additional sanctions on Russia. “We will not fight a war against Russia in Ukraine. Direct conflict between NATO and Russia is World War III, something we must strive to prevent.”

  3. Professor Hale says:

    I don’t think this is the policy of world leaders.

    6 of the G7 “leaders” already face losing their jobs because of their “policies”. Only Melani of Italy retains strong support from her own population. The new leaders coming in this year definitely do not support continuing the war in Ukraine. Only people like Biden think killing ten thousand Ukrainian men per month is a good thing.

    Not even Zelenskyy is a Democratically elected leader. He is retaining power despite his nation’s constitution and is thus a dictator. He cancelled elections because he was going to lose. The Ukrainian people are tired of Joe Biden’s war.

  4. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    You are so mentally deranged and so psychologically damaged you even project you’re idiot MAGAT philosophy on foreign people and foreign leaders. You are staggeringly stupid. You’re so conditionally afraid of trump that even foreigners that agree with them become MAGOTs in your mind.

    You haven’t been paying attention at all. The potential invitation into NATO of the Ukraine has always been the reason for the invasion. Just like Russian missiles in Cuba we’re always the reason for the Cuban missile crisis. No great power especially a nuclear power what’s the enemy on there border with nuclear weapons.

    Why did Putin wait until after the election was stolen from trump you ask? Because he knows trump would not have invited Ukraine into NATO therefore had the election not been stolen there would have been no invasion. As usual the Democrats in America are causing more people to die. Seems to be what you guys do it’s caused people to die. From the unborn to the military from gays to blacks all you do is cause death and destruction wherever you go.

    The democrat/communist party has become so corrupt that even now knowing that Biden is in the lower end of dementia you would still vote for him in an election. That shows you how much you care about America that you’d rather have somebody with the mental capacity of a retard running the country rather than a republican patriot. You are sick, full of hate the worst kind of American there could be.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      L.G. typed: No great power, especially a nuclear power, (wants) the enemy on (their) border with nuclear weapons.

      The US/NATO has nukes all over Europe poised to drop on Russia. In France, UK, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Turkey… Russia has announced moving nukes into Belarus. Ukraine had nukes, but gave them up when they entered into a 1994 treaty with Russia, where the Russkies promised not to invade. Oh well.

      Anyone who still claims the 2020 election was stolen is unAmerican, anti-America, brainwashed, stupid, dangerous and a traitor.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Project much, fatso?

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        I hate the point this after you libtard but the debate should have proven to you who the young American anti America brainwashed stupid dangerous traders are you funked up pig.

        Once the United states started talking NATO for Ukraine anything done before that was moot. And now that your homosexual Nazi is in charge of Ukraine and is no longer an elected leader he is now evolved into a dictator he is now no better than Adolf Hitler himself. He is killing people and he’s illegitimate in his position. Wow just like Adolf Biden is. You people are also brainwashed you’ve been following a retarded idiot for the last five years. And as dumb as you are and as brainwashed as you are you’ll continue to follow the retarded idiot for another four years if you can.

        You are all such liars even now faced with the truth about what Biden is you cannot turn around and say you’re sorry you were misled. You haven’t got the moral propensity to admit when you’re wrong.

      • Dana says:

        The highly agitated Mr Dowd wrote:

        Anyone who still claims the 2020 election was stolen is unAmerican, anti-America, brainwashed, stupid, dangerous and a traitor.

        Really? Apparently our sage from St Louis holds that Wrongthink® is more than holding a different belief, but an actual crime, given that treason, something he specified, is a legally defined as a criminal act. Under 18 USC §2381, treason is punishable by a minimum of five years and up to and including death. Does Mr Dowd believe that those who believe differently from him should be executed?

        After all, he also claimed that those Wrongthinkers® are not just “unAmerican, anti-America, brainwashed, (and) stupid,” but also “dangerous.” Dangerous is defined as:

        1 – full of danger danger or risk; causing danger; danger; perilous; risky; hazardous; unsafe.
        2 – able or likely to cause physical injury:

        What ought we to infer from such a statement? Dangerous implies that something ought to be done to eliminate or mitigate a dangerous person or situation. Does Mr Dowd believe that the Wrongthinkers® ought to be arrested, detained, or that we should set up re-education camps to ‘correct’ them?

        The distinguished Mr Dowd freely and frequently exercises his First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of the press on this fine site, a site which has “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all” as its tagline, something our esteemed host allows with great latitude, but it is clear that he believes the majority of the commentariat here are Wrongthinkers®. Does he believe that the philosophical descendant of Edward Teach’s readership should mostly or wholly be apprehended by the government? Did he support the Biden Administration’s failed attempt to create the Ministry of Truth Disinformation Governance Board under the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security, to monitor and censor unapproved internet publication?

  5. Matthew says:

    “Ukrainian convicts are being offered their freedom in exchange for their service in the war against Russian invaders”

    Translation: We’ve been getting our asses handed to us so badly while misusing all military materials and kicking back all monetary assistance, that we’ve now run out of 14–18 year-old boys, 50+ year-old men and military aged women.

    • Professor Hale says:

      Early reports are that those prisoners are surrendering the first chance they get (many just run away they first chance they get). They have no intention of giving their lives for Biden’s illegal war. The Ukrainian army has formed blocking units behind front line units to catch as many “freedom-loving” men as possible. How does the Ukrainian Army have the men for such blocking units when they need prisoners to fill their front lines? Ukraine has always had a 2-tier military system of favored units and cannon-fodder units. People who are connected can serve in the “core” units that are expected to survive the war and will likely be used to suppress any Ukrainian uprisings against their oppressive and tyrannical government. Casualties have been mostly in the cannon-fodder units.

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Today’s Supreme Court ruling applies to President Biden as well as Fat Donnie.

    It sounds as if a President can do whatever they want as long as it’s an official act, i.e., for the good of the nation.

    President Biden is 81. If he has Mr Trump “neutralized” he’ll likely die before it wends its way through the courts!! It’s what right-wing hero Putin would do.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      If you could read and comprehend above sixth grade level you might find out that you are wrong!

      Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

      • david7134 says:

        It is amazing that our troll daily exhibits an inability to understand even the most simple concepts, has zero ability in logic, no knowledge of any subject. Why would somebody daily embarrass himself, but I think he is so stupid he really does not understand his display.

      • Professor Hale says:

        Also, that’s the first time the resident leftists have admitted Biden will likely not live for another year, let alone serve a 4 year term. It’s a small step. Maybe those same Leftists should be switching to telling us who Plan B is instead of telling us the answer to Biden’s total lack of fitness is “Orange man bad”.

        Note, all of us have known Biden was unfit to be president 4 years ago. Those closest to him in the Party and the press have been covering for him all this time and knowing he was unfit, just as they covered for the Hunter laptop, for Epstein island visitors, for Steel dossier, for FBI spying on the Trump administration, for CIA colluding to bring down a US president, and for the fact that the USA has been run by a shadow government at least since Biden took office. The Media and the democratic party covered for it all. That makes me wonder what else they were covering. It’s a pretty small extra step to conclude that the Democrats have probably not won a fair election in this country for decades, even in so called “Blue States”.

  7. Dana says:

    Well, of course President Zelenskyy wants NATO membership for Ukraine, because he realizes that Ukraine cannot defeat Russia without NATO troops on the ground. And he knows that once the war is over, if the Russians can get their hands on him, they’ll hang him from a lamppost.

    Ukraine has shown the ability, thanks to an inflow of Western munitions and supplies, to hold the Russians to little or no gain, but no ability to push the Russians out of the territory they already hold. This is World War I in France 110 years later! Will it last another two years, the way the Great World War did?

    France and the Allies won WW1, after Germany, fighting a two-front war, became industrially exhausted, and the public were ready for revolution. The Army arranged the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II, and Germany signed the Armistice, but France and the United Kingdom were almost as big a losers as the Germans. England was devastated economically, and France had lost much of a generation of young men in the trenches. Like France, this war is on Ukrainian soil; that’s where the damage of the war is primarily happening. If Ukraine can somehow actually win, the obvious question becomes: what will be left of Ukraine after that happens?

    It’s easy for Americans to support the war, because it’s happening thousands of miles away. Most American families do not have, as I do, a member in the United States Army, and if some American soldiers are killed in this mess, well, too bad, so sad, must suck to be them, and must suck to be their families. But, if we’re concerned about American soldiers, including our kids, dying needlessly, some brave Americans think that makes us Vladimir Putin’s “lackeys.”

    • Professor Hale says:

      Zelenskyy wants NATO membership because he was told he is supposed to want it. If he didn’t want it, there would have been no war and the Biden administration WANTED this war. Of all the things that are considered war crimes, it is somehow perfectly acceptable for the USA to start wars whenever we feel like it and our political class pays no price, not even at the ballot box. The politicians and diplomats who wished this onto Ukraine should pay for this blood they have poured out.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Mr Dana expects the United States and NATO to set foreign policy based on his understandable fear for his offspring.

      Putin lackeys in the US exist for many reasons. Some because their Master and Commander Fat Donnie does. Some because they hate America. Some like to boast that their children are in the military but understandably want them to suffer no risk. Some just do as they are told by others – a form of mass hysteria.

      If Fat Donnie was a patriotic American he would use his ample influence to force Putin out of Ukraine.

      • CarolAnn says:

        He will after January 20th 2025. Even you understand as a private citizen he has no power to do so in fact it would be illegal for him to meddle in foreign affairs. Only Democrats could do that as citizens.

  8. MrToad says:

    Did you all get a chance to check out Mrs. Zelensky’s new $4,000,000 Bugatti? It looks pretty sweet. And I bet it’s for democracy, NATO and the children…

    Am I the only one who thinks that yeah, maybe we should be auditing every dime of “aid” that goes to Big Z, his bride and the “Good Nazi’s”. I also vote “no more cluster bombs to Ukraine”.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Mr Toad fell for an obvious prank.

      No doubt ex-president tRump shared it with his devoted followers. Likely originated with Putin’s Disinformation Unit.

      BTW, why was Lil Vlad scouring the Communist nations North Korea (Lil Kim) and the Republic of Vietnam for weapons and ammo? LOL.

      And $62 million of the $200 BILLION (US+Europe) of materiel supplied is about 0.03% waste. The US military should be so efficient. (for conservatives only: One thousand millions = one Billion)

      “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” MAGAts should at least pretend to “stand for” truth.

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